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Vol. 140, No. 39 — September 30, 2006

Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Statutory authority

Canada Labour Code

Sponsoring department

Department of Human Resources and Social Development and Department of Transport


(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)


The proposed amendments to the Aviation Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (AOSH Regulations) are made pursuant to the Canada Labour Code, Part II, the purpose of which is to prevent accidents and injuries arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of employment in the federal jurisdiction.

These Regulations prescribe health and safety standards for employees employed on board aircraft while in operation. It should be noted that employees to whom the AOSH Regulations apply are also protected under the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (COHS Regulations) before they board the aircraft.

The AOSH Regulations were reviewed following a 1992 Regulatory Review Advisory Panel recommendation. There were inconsistencies between the COHS Regulations and the AOSH Regulations as a result of revisions to the former. The AOSH Regulations also needed to be updated to incorporate current technology and industry standards. Consequently, the AOSH Regulations were reviewed in their totality with the intent to harmonize them as much as possible with the COHS Regulations. The particular characteristics of the aircraft as a work place were taken into consideration throughout the review.

The most significant amendments include the provision of more adequate crew rest and sleeping facilities and sanitary conditions for employees working on board aircraft in operation; enhanced protection regarding noise reduction, electrical safety, materials handling and deficiency reporting procedures. Extensive amendments were also made to the first aid requirements to make them more industry specific.


The Working Group assigned to review the AOSH Regulations considered the options of retaining, revoking or amending the existing Regulations. The first two options were not deemed acceptable for the following reasons:

(a) Retaining the existing Regulations would perpetuate the incompatibility of the COHS and AOSH Regulations; and

(b) Revoking the Regulations could result in decreased protection for employees working on board aircraft in operation.

Therefore, the existing Regulations were amended to eliminate inconsistencies with the COHS Regulations and to incorporate updated technology and industry standards, thus ensuring a level of protection for employees working on board aircraft in operation similar to the level of protection found in other sectors.

Benefits and costs

According to a classification system issued by the Regulations Section (Justice) and intended to categorize the magnitude of the economic outcome anticipated from regulatory initiatives, the impact expected from the proposed Regulations was found to be minor. This classification is based on two criteria: costs and degree of public acceptance.

The benefits and costs anticipated from the proposed amendments to the AOSH Regulations are described in detail in the technical note Impact Assessment: Proposed Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, dated November 20, 2001, which is available upon request free of charge from the person listed in the "Contact" section of this statement.

Principal Benefits

The most significant economic benefit expected from this regulatory initiative results from the proposed removal of a mandatory requirement currently applicable to air transport pilots, as well as other cockpit crew members, to receive first aid training when they fly an aircraft where no cabin crew member is on board.

The proposed Regulations will thus potentially exempt all air transport cockpit crew members from the requirement to receive first aid training, due to their critical involvement in the safe and effective operation of an aircraft. It is estimated that this regulatory change will affect about 10 000 air transport pilots, which in turn is expected to induce significant savings for Canadian air transport carriers without any detrimental effect on occupational health and safety. The savings to carriers will result from

1. First aid training tuition and fees; and

2. Labour opportunity costs (emoluments paid during training).


A modified allocation of first aid kits and supplies on board aircraft prescribed by the proposed Regulations is expected to result in moderate additional costs to air carriers. The most notable change is a new provision to allocate first aid kits according to both the number of seats and crew members instead of crew members only, as in the current Regulations. The updated allocation will slightly increase the quantity of first aid kits and supplies required.

Summary of economic benefits and costs

(Expressed in year 2000 dollars discounted at 10% over 15 years)

Total benefits $9,300,000
Total costs $ 100,000
Net present value $9,200,000
Benefit-to-cost ratio: 93.0  


Early notice was provided through the 1995 Federal Regulatory Plan, proposal number HRDC/95-10-N-I.

In 1994, Transport Canada established the Aviation Occupational Safety and Health Regulations Review Working Group. It was composed of employee representatives (Canadian Union of Public Employees [Airline Division], Canadian Auto Workers and Teamsters), employer representatives (Air Canada, Canadian Airlines, Air Nova and First Air) and government representatives (Transport Canada and Human Resources Development Canada-Labour Program [HRDC-Labour Program]). The Working Group was co-facilitated by a representative from Transport Canada and HRDC-Labour Program. A complete list of members is available upon request.

