Symbol of the Government of Canada

Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Pilot Program

The SIP Program has been established to help enhance the security infrastructure of communities targeted by hate-motivated crime.

Why a pilot program?

  • to fill a funding gap
  • to respond to security concerns raised by communities
  • to provide a better understanding of the links between security measures and the prevention of hate-motivated crime

Eligible applicants
Funding is available to not-for-profit organizations linked to a community with a demonstrated history of hate-motivated crime. The funds are to help defray the costs of minor security infrastructure for places of worship, provincially recognized educational institutions, and community centres.

Applicants not eligible for funding include public institutions and for-profit organizations.

Funding criteria
Approved projects may receive up to 50% of total project costs with a maximum funding contribution of $100,000 per project. Upon submitting their application, applicants must demonstrate that at least 50% of the project costs are funded by other non-government sources. Communities may include in-kind contributions, such as labour, equipment and expertise, as part of the organization's funding commitment to the project.

All project activities must be completed by March 31, 2009. It should be noted that projects will not be eligible for support through the SIP Program if funding is available through other municipal, provincial, or federal government sources.

Eligible costs

  • security assessments (not to exceed 25% of total project costs)
  • security equipment and hardware, such as alarm systems, closed-circuit televisions, fences, gates, lighting, intercom systems
  • minor construction costs related to the project, such as contractor fees, labour, equipment rental, installation fees
  • training costs for the use of new security equipment

Non-eligible costs include capital costs, travel, hospitality, profit, core or on-going operating expenses.

Application documents

Application deadlines
There will be two application deadlines to submit project proposals.

Applicants can submit completed applications on, or before, November 16, 2007. A second application deadline is set for April 15, 2008.

Funding will be distributed across both deadlines.

Communities at Risk: SIP Program Office
269 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P8
Telephone: 1-866-788-8156
Fax: 613-954-4785