Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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Details of Projects at Seven Fishing Harbours in Nova Scotia

July 2007

The main armourstone breakwater at Meteghan has settled in some areas allowing storm waves to over-top the breakwater during high tide storm conditions. Project work this year will reinforce the breakwater by adding additional armourstone to raise its height and stop over-topping by waves during westerly storms. The completed work will provide a safe, protected harbour for fishing vessels, particularly important during storm conditions.

Sandford is the site of a project to dredge the approach channel as harbour users, especially the larger lobster vessels, are experiencing problems entering the harbour through the shallow channel. Dredging will remove approximately 4,500 cubic metres of material, deepening the entrance channel and much improving safety and efficiency at Sandford.

The floating wharves at Yarmouth Bar have limited use due to shallow water. Dredging will remove an estimated 10,000 cubic metres of material from the basin and entrance channel. When completed, the harbour will be able to accommodate current users more safely and also accept additional fishers who are requesting berthage.

Also the site of a dredging project, Pinkneys Point has slowly infilled over the years. The infilling has created a berthage problem and larger vessels are grounding out inside the basin and at the basin entrance during low tide. The project consists of redredging the berthage basin, entrance channel and the north side of the wharf.

Little River Harbour (Yarmouth County) is a busy facility that needs improved protection from wave action during bad weather conditions as well as increased use of the wharf for loading, unloading and berthage. The project involves construction of a 75-metre breakwater extending out from the shore as well as dredging on the north side of the wharf. The two-year project will start this season with planning, environmental and project design work. Construction is scheduled for early next year.

Vessels using the harbour at Wedge Point have increased in both number and size over the last decade. Every vessel needs to ground-out, at least once a year, in order to do repairs or inspections below the low water line. A new and bigger block and span support structure is required to safely accommodate these larger vessels. Work will involve construction of a cribwork block and span structure adjacent to the haul-out slipway. Also, the installation of a concrete pad on the opposite side of the structure will double its capacity, further improving the efficiency of harbour operations.

Dennis Point will be the site this year of advance planning, environmental review and project design for possible future dredging and harbour development work.


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    Last updated: 2007-07-17

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