A Steering Committee was also established to oversee the review of the AOSH Regulations. It was composed of a representative from the Canadian Labour Congress and the Air Transport Association of Canada and was chaired by the director of the Commercial and Business Aviation Branch of Transport Canada. The two Working Group co-facilitators acted as technical advisors.

The review of the AOSH Regulations was conducted between March 1995 and February 1997 for a total of 12 meetings. Four non-consensus issues were referred to the Steering Committee on April 23, 1998. Three out of four issues were resolved at that meeting. Even though an unresolved issue remained, the Steering Committee agreed to proceed with the implementation of the revised Regulations.

Compliance and enforcement

The principal objective of HRDC-Labour Program's Compliance Policy is to encourage fairer, more effective and less costly compliance activities. The objectives and techniques of compliance and the procedures and processes used to these ends are detailed in the document entitled Canada Labour Code, Part II, Compliance Policy, issued in 2000.

The means used within the Policy to achieve the prevention of occupational injury and disease are predicated on the assumption that the majority of employers in the federal jurisdiction voluntarily comply with the Canada Labour Code, Part II. It is also assumed that they are willing and intend to meet their health and safety obligations.

The Policy is designed to deal effectively with non-compliance. Where non-compliance is detected, an opportunity is provided for correction suited to the situation by securing an "assurance of voluntary compliance" (AVC) or issuing a "direction." If non-compliance persists, further action, up to and including prosecution, may be initiated.

Participation in this consultative process, during the review of the AOSH Regulations, promotes more effective voluntary compliance by labour and management.


Jacques D. Servant, Chief, Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Program, Commercial and Business Aviation Branch, Civil Aviation, Transport Canada, 330 Sparks Street, 4th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8, 613-991-1271 (telephone), 613-954-1602 (fax), (email).


Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council, pursuant to sections 125 (see footnote a), 125.1 (see footnote b), 125.2 (see footnote c), 126 (see footnote d) and 157 (see footnote e) of the Canada Labour Code, proposes to make the annexed Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

Interested persons may make representations with respect to the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice and be sent to Jacques D. Servant, Commercial and Business Aviation Branch, Transport Canada, Place de Ville, Tower "C", 4th Floor, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8.

Ottawa, September 21, 2006

Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council





1.1 (1) The following definitions apply in these Regulations.

"Act" means Part II of the Canada Labour Code. (Loi)

"CSA" means the Canadian Standards Association. (CSA)

"oxygen deficient atmosphere" means an atmosphere in which there is less than 18 % by volume of oxygen at a pressure of one atmosphere or in which the partial pressure of oxygen is less than 135 mm Hg. (air à faible teneur en oxygène)

"protection equipment" includes safety materials, equipment, devices and clothing. (article de protection)

"qualified person" means, in respect of a specified duty, a person who, because of their knowledge, training and experience, is qualified to perform that duty safely and properly. (personne qualifiée)

"safety restraining device" means a safety harness, seat, rope, belt, strap, chain or lifeline designed to be used by a person to protect them from falling and includes every fitting, fastening or accessory attached to it. (dispositif de retenue)

(2) Unless otherwise specified, the incorporation by reference of any standard in these Regulations is an incorporation of the standard as amended from time to time.

(3) Despite any provision in any standard incorporated by reference in these Regulations, a reference to another publication in that standard is a reference to the publication, as amended from time to time.


1.2 These Regulations apply in respect of employees employed on board aircraft while in operation and in respect of persons granted access to these aircraft by the employer.

Records and Reports

1.3 An employer who is required to keep and maintain a record, report or other document referred to in section 125 or 125.1 of the Act shall ensure that it is readily available for examination by a health and safety officer, by the work place committee or by the health and safety representative.

Inconsistent Provisions

1.4 In the event of an inconsistency between any standard incorporated by reference in these Regulations and any other provision of these Regulations, that other provision shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.




