Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Canada’s New Government Protects B.C. Rockfish and Lingcod Coastwide

April 12, 2007

VICTORIA, B.C. – Randy Kamp, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), announced today on behalf of the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, that all 164 of the planned Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCAs) are now in effect.

"The establishment of these RCAs is a fine example of how our new government is working with Canadians to keep our oceans healthy, productive and sustainable," said Mr. Kamp. "This conservation measure will help to protect rockfish and lingcod for future generations."

Rockfish are susceptible to overfishing since they rarely survive after being caught and released. To protect and conserve both inshore rockfish and lingcod, as well as their habitat, DFO has established RCAs along the coast of British Columbia. RCAs eliminate rockfish and lingcod mortality related to fishing activity within the RCA boundaries.

RCAs apply to both recreational and commercial fishers. Fishing activities that impact on rockfish or lingcod, or their habitat, including fisheries that result in the bycatch of these species, are prohibited in an RCA (see backgrounder for list of permitted fishing activities).

Since 2005, through extensive consultations with First Nations, recreational and commercial fishers, conservation groups and other interested parties, the number of RCAs has been increased from 102 to 164 as of February 1, 2007. The consultations focused on revising some of the established RCAs and developing 62 new RCAs. It is anticipated that RCAs will be in place for a number of years to allow stocks to rebuild. Many of the RCAs are located in the Strait of Georgia, where science indicates that stock declines have been most apparent.

To view the RCAs or read the descriptions of these areas, visit DFO’s website at or check with your local DFO office for more information. RCA maps and descriptions are also available on compact disc (CD).

In 2002, DFO initiated a strategy to halt population declines and allow inshore rockfish and lingcod stocks an opportunity to rebuild. This strategy is based on four specific conservation measures:

  • a reduced total harvest of inshore rockfish and lingcod;
  • the establishment of areas for the protection of inshore rockfish where fishing will be restricted (RCAs);
  • improvement of catch monitoring; and
  • establishment of a stock assessment framework for both lingcod and inshore rockfish.

DFO is committed to the maintenance of sustainable fisheries resources and habitats, and to the development of ecologically sustainable and economically viable fisheries. Unauthorized fishing activity jeopardizes the resource. The Department asks for assistance in reporting potential violations. Please call the toll-free, 24-hour Observe, Record, Report telephone reporting line at 1-800-465-4336.

Permitted Fishing Activity in Rockfish Conservation Areas




Michelle Imbeau
Communications Advisor
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Region




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    Last updated: 2007-04-12

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