Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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september 2007

Southern Harbour - Harbour development consisting of armourstone breakwater construction, wharf construction, and upland property development will be proceeding at this large and busy fishing harbour. This multi-year project will provide much needed berthage capacity for the fishing. Upon completion, an old deteriorated wharf within the harbour will be removed.

Harbour Grace - A project to extend electrical service to a recently constructed finger pier wharf will occur at this harbour. Project completion is expected this year.

Holyrood - The wharf facilities at North Arm are no longer safe for Fish Harvesters to use and require reconstruction. A multi-year wharf reconstruction project will begin this year with completion scheduled for 2008.

Jerseyside - The marginal wharf has deteriorated over time and now requires major maintenance. A project to repair the wharf will be completed in 2007.

Long Cove - The approach channel has experienced infilling which poses a safety concern for vessels that frequent this harbour. To ensure safe access for harbour users, a project to redredge the main channel will take place this year.

Old Perlican - This harbour requires upgrading to accommodate an increase in large vessel activity. A basin dredging project will be undertaken to ensure safe access within the harbour for these vessels. Once the dredging has been completed, a wharf construction project will commence to provide the additional berthage required.

St. Bride’s - A harbour development project consisting of basin dredging and wharf construction will commence in 2007.

Also, other important ongoing projects will be completed this year including wharf construction at Bay De Verde,an electrical system upgrade at Foxtrap and a wharf repair project at Arnold’s Cove.


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    Last updated: 2007-09-05

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