2.1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

"A-weighted sound pressure level" means a sound pressure level as determined by a measurement system that includes an A-weighting filter that its manufacturer represents as meeting the requirements set out in the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 61672, Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters — Part 1: Specifications. (niveau de pression acoustique pondérée A)

"dBA" means decibel A-weighted and is a unit of A-weighted sound pressure level. (dBA)

"noise exposure level (Lex,8)" means 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the time integral over any 24-hour period of a squared A-weighted sound pressure divided by 8, the reference sound pressure being 20 µPa. (niveau d'exposition (Lex,8))

"sound level meter" means a device for measuring sound pressure level that its manufacturer represents as meeting the performance requirements for a Type 2 instrument as specified in the International Electrotechnical Commission Standard 61672, Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters — Part 1: Specifications. (sonomètre)

"sound pressure level" means 20 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the root mean square pressure of a sound to the reference sound pressure of 20 µPa, expressed in decibels. (niveau de pression acoustique)

Measurement and Calculation of Exposure

2.2 (1) For the purposes of this Part, the exposure of an employee to sound shall be measured using an instrument that

(a) is recommended for that measurement in clause 4.3 of CSA Standard Z107.56-94, Procedures for the Measurement of Occupational Noise Exposure, published in English in March 1994 and in French in December 1994; and

(b) is certified, by a certification body accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to grant the certification, as meeting the requirements for such an instrument set out in clause 4 of that Standard.

(2) The exposure of an employee to sound shall be measured in accordance with clauses 5, 6.4.1, 6.4.4, 6.5.2, 6.5.4, 6.6.2 and 6.6.4 of the Standard referred to in paragraph (1)(a).

(3) For the purposes of this Part, the measurement and calculation of the noise exposure level (Lex,8) to which an employee is exposed shall take into account their exposure to A-weighted sound pressure levels of 74 dBA and greater.

(4) For the purposes of this Part, the measurement and calculation of the noise exposure level (Lex,8) may also take into account the exposure of the employee to A-weighted sound pressure levels that are less than 74 dBA.

Hazard Investigation

2.3 (1) If an employee may be exposed to an A-weighted sound pressure level equal to or greater than 84 dBA for a duration of time that is likely to endanger the employee's hearing, the employer shall, without delay,

(a) appoint a qualified person to carry out an investigation of the degree of potential exposure; and

(b) notify the work place committee or the health and safety representative of the investigation and the name of the person appointed to carry out the investigation.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the measurement of the A-weighted sound pressure level shall be performed instantaneously, during normal working conditions, using the slow response setting of a sound level meter.

(3) In the investigation referred to in subsection (1), the following matters shall be considered:

(a) the sources of sound on board the aircraft;

(b) the A-weighted sound pressure levels to which the employee is likely to be exposed and the duration of such exposure;

(c) the methods being used to reduce the exposure;

(d) whether the exposure of the employee is likely to exceed the limits established by paragraph 2.4(a); and

(e) whether the employee is likely to be exposed to a noise exposure level (Lex,8) equal to or greater than 84 dBA.

(4) On completion of the investigation and after consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, the person appointed to carry out the investigation shall sign and date a written report setting out

(a) observations respecting the matters considered under subsection (3);

(b) recommendations respecting the measures that should be taken in order to comply with sections 2.4 to 2.8; and

(c) recommendations respecting the use of hearing protectors by employees who are exposed to a noise exposure level (Lex,8) equal to or greater than 84 dBA but not greater than 87 dBA.

(5) The report shall be kept by the employer at a location accessible to affected employees for a period of 10 years after the date of the report.

(6) If it is stated in the report that an employee is likely to be exposed to a noise exposure level (Lex,8) equal to or greater than 84 dBA, the employer shall, without delay,

(a) provide the employee with written information describing the hazards associated with exposure to high levels of sound;

(b) make the report readily available to the affected employee; and

(c) post and keep posted in a conspicuous place at a location accessible to the affected employee a notice stating where the report may be reviewed.

Limits of Exposure

2.4 No employee shall, in any 24-hour period, be exposed to

(a) an A-weighted sound pressure level set out in column 1 of the schedule to this Part for a duration of exposure exceeding the applicable duration set out in column 2; or

(b) a noise exposure level (Lex,8) that exceeds 87 dBA.

Reduction of Sound Exposure

2.5 If it is reasonably practicable, every employer shall, by engineering controls or other physical means other than hearing protectors, reduce the exposure to sound of employees to a level that does not exceed the limits established by section 2.4.

