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Industrial Security Advisory Board
Thursday, March 29, 2007
9:30 - 12:00
2745 Iris Street, 1st Floor Boardroom

Industry Associations

  • Ron Kane
    Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)

  • Marv Sywyk
    Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA)

  • Paul Gillissie
    Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services (ACSESS)

  • Joanne Stanley
    Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) (until 11:15)

  • Stan Jacobson
    Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI)

  • Mike O'Neil
    Canadian Business Information Network (CABiNET)

  • Michael Atkinson
    Canadian Construction Association (CCA)

  • Bill Munson
    Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)

  • Marie Thibodeau
    Facility Operations and Maintenance Association of Canada (FOMAC)

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)
Industrial Security Sector (ISS)

  • Ovila Robichaud
    A/Director General

  • Albert Bissonnette (replaced by Yves Lafleur item #3 until meeting end)
    A/Director, Canadian and International Industrial Security Directorate (CIISD)

  • Peter Hull (replaced by Michel Genest item #3 until meeting end)
    Director, Controlled Goods Directorate (CGD)

  • Cynthia Armstrong
    Director, Program Harmonization and Services Directorate (PHSD)

  • Michelle Tardif
    Manager, Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement, PHSD (ISAB-GISAB Secretariat)


  • Richard Goodfellow
    Manager, Project Delivery Services Division, Professional Services Procurement Directorate

Government Industrial Security Advisory Board

  • Helen Brown
    Canadian Security Intelligence Service

  • Robert Lanthier
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  • Farryl Loney
    Treasury Board Secretariat


  • Marni Dicker
    Facility Operations and Maintenance Association of Canada (FOMAC)

  • Vlada Shilina
    Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)

  • Michel Boulet
    Manager, Registration and Outreach Division, CIISD

  • Marc Charron
    Manager, Policy Research and Risk Management Division, PHSD

  • Karyn Clost
    Manager, Business Systems Operations Division, PHSD

  • Tita Cochrane
    Manager, Canadian and International Industrial Security, Visits Division, CIISD

  • Pierre Gagne
    Manager, Registration and Outreach Division, CGD

  • Michel Genest
    Manager, Inspections and Investigations Division, CGD

  • Yves Lafleur
    Manager, Personnel Security Screening Division, CGD

  • Diane Lewis
    Manager, Management and Best Practices, CGD

1. Introduction

Albert Bissonnette introduced Ovila Robichaud, A/Director General of the Industrial Security Sector and provided some biographical details.

Ovila Robichaud welcomed members to the meeting and expressed his views regarding the importance of the committee. He indicated that ISS continues to take industry concerns seriously and he is intent on building on the efforts of this committee to strengthen relationships between government and industry. He advised members that he will be arranging one-on-one meetings with ISAB industry members in the next month to get a more in-depth knowledge of their specific issues and concerns. Action: Ovila Robichaud

2. Update on Initiatives (part I)

  • Controlled Goods

    Tracking Report

    1.5 E-Learning - The first module of the E-learning initiative will be available in April. CGD will be ensuring that the Controlled Goods Working Group will have the opportunity to review and comment prior to its release.

  • 1.8 Government Security Map - A draft listing of "Who's Who" in the government industrial security community has been prepared and will be circulated to those on the list to ensure they are the most appropriate points of contact for their respective organizations, and that they agree to being included in proposed electronic posting. Action: Peter Hull; Michelle Tardif

  • Controlled Goods Working Group - Noting that the second meeting of the Controlled Goods Working Group (CGWG) occurred on January 17, Peter provided the following update regarding its activities:

    CGD Registered Persons Search site: One of the main items being worked on by the CGWG is the web listing of registered companies. Considering several associations refer to the listing on a regular basis, the Working Group will recommend that the list be retained, but with some modifications to minimize any risk that may accrue to the Crown if listed information is misused. Chief among the modifications being considered is an amendment to the existing Controlled Goods Registration Application that will offer inclusion on the electronic listing to registrants on a voluntary basis. Information regarding the usefulness of inclusion on the electronic listing of CG registrants will be requested from interested ISAB members for apprising prospective Controlled Goods registrants.

    Designated Officials: The CGWG will be considering developing a letter for the signature of designated officials and/or other responsible company officials to document formal acknowledgement by them, of their responsibilities under the Defence Production Act and the Controlled Goods Regulations.

    References: To provide greater program rigor, the CGWG will also develop a position paper for ISAB decision regarding the usefulness and best practices for conducting required reference checks.

  • Canadian and International Industrial Security

    Tracking Report

    1.3 Results of Industry Survey - Albert indicated that he has been meeting with Company Security Officers and other officials to find out what countries they plan on doing business with over the next 5 years. This will help the directorate determine where new agreements should be pursued.

    1.6 Improved Access to Government Information - Albert distributed a list of Qs and As to members and noted they would be added to our website. He confirmed that these will be circulated electronically and asked members to advise whether they are pertinent and if they would be useful on their own websites.

