Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

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The Musquash Estuary Marine Protected Area

march 7, 2007

Musquash Estuary is located on the Bay of Fundy, approximately 20 kilometres southwest of the city of Saint John, New Brunswick. The Musquash ecosystem provides a rich habitat for a variety of commercial and non-commercial fisheries and wildlife. The Musquash Estuary is highly valued by local residents, government agencies, and conservation organizations in the region.

The Musquash coastal area is unique among estuaries in the Bay of Fundy, given its large size and relatively undisturbed condition. Studies have identified it as one of the last ecologically intact estuaries in a region where most of the original salt marshes have been modified by human activities. To this day, the Musquash Estuary remains an area of high biological productivity with a variety of coastal habitats, and is an outstanding example of a fully functioning estuary and salt marsh complex.

Estuaries such as Musquash are found where freshwater rivers meet saltwater. Conditions produced by tidal mixing support a large variety of species, making estuaries among the most important and highly productive ecosystems in coastal waters. However, many estuaries and salt marshes are being lost due to human activities.

The Province of New Brunswick worked jointly with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to develop a framework to manage the estuary and salt marsh. Formal Marine Protected Area (MPA) designation complements the substantial efforts already taken by local conservation organizations to protect the coastal lands surrounding the estuary, including initiatives by the Province of New Brunswick, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and local universities.

Musquash was originally proposed as an MPA in 1998 by the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and the Fundy North Fishermen’s Association. On February 8, 2000, DFO announced Musquash as an MPA Area of Interest under Canada’s Oceans Act. The Musquash Estuary Advisory Committee, consisting of federal and provincial agencies, First Nations organizations, industry, environmental organizations, and community interests was established in 2002 to facilitate stakeholder dialogue and action. The MPA is designed to protect the integrity of this ecosystem and maintain natural biological diversity of the Musquash Estuary and the surrounding salt marshes to ensure its long-term sustainable use.


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    Last updated: 2007-03-07

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