Report to Regional Health and Safety Officer

2.6 If it is not reasonably practicable, without providing hearing protectors, for an employer to maintain the exposure to sound of an employee at a level that does not exceed the limits established by section 2.4, the employer shall, without delay,

(a) make a report in writing to the regional health and safety officer setting out the reasons why it is not reasonably practiceable to do so; and

(b) provide a copy of the report to the work place committee or the health and safety representative.

Hearing Protection

2.7 (1) When an employer is required to make a report under section 2.6, the employer shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable, provide every employee whose exposure to sound is likely to exceed the limits established by section 2.4 with a hearing protector that

(a) is certified by a certification body accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to grant the certification, as meeting the requirements set out in CSA Standard Z94.2-M1984, Hearing Protectors; and

(b) prevents the employee using the hearing protector from being exposed to a level of sound that exceeds the limits established by section 2.4.

(2) If an employer provides a hearing protector to an employee under subsection (1), the employer shall

(a) in consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, formulate a program to train the employee in the fitting, care and use of the hearing protector; and

(b) implement the program referred to in paragraph (a).

Warning Signs

2.8 If an employee may be exposed to an A-weighted sound pressure level that is likely to exceed the limits established by paragraph 2.4(a), the employer shall ensure that employees are warned, in writing and by signage on board the aircraft, of a potentially hazardous level of sound on board the aircraft.

(Section 2.4)


Item Column 1

A-weighted sound pressure level (dBA)
Column 2

Maximum duration of exposure in hours per employee per 24-hour period
1. 87 8.0
2. 88 6.4
3. 89 5.0
4. 90 4.0
5. 91 3.2
6. 92 2.5
7. 93 2.0
8. 94 1.6
9. 95 1.3
10. 96 1.0
11. 97 0.80
12. 98 0.64
13. 99 0.50
14. 100 0.40
15. 101 0.32
16. 102 0.25
17. 103 0.20
18. 104 0.16
19. 105 0.13
20. 106 0.10
21. 107 0.080
22. 108 0.064
23. 109 0.050
24. 110 0.040
25. 111 0.032
26. 112 0.025
27. 113 0.020
28. 114 0.016
29. 115 0.013
30. 116 0.010
31. 117 0.008
32. 118 0.006
33. 119 0.005
34. 120 0.004




3.1 In this Part, "electrical equipment" means equipment for the generation, distribution or use of electricity.

In-flight Maintenance

3.2 All electrical equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the standards of airworthiness established under the Aeronautics Act.

3.3 All testing or work performed on electrical equipment on board an aircraft shall be performed by a qualified person.

3.4 If there is a risk that an employee may receive a hazardous electrical shock during the performance of the work referred to in section 3.3, the employee shall use insulated protection equipment and tools that will protect the employee from injury during the performance of the work.

3.5 If electrical equipment on board an aircraft is live or may become live, no employee shall work on the equipment unless

(a) the employer has instructed the employee in procedures that are safe for work on live conductors;

(b) a safety ground is connected to the equipment; or

(c) the equipment is separated or disconnected from every source of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other kind of energy that is capable of making electrical equipment dangerous.

3.6 If an employee is working on or near electrical equipment that is live or may become live, the electrical equipment shall be guarded.

3.7 If two or more employees are working on or in connection with electrical equipment, they shall be fully informed by the employer with respect to the safe coordination of their work.

Safety Procedures

3.8 If an employee identifies a defect in electrical equipment that may render it unsafe for use, the employee shall, as soon as possible,

(a) mark or tag the electrical equipment as unsafe;

(b) remove the electrical equipment from service; and

(c) report the defect to the person in charge and the employer.




4.1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

"galley area" means an area used for the storage or preparation of food on board an aircraft. (office)

"personal service room" means a room on board an aircraft that contains a toilet or a washbasin. (local réservé aux soins personnels)


4.2 (1) If practicable, the employer shall provide a room that contains a toilet and a washbasin.

(2) If it is not practicable to comply with subsection (1) the employer shall, if practicable, provide a room that contains a toilet.

(3) If it is not practicable to comply with subsection (1) and (2), the employer shall, if practicable, provide a room that contains a washbasin.

(4) If reasonably practicable, the employer shall provide a personal service room for the sole use of the employees.

4.3 (1) Every employer shall ensure that

(a) each personal service room and galley area used by employees is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; and

(b) the facilities referred to in paragraph (a) are cleaned at least once every 24 hours that they are in use.

