
Steven Kanayok and Christine Tootoo examine a geoscience application that shows Nunavut in detail from satellite pictures. It features all kinds of Nunavut data, and school kids were very keen to see it. (Photo credit: P. Leaton)

        The Nunavut Broadband Development Corporation is a not-for-profit, federally registered corporation with a membership representing community, private sector and citizen interests.

Update February 2011

        Meet Online Business (MOB) in Beta Test Phase

In September, SSi Micro launched Meet Online Enterprise, a multi-point video conferencing service for corporations.  Since that time, they have also been developing a single-point desktop video conferencing tool that will allow businesses and organizations to conduct face-to-face meetings and provide families an affordable and reliable way to see and speak to each other.  This application is called Meet Online Business (MOB) and is currently in the beta test phase.

See for more information.

        NBDC Appoints New Executive Director and Project Manager

NBDC is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Oana Spinu as Executive Director and the awarding of a contract to Mr. Sean Rorison as Project Manager of NBDC’s Infrastructure Phase II Project.  Both successful candidates were determined as a result of an extensive 3-month selection process involving over 40 applicants from northern and southern Canada, the USA and abroad.  Ms. Spinu has been working in Nunavut for 8 years and brings to her position a background in management, new media, ICT development and government.  She joined NBDC in October 2009 as the Infrastructure Phase II Project Manager, and in June 2010 accepted the added responsibility of Acting Executive Director to assist NBDC through a management transition phase.  Mr. Rorison’s background combines a Masters degree in Business Administration with extensive knowledge in IT and management.  He has recently moved to Nunavut from Vancouver.

Ms. Spinu and Mr. Rorison are based in Iqaluit.  See for more information.

Check out the QINIQ videos. Download here!

Produced by a local Iqaluit firm, Inuit Communications Systems Limited, these new 2 minute vignettes tell the story of why broadband is so important in Nunavut.

Our Mission

The Nunavut Broadband Development Corporation aims to bring affordable, high speed access to the Internet (broadband) to Nunavummiut in all 25 Nunavut communities by supporting local businesses to deliver broadband and related services. Our focus is to bring broadband services to citizens, municipalities, Inuit organizations, businesses, and others not currently served by the Governments of Nunavut and Canada.





Last Update: March 29, 2011