Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Canada's New Government Invests in Safety for the Cornwall (Marina 200) Harbour Facility

March 28, 2007

CORNWALL, ONTARIO -- Guy Lauzon, Member of Parliament for Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry, announced today on behalf of the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), that Canada’s New Government will invest in safety-related repair work to the west wharf structure at the Small Craft Harbours recreational harbour facility in Cornwall, Ontario.

"The harbour is of great importance to the community in Cornwall," said Mr. Lauzon. "Federal funding assistance demonstrates the government’s commitment to address safety requirements at the harbour facility."

The safety-related repair work to the west wharf structure is currently under way and consists of removing all of the existing decking as well as the deteriorated wood support structure and frame, and assembling a new wooden support structure that will be anchored further up the west bank. Small Craft Harbours’ participation in this project will mainly consist of the purchase of materials for the repair work which will be completed prior to the upcoming boating season.

This project is being undertaken by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Small Craft Harbours Program in collaboration with the City of Cornwall, which manages and operates the facility for the benefit of local users.

For further information on this project or the Small Craft Harbours program:




Carol Bond
Communications Officer
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Central and Arctic Region
Sarnia, Ontario



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    Last updated: 2007-03-28

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