(2) Personal service rooms and galley areas shall be so used by employees that the rooms or areas remain as clean and in as sanitary a condition as is possible.

(3) All work that may cause dusty or unsanitary conditions shall be carried out in a manner that will prevent the contamination of the air by dust or other substances injurious to health.

4.4 (1) Each container that is used for solid or liquid waste, other than a disposable plastic garbage bag, shall be

(a) equipped with a tight-fitting cover or be enclosed in a manner that does not present a health or safety hazard;

(b) so constructed that it can easily be cleaned and maintained in a sanitary condition; and

(c) leak-proof.

(2) Each container referred to in subsection (1) shall be emptied as soon as practicable after it becomes full, but not less than once every 24 hours that it is in use.

(3) If disposable plastic garbage bags are used, they shall be

(a) of a weight sufficient to support their contents when full;

(b) constructed to prevent leakage;

(c) closed and secured when full; and

(d) disposed of at the first opportunity.

4.5 Every personal service room shall be enclosed in such a manner as to provide for a reasonable amount of privacy for its occupant.

4.6 Toilet paper shall be provided in each personal service room that contains a toilet.

4.7 A covered container for the disposal of sanitary napkins shall be provided in each personal service room.

4.8 If vermin have entered any enclosed part of a work place, the employer shall as soon as possible take all steps necessary to eliminate the vermin and prevent their re-entry.


4.9 (1) In those personal service rooms that contain a washbasin, every employer shall ensure that the water supply to the washbasin is sufficient to serve the employees using the personal service room.

(2) In every personal service room that contains a washbasin, the employer shall ensure the following are provided:

(a) soap or other cleaning agent in a dispenser at each washbasin;

(b) sufficient single-use hand towels to serve the employees using the personal service room; and

(c) a non-combustible container for the disposal of used towels.

(3) If hot water is provided for personal washing, it shall be maintained at a temperature of not more than 43°C.

(4) If it is not practicable to comply with subsection (1), the employer shall ensure that sufficient antiseptic agent shall be provided to employees.

Potable Water

4.10 (1) Every employer shall ensure that employees are provided with potable water for drinking, personal washing and food preparation.

(2) The potable water shall

(a) be in sufficient quantity to meet the needs described in subsection (1); and

(b) meet the microbiological quality guidelines set out in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, prepared by the Federal-Provincial Subcommittee on Drinking Water and published under the authority of the Minister of Health.

4.11 If a portable storage container for drinking water is used,

(a) the container shall be equipped with a cover that can be securely closed;

(b) the container shall be used only for the purpose of storing potable water;

(c) the container shall not be stored in a personal service room; and

(d) the water shall be drawn from the container by

(i) a tap,

(ii) a ladle used only for the purpose of drawing water from the container, or

(iii) any other means that precludes the contamination of the water.

4.12 Except if drinking water is supplied by a drinking fountain, sanitary single-use drinking cups shall be provided.

4.13 Any ice that is added to drinking water or used for the contact refrigeration of foodstuffs shall be

(a) made from potable water; and

(b) stored and handled in a manner that prevents contamination.

Crew Rest Facilities and Sleeping Facilities

4.14 (1) The following definitions apply in this section.

"crew rest facility" means a comfortable, fully reclining seat, separated and screened from the passengers and the flight deck, and equipped with a safety belt. (poste de repos pour l'équipage)

"sleeping facility" means an area designed to allow employees to sleep, stow personal articles and change clothes in privacy. (compartiment couchette)

"sleeping surface" means any horizontal surface for sleeping such as a bed or bunk. (couchette)

"sleeping surface area" means area, in the sleeping facility, that contains a sleeping surface. (aire de repos)

(2) If crew rest facilities or sleeping facilities or both are provided by the employer, they shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

(3) If bedding or crew rest uniforms or both are provided, the employer shall ensure that they are kept in a clean and sanitary condition.

