Department of Finance
Symbol of the Government of Canada

A Safer Canada


Budget 2007 proposes measures to enhance security here in Canada and ensure our country plays an even more effective leadership role in the world.

Public Security

Canadians want to live in safe and secure communities. Budget 2007 proposes important measures to help prevent crime and ensure public safety, including:

  • $64 million over two years to establish a new National Anti-Drug Strategy to crack down on gangs, grow-ops and methamphetamine labs, prevent illicit drug use and treat illicit drug dependency.
  • $14 million over two years to combat the criminal use of firearms.
  • $6 million a year to combat the sexual exploitation of children and human trafficking.
  • $80 million over two years to help the Canadian Security Intelligence Service protect our national security.
  • $102 million over two years to the Correctional Service of Canada to meet its key requirements, including infrastructure, offender programs and staff training.
  • Support for the RCMP to tackle white-collar crime.
Making First Responders Safer
  • Canada’s first responders, including firefighters, police, paramedics and utility workers, must have the training they need to safely and effectively respond to emergencies, including chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear emergencies.
  • Budget 2007 provides $2 million over two years to help implement a hazardous materials training plan that would be available to all first responders.


In Budget 2006, Canada’s New Government committed to invest $5.3 billion over five years in the Canadian Forces to implement the Canada First defence plan. The Government will continue to support the development of Canada’s multi-role, combat-capable defence force and improve compensation to military personnel. Canada’s New Government will:

  • Accelerate the implementation of the Canada First defence plan, under which the Canadian Forces will receive $3.1 billion over the next three years.
  • Provide $60 million a year to ensure the environmental allowances provided to soldiers serving in Army field units are in line with those provided to Navy and Air Force personnel.
  • Appoint a Veterans’ Ombudsman to ensure that services for veterans meet the standards they deserve.
  • Provide $19 million in 2007–08 and $20 million per year thereafter to help the Department of Veterans Affairs improve services to veterans.
  • Invest $10 million a year to establish five new Operational Stress Injury Clinics across Canada to help military personnel and their families deal with stress injuries.
Helping Veterans
  • Until recently, Canadian Forces members injured in military operations such as Afghanistan stopped receiving "danger pay" when they were evacuated home.
  • A new allowance provides the equivalent to danger pay. This ensures soldiers do not suffer financially when they are injured while on military operations.

International Assistance

As Canadians, we take pride in our role in reducing global poverty and aiding international peace and security. Budget 2006 committed to doubling our international assistance levels by 2010–11 from 2001–02 levels. Budget 2007 will increase the resources devoted to poverty reduction and international peace and security by:

  • Establishing a three-point program to enhance the focus, efficiency and accountability of Canada’s international assistance efforts.
  • Providing $200 million in additional support for reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, with a focus on new opportunities for women, strengthened governance, enhanced security and combatting illegal drugs.
  • Investing $115 million in the innovative Advance Market Commitment, led by Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom to create a pneumococcal vaccine, expected to save more than 5 million lives by 2030.
Making the World Safer

Canada’s contributions are helping to rebuild Afghanistan. For example, Canada has provided polio vaccination funding to the World Health Organization and UNICEF for one-quarter of the national Afghanistan program. Almost all of the 350,000 children in Kandahar province have been vaccinated.

How Can I Get More Information on Budget 2007?

Information is available on the Internet at or by phoning:

    1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232)
    1 800 926-9105
    (TTY for the speech and hearing impaired/deaf)

You can also obtain copies of this brochure and other budget documents from the:

    Distribution Centre
    Department of Finance Canada
    Room P-135, West Tower
    300 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G5
    Phone: 613-995-2855 Fax: 613-996-0518