    Pooling - Albert indicated that discussions had been held with union officials and we are confirming with our Legal Services whether these groups can act as an "organization" or "association" and request/verify security clearances. This merged into a discussion raised by industry (Mike O'Neil) regarding progress to eliminate the need to duplicate clearances that created increased workload demands on industry. Helen Brown noted that the Strategic Steering Committee - Security, which includes membership from ISS, RCMP and CSIS is looking at this issue along with others that may provide for more transferability and simplified access.

  • Contract Security Working Group - The next meeting will be scheduled for May.

3. General Administration

Approval of Minutes

ISAB approved the Minutes of the October 5, 2006 Joint ISAB/GISAB with two editorial changes and one content change (in relation to status of RCMP qualification grid). Action: Michelle Tardif - completed: see link attached.

Meeting with U.S.

Ovila advised that ISS will determine by April 4th whether it will be hosting a meeting with the U.S. in May or in October. Action: Ovila Robichaud - completed; ISS will host this meeting in October.

4. Clearance Process

Government Security Policy - Treasury Board Secretariat

Farryl Loney provided an overview of the Government Security Policy and identified departmental responsibilities under the GSP. He highlighted requirements for safeguarding personnel and assets and for ensuring continuity of operations. He indicated that the GSP has been undergoing significant modification in line with the TB Policy Suite Renewal (whose goal is to decrease the number of policies by 50%) and that, once re-issued, supporting directives, standards and guidelines will be promulgated. He noted that work on the directives and standards is proceeding and they should be ready to be issued/promulgated shortly after approval of the policy by the Treasury Board.

Personnel Security Clearances - Industrial Security Sector

Yves Lafleur provided information on the roles and responsibilities of PWGSC, CSIS and the RCMP in processing security clearances. He noted PWGSC is responsible for processing, granting and denying personnel security clearances. His presentation included process charts identifying the timing for each element of the security clearance process and highlighting where "avoidable" delays occur in the process. All members were encouraged to share this information and "tips" with their membership so that companies can act proactively to prevent some of these delays in the future.

Loyalty Determinations - Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

Helen Brown provided highlights on CSIS' involvement in the screening process and identified the length of time it can take to obtain information and confirm loyalty. She offered three main tips that can help alleviate workload pressures on CSIS and help them ensure that their resources are being used for needed activities only.

  1. CSIS should be advised immediately of instances where a requested loyalty check is no longer required;
  2. Companies should ensure that the person in fact requires the level of clearance being requested.
  3. Forms should be filled out completely and accurately and contain the required signatures on consent forms.

Fingerprint and Criminal Records Name checks - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Chief Superintendent Robert Lanthier provided an overview of the timing for obtaining criminal record name checks and fingerprint checks. He identified the users of the RCMP's services including industry, provinces, etc.


Farryl noted that TBS is examining the issue of redress mechanisms regarding denials, e.g., Security and Intelligence Review Committee and the importance of ensuring that reference checks are conducted and that appropriate denials of Reliability Screening are done in order to avoid larger issues. Yves Lafleur added to this point outlining the clearance process in ISS, i.e., if the individual's name is a "hit", a Resolution of Doubt interview is held. If that interview is not satisfactory the following transpires:

  • Reliability status - a denial letter, identifying recourse options, is signed by the Director then sent to the CSO and the individual.
  • Security clearance - a denial letter, identifying recourse options, is signed by the Deputy Minister then sent to the CSO and the individual.

5. Update on Initiatives (part II)

The Update on Initiatives continued as Cynthia Armstrong identified progress against ISS Tracking Report business transformation-related activities.

Tracking Report

  • 1.1a On-line Inquiry Service - Cynthia indicated that the prototype has been developed and the application is currently undergoing final testing. Once the new hardware is in place, a planned roll out will take place with pilot users. Members asked if they could add additional members to the pilot. They should contact Cynthia or Karyn Clost if they wish to participate.

  • 1.1b Pooling of Government Security Clearances - The concept of pooling has a number of definitions, from a pool that can be accessed by anyone to "portability" (the ability of an individual to move from one organization to another with the security clearance in tact.) This initiative has been the subject of discussions with Acquisitions Branch, Access to Information and Privacy officials. Both organizations consider that there are significant issues and we expect to hear that we will not be permitted to pursue this initiative.

6. Round Table

CADSI: Stan Jacobson noted that there are very high expectations by industry related to on-line training.
CCA: Mike Atkinson indicated that CCA members are concerned with post-award FSCs. This item will be added to the next ISAB Agenda with Acquisitions Branch to provide input. An e-mail will be prepared on what we can we do to ensure that the procurement officers have a basic knowledge or training relating to security. Action: Michelle Tardif
AIAC: Ron Kane noted portability remains an issue as well as the developments on ITARs (e.g., unclassified non-technical data).
Acquisitions Branch: Richard Goodfellow discussed concerns regarding DND clearances as well as the availability of Standing Offers for Security Guard Services. Action: Albert Bissonnette; Yves Lafleur; Richard Goodfellow to discuss further.

Next Meeting

Thursday, June 14, 2007
9:30 - 12:00

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Maintained by the ISS
Last Updated: 2007-05-22