(4) If a sleeping facility is provided, the employer shall ensure that

(a) it is equipped with at least one sign, indicating when the safety restraining device referred to in paragraph (k) must be fastened, which is visible to each occupant of the facility;

(b) it is equipped with a two-way voice communication system between it and the main cabin, and between it and the flight deck;

(c) it is identified as for employee use only, and can be locked from the inside;

(d) it includes a sufficient number of sleeping surfaces to accommodate the maximum number of employees that are expected to use the surfaces during the same period;

(e) it has at least 1.84 m3 of space reserved for use of the employees adjacent to the sleeping surface for ingress, egress and the changing of clothes;

(f) it includes suitable stowage space for employees' personal belongings and clothes;

(g) it is equipped with a fire extinguisher, a smoke detector, a smoke hood and a flashlight;

(h) each sleeping surface area has a volume of at least 1.19 m3;

(i) each sleeping surface area provides a reasonable amount of privacy for its occupant;

(j) each sleeping surface area is provided with a reading light controllable from within the sleeping surface area and is suitably sheltered to prevent light from drifting into other sleeping surface areas;

(k) each sleeping surface is equipped with a safety restraining device capable of restraining the occupant in the event of turbulence; and

(l) each sleeping surface measures at least 213 cm × 91 cm.

(5) The employer shall ensure that each crew rest facility and each sleeping facility

(a) is located in an area where odour and vibration are kept at a minimum;

(b) if reasonably practicable, is located in an area where noise levels during cruise flight are equal to or lower than the best noise environments on board the aircraft and are, in any event, in the range of 70 to 75 dBA;

(c) is equipped with at least the same number of emergency oxygen equipment with an automatic activator as the number of employees each facility is designed to accommodate; and

(d) has airflow and temperature control that provide a uniformly well-ventilated atmosphere free from drafts, cold spots and temperature gradient.

(6) The employer shall ensure that each crew rest facility is in close proximity to a fire extinguisher, a smoke detector, a smoke hood and a flashlight.

Preparation, Handling, Storage and Serving of Food

4.15 (1) Each food handler shall be trained in food handling practices to follow to prevent the contamination of food.

(2) No person who is suffering from a disease that can be transmitted through the handling of food shall work as a food handler.

4.16 (1) If foods stored by an employer for consumption by employees require refrigeration to prevent the foods from becoming hazardous to health, the foods shall be maintained at a temperature of 4°C or lower if reasonably practicable.

(2) If it is not reasonably practicable to maintain the foods at a temperature of 4°C or lower, the food shall be maintained at a temperature of not more than 10°C and the employer shall establish, in consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, the maximum safe refrigeration period before consumption to ensure that the foods do not become hazardous to the health of employees.

4.17 All equipment and utensils that come into contact with food shall be

(a) smooth, free from cracks, crevices, pitting or unnecessary indentations; and

(b) cleaned to maintain their surfaces in a sanitary condition.

4.18 No person shall eat, prepare or store food

(a) in a place where a hazardous substance may contaminate food, dishes or utensils;

(b) in a personal service room; or

(c) in any other place where food is likely to be contaminated.

4.19 (1) If dry ice is used for the refrigeration of food, it shall be

(a) contained in a manner that prevents injury to employees; and

(b) marked, tagged or otherwise identified in a manner that assists employees in using it safely.

(2) An employee who is required to handle or be exposed to dry ice shall be trained in

(a) practices essential for its safe use; and

(b) procedures to follow in the event of injury.

Food Waste and Garbage

4.20 Food waste and garbage shall be handled in a manner that prevents the contamination of food.

4.21 Food waste and garbage shall be held in leak-proof, non-absorptive, easily-cleaned containers with covers, in a separate enclosed area or container used solely for that purpose, until removal for disposal.

4.22 Food waste and garbage shall be removed as frequently as is necessary to prevent unsanitary conditions.

Crew Eating Area

4.23 If crew meals are provided, the employer shall ensure that a clean and sanitary eating area is provided.

Reusable Equipment

4.24 All reusable equipment that may reasonably be expected to expose an employee to a health hazard shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.




5.1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

"hazard information" means information on the proper and safe storage, handling, use and disposal of a hazardous substance, including information relating to its toxicological properties. (renseignements sur les risques)

"lower explosive limit" means the lower limit of flammability of a chemical agent or a combination of chemical agents at ambient temperature and pressure, expressed

(a) for a gas or vapour, as a percentage in air by volume; and

(b) for dust, as the weight of dust per volume of air. (limite explosive inférieure)

"product identifier", in respect of a hazardous substance, means the brand name, code name or code number specified by the supplier or employer or the chemical name, common name, generic name or trade name. (identificateur du produit)

"readily available" means accessible on board the aircraft by electronic or other means. (facilement accessible)

"supplier" means a person who is a manufacturer, processor or packager of a hazardous substance or a person who, in the course of business, imports or sells a hazardous substance. (fournisseur)


5.2 This Part does not apply to the handling or transportation of dangerous goods to which the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 and regulations made under that Act apply.



