Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Opening Statement Operations and Expenditures Committee November 23rd 2004

  • I am pleased to be here today to address questions on the Main Estimates, 2004-05 for the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General.
  • The Office is a government agency whose mandate is to support the Governor General in the carrying out of her or his traditional and constitutional roles and responsibilities. The Office receives its funding, through the Appropriations Act and with Parliamentary approval, in the same manner as all other government departments.
  • 2004-05 Main Estimates for the Office can be summarized in three areas of activity:
    1. $14.5 M which includes the Governor General's salary ($110,000 annually which is approximately the equivalent to a taxable salary of $170,000) and the Governor General's annual program such as constitutional and traditional activities, a visitor and outreach program at Rideau Hall and the Citadelle, activities to promote citizen engagement in communities across Canada, and an international program undertaken at the request of the Government (such as the Governor General's 2004 participation in commemorations in France and Italy in honour of our veterans);
    2. $3.9 M for the administration and implementation of the National Honours system and the Canadian Heraldic Authority; and
    3. $690,000 for the former Governors General program which provides funding for pensions and operating expenses for former Governors General.

Allow me to give you an example of the type of specific costs involved in these programs:

The budget for the Visitor Services/Outreach Program for the current fiscal year is $1.2 Million. The objective is to promote an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Governor General and the history of our democracy through school visits, historical exhibitions and guided tours. Visitors to Rideau Hall and La Citadelle number on average 200,000 annually and surveys conducted indicate that 82% of visitors leave with an increased understanding of our country.

  • I would refer members of the Committee to the attached Annexes for a fuller description of the roles and responsibilities of the Governor General and her programs, including the Honours system.
  • To ensure transparency and accountability to Canadians, the Office has undertaken a number of measures:
    • we have re-structured the Office to streamline corporate administration and improve our strategic planning capacity;
    • we have initiated the development of an annual report to Canadians which will be posted on our web site in the spring of 2005;
    • we are complying with government wide policies that include pro-active disclosure of all hospitality and travel reports for public servants, reclassification postings and contracts over $10,000; and
    • we are actively participating in the 5% government-wide expenditure re-allocation exercise, that will commence in the fiscal year 2005-2006.
  • We continue to work closely with other government departments to ensure that we share and make public information regarding all expenditures in support of the Governor General. Please refer to Annex D for details.

Mr. Chairman, I would be pleased to take any questions Committee members may have.

Created: 2005-09-27
Updated: 2005-12-06
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