Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Aerial Surveillance Patrols Curb Illegal Fishing in North Pacific

August 9, 2007

VANCOUVER, B.C. – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) fishery officers aboard a Canadian Air Force Aurora long-range aircraft carried out patrols in June to deter illegal, unregulated or unreported (IUU) fishing in the North Pacific. The flight was the first of a series of activities planned for this year by DFO, which, working together with Japan, Korea, China, Russia and the United States, has developed an integrated patrol plan to monitor the North Pacific this season.

"IUU fishing is a global problem that demands global action," said the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. "Protecting the fisheries resource, and stopping illegal fishing activity in the North Pacific, is a shared responsibility."

In addition to DFO fishery officers and its Canadian Air Force crew, the 407 Maritime Patrol Squadron aircraft, based out of 19 Wing Comox, carried fishery enforcement agents from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Canadian and U.S. officers flew aboard the aircraft to positively identify IUU fishing activities and to facilitate coordination of follow-up actions that might be required to enforce international fishery law.

Flying out of Shemya Island, Alaska, the officers were part of a joint DFO-Department of National Defence (DND) operation named Operation Driftnet, in search of IUU fishing activity, in particular high seas driftnet (HSDN) fishing. HSDN vessels target species such as salmon, albacore and flying squid with nets extending up to 40 kilometres in length. In addition to the fish they harvest illegally, there is often a significant by-catch of other species, including seabirds and marine mammals. Driftnets lost at-sea often continue to fish for years in a phenomenon known as "ghost fishing", further depleting valuable fish stocks.

During this recent patrol, three vessels of interest were sighted in the eastern Pacific. The sighting information has been shared with the international community. Russian officials have confirmed that one of the vessels was properly licensed and was carrying out scientific research; the remaining two vessels are still under investigation.

Operation Driftnet patrols began in 1993 after the United Nations imposed a moratorium on large-scale HSDN fishing and banned nets over 2.5 kilometres in length. Originally there were four Pacific nations involved (the United States, Russia, Japan and Canada); then South Korea joined in 2003; and China became involved in 2006.

The Government of Canada continues to protect vulnerable fish stocks in the open ocean. Due in part to information gathered by the patrols, 59 vessels have so far been implicated in IUU fishing. In 2006 alone, Aurora patrols spotted more than 20 squid jiggers fishing with illegal nets. A number of these incidents remain under investigation, however, China apprehended one vessel. The company was fined, the vessel forfeited, and the captain has had his fishing privileges suspended.

Monitoring and surveillance is an important part of Canada's strategy to combat illegal fishing activities on the high seas. The strategy also features enhanced diplomatic and advocacy activities, and working in cooperation with international partners to improve the way high seas fisheries are managed internationally.




Michelle Imbeau
Communications Advisor
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Pacific Region




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    Last updated: 2007-08-09

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