Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Canada’s New Government Contributes $500,000 to Help Developing Nations Monitor and Control their Fishing Vessels

April 25, 2007

OTTAWA – The Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced that Canada’s new government has provided $500,000 to the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement Part VII Assistance Fund.

"Canada is proud to have made the largest contribution to a fund designed to help developing countries meet international standards for fishing," said Minister Hearn. "This is an important way that we can protect high seas fish stocks for the future benefit of Canadians and other fishing nations."

The UN Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFA) Assistance Fund is a way for developed countries to meet their commitments to help developing countries implement the requirements of this UN Agreement. It is also a way for developing countries to become stronger partners in international efforts to manage fisheries responsibly.

Through the Fund, developing countries can build capacity and receive technical assistance to improve the monitoring, control and surveillance of their fishing vessels. They can also use the fund to build their scientific capacity, and to modernize the way they manage fisheries and oceans. These tools are effective at preventing and deterring those fishers who engage in illegal fishing activities. They are also effective tools to ensure healthy oceans ecosystems worldwide.

"Canada is working hard to deal with the global problem of overfishing and depleted fish stocks, "said Minister Hearn. "An important part of our efforts is encouraging more countries to sign up to international agreements that outline how the world can better manage fisheries and oceans.

"This is especially important for developing countries that depend on fisheries resources for food security and economic development."

UNFA was created to ensure the conservation and proper international management of highly migratory and straddling fish stocks on the high seas. The agreement outlines obligations for fisheries management that apply to both fishing nations and regional fisheries management organizations. For instance, it calls for the precautionary approach to be used when setting fishing quotas. It also requires fisheries management regimes to respect the health and sustainability of oceans ecosystems. In addition, the agreement obliges fishing nations to control the activities of their fishing vessels on the high seas.

For more information:




Sophie Galarneau
Media Relations Manager
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Steve Outhouse
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada



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    Last updated: 2007-04-25

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