Records of Hazardous Substances

5.3 Every employer shall keep and maintain a record of all hazardous substances that are used, handled or stored for use on board an aircraft and may either keep and maintain such a record in the work place or keep and maintain a centralized record in respect of several work places.

Hazard Investigation

5.4 (1) If there is a likelihood that the health or safety of an employee is or may be endangered by exposure to a hazardous substance, the employer shall, without delay,

(a) appoint a qualified person to carry out an investigation in that regard; and

(b) notify the work place committee or the health and safety representative of the proposed investigation, and of the name of the qualified person appointed to investigate, so that either may participate in the investigation.

(2) In an investigation the following criteria shall be taken into consideration:

(a) the chemical, biological and physical properties of the hazardous substance;

(b) the routes of exposure to the hazardous substance;

(c) the acute and chronic effects on health of exposure to the hazardous substance;

(d) the quantity of the hazardous substance to be handled;

(e) the manner in which the hazardous substance is stored, used, handled and disposed of;

(f) the control methods used to eliminate or reduce exposure of the employees to the hazardous substance;

(g) the concentration or level of the hazardous substance to which an employee is likely to be exposed; and

(h) whether the concentration of an airborne chemical agent or the level of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation is likely to exceed 50% of the values referred to in section 5.16 or the levels referred to in subsection 5.19(2).

5.5 On completion of the investigation and after consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative,

(a) the qualified person shall sign a written report setting out

(i) their observations respecting the criteria considered in accordance with subsection 5.4(2), and

(ii) their recommendations respecting the manner of compliance with sections 5.7 to 5.19, including recommendations respecting sampling and testing methods; and

(b) the employer shall develop and maintain a written procedure for the control of the concentration or level of the hazardous substance on board an aircraft.

5.6 The report shall be kept by the employer for a period of 30 years from the date on which the qualified person signed the report.

Medical Examinations

5.7 (1) If the report recommends a medical examination for the employees likely to be exposed to a hazardous substance, the employer shall consult a physician to ascertain the necessity for that medical examination.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a physician shall consider that a medical examination is necessary only if, in light of the factors referred to in subsection 5.4(2), the nature of the risk, its likelihood and its possible consequences outweigh the intrusiveness of the medical examination or the disruption to bodily integrity that might be necessary.

(3) If a physician considers that a medical examination is necessary, the employer shall not permit an employee to handle the hazardous substance unless a physician acceptable to the employee has examined the employee and declared the employee fit, or fit with restrictions, to handle the hazardous substance.

(4) For the purposes of determining whether an employee is fit, or fit with restrictions, a physician shall

(a) take into account

(i) the factors referred to in subsection 5.4(2), and

(ii) the likely effects of handling the hazardous substance on the employee's health and that of other employees and the capacity of the employee to perform the work; and

(b) perform only those tests or examinations that are necessary to make that determination.

(5) If the physician examining an employee under subsection (3) declares the employee fit with specified restrictions to handle the hazardous substance, the employer shall not permit the employee to handle the hazardous substance except in accordance with the specified restrictions.

(6) If an employer consults a physician under subsection (1), the employer shall keep a copy of the physician's decision with the report referred to in section 5.5.

(7) The cost of a medical examination referred to in subsection (3) shall be borne by the employer.

Storage, Handling and Use

5.8 Every hazardous substance stored, handled or used on board an aircraft shall be stored, handled or used in a manner that will reduce to a minimum the hazard related to that substance.

5.9 If a hazardous substance is stored, handled or used on board an aircraft, any hazard resulting from that storage, handling or use shall be confined to as small an area as is practicable.

5.10 Every container for a hazardous substance that is used on board an aircraft shall be so designed and constructed that it protects the employees from any health or safety hazard that is caused by the hazardous substance.

5.11 The quantity of a hazardous substance for use or processing on board an aircraft shall, if practicable, be limited to the minimum quantity required.

