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Military Wireless Systems

With the military's requirement for reliable, robust and ubiquitous tactical communications, CRC is strengthening its relationship with DND. There is a growing requirement to provide strategic information in a mobile battlefield environment, demanding higher bandwidth radio communications systems to enhance command and control capabilities. To address this need, research is being conducted into techniques to enhance communications channel capacity through exploitation of advances in digital signal processing. This includes R&D; into modulation techniques, adaptive antenna beamforming and receiving systems and diversity techniques. Frequency bands of interest range from HF to SHF.

The R&D; also addresses the exploitation and adaptation of civilian standards and technologies for military use, including investigation of next generation wireless mobile and personal communications technologies. The "dual use" approach being adopted by the military means CRC's military communications research can more readily be transferred to the civilian domain and vice versa.

Further Information:

Joe Schlesak
Radio Communications Technologies
Tel: (613) 998-2249
Fax: (613) 990-7987