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Radio Communications Technologies

CRC undertakes R&D; in terrestrial wireless communications technologies and systems, primarily in the area of adaptive signal processing for increased spectrum efficiency and capacity, higher data rates for mobile communications, and improved spectrum-monitoring capabilities.

The major focus is on the development of signal processing techniques and strategies to support high-data-rate communications to mobile users in the HF, VHF/UHF and microwave frequency bands. Adaptive antenna-array transmitting/receiving techniques such as space-time coding, are being investigated, exploiting advances in processing power and decreasing cost of processors. Work includes signal design and advanced modulation and adaptive equalization techniques.

In the area of radio communications monitoring, R&D; is conducted in radio signature analysis for transmitter identification, and in approaches to improve accuracy of radio geo-location techniques.

A key research activity is radio channel characterization, modeling simulation, conducted to provide accurate knowledge of the radio channel for the development of effective communications signal processing techniques

Further Information:

Joe Schlesak
Radio Communications Technologies
Tel: (613) 998-2249
Fax: (613) 990-7987