Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Minister's Statement

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Celebrating Our Oceans

June 8, 2007

Every year, on June 8, the world focuses on the importance of our world’s oceans. Today, the 15th annual Oceans Day, I encourage you to celebrate our oceans.

As a maritime nation built on the fishery, we must do what we can to protect our water.

Ten years ago, the Oceans Act was enacted creating a new and innovative way for our nation to manage its oceans. A lot of things have happened since then.

We’ve improved our scientific knowledge of our three oceans and are working with our partners to set clear conservation objectives which respect the needs of all users.

We’ve designated six Marine Protected Areas (MPA) to ensure that special places in Canada’s oceans are protected for future generations. The most recent area designated was the Musquash Estuary on the Bay of Fundy. And we’re not done yet.

Last week, we announced an agreement with the Council of the Haida Nation to work together on the planning and management of the Bowie Seamount, a proposed MPA on the West Coast.

Implementation plans are already under way to support the Gilbert Bay and Eastport MPAs. Work is also being planned to develop a national MPA network in Canada’s three oceans.

In the Budget, Canada’s New Government announced a new National Water Strategy to ensure that our water is safe and clean, and that the sustainable development of our oceans is done responsibly.

This year’s Oceans Day theme is Rivers to Oceans, and is intended to increase our understanding of both freshwater and saltwater environments.

As Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, I encourage all Canadians to celebrate Oceans Day by remembering and respecting the nourishing and life-giving properties of water all around you.

The Honourable Loyola Hearn
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans


FOr more Information:

Steve Outhouse
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
Fisheries and Oceans Canada



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    Last updated: 2007-06-08

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