Warning of Hazardous Substances

5.12 If a hazardous substance is on board an aircraft, signs shall be posted in conspicuous places on board the aircraft, warning, in a clear manner, every person having access to the aircraft of the presence of a hazardous substance and stating any precautions to be taken to prevent or reduce any health or safety hazard.

Employee Education

5.13 (1) Every employer shall, in consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, develop and implement an employee education program with respect to the prevention and control of the risks associated with hazardous substances on board aircraft.

(2) The employee education program shall include

(a) the instruction of each employee who is likely to handle or be exposed to a hazardous substance with respect to

(i) the product identifier of the hazardous substance,

(ii) all hazard information disclosed by the supplier or by the employer on a material safety data sheet or label,

(iii) all hazard information of which the employer is aware or ought reasonably to be aware,

(iv) the observations referred to in subparagraph 5.5(a)(i),

(v) the information disclosed on a material safety data sheet referred to in section 5.21 and the purpose and significance of that information, and

(vi) in respect of controlled products on board an aircraft, the information required to be disclosed on a material safety data sheet and on a label under Division 3 and the purpose and significance of that information;

(b) the instruction and training of each employee referred to in paragraph (a) on

(i) the procedures to follow to implement sections 5.8 and 5.9, and

(ii) the procedures to follow for the safe storage, handling, use and disposal of hazardous substances, including procedures to be followed in an emergency involving a hazardous substance; and

(c) if the employer keeps a computerized version of a material safety data sheet available in accordance with subsection 5.26(2), training to access the material safety data sheet.

(3) Every employer shall, in consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, review the employee education program and, if necessary, revise it,

(a) at least once a year;

(b) whenever there is a change in condition in respect of the hazardous substances on board an aircraft; and

(c) whenever new hazard information in respect of a hazardous substance on board an aircraft becomes available to the employer.

5.14 The employer shall keep a written or computerized record of the instruction and training given to every employee and shall

(a) make it readily available for examination by the employee; and

(b) keep it for a period of two years from the time the employee ceases to handle or be exposed to the hazardous substance.

Substitution of Substances

5.15 (1) No person shall use a hazardous substance on board an aircraft if it is reasonably practicable to substitute a substance for it that is not a hazardous substance.

(2) If a hazardous substance is to be used for any purpose on board an aircraft and an equivalent substance that is less hazardous is available to be used for that purpose, the equivalent substance shall be substituted for the hazardous substance if reasonably practicable.

Control of Hazards

5.16 (1) No employee shall be exposed to a concentration of an airborne chemical agent in excess of the value for that chemical agent adopted by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists in its publication entitled TLVs and BEIs Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents Biological Exposure Indices.

(2) If there is a likelihood that the concentration of an airborne chemical agent may exceed the value referred to in subsection (1), air samples shall be taken and the concentration of the chemical agent shall be determined

(a) in accordance with the standards set out by the United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, third edition, volumes 1 and 2, dated February 1984; or

(b) if no specific standards for the chemical agent are listed in the document referred to in paragraph (a), in accordance with a scientifically proven method used to collect and analyse a representative sample of the chemical agent.

(3) A written or computerized record of each test made under subsection (2) shall be kept by the employer at a location accessible to employees to whom it applies for a period of 10 years from the date of the test.

(4) The record shall include

(a) the date, time and location of the test;

(b) the hazardous substance in respect of which the test was made;

(c) the sampling and testing method used;

(d) the result obtained; and

(e) the name and occupation of the person who made the test.

5.17 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the concentration of an airborne chemical agent or combination of airborne chemical agents in the work place shall be less than 50% of the lower explosive limit of the chemical agent or combination of chemical agents.

(2) If a source of ignition may ignite an airborne chemical agent or combination of airborne chemical agents on board an aircraft, the maximum concentration of the chemical agent or of the combination of chemical agents shall be 10% of the lower explosive limit of the chemical agent or combination of chemical agents.


5.18 If reasonably practicable, the employer shall provide automated warning and detection systems if the seriousness of any exposure to a hazardous substance so warrants.

Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation

5.19 (1) If a device that is capable of producing and emitting energy in the form of electromagnetic waves or acoustical waves is used on board an aircraft, the radiation to which an employee is exposed shall not exceed the limits recommended in Chapter 2 of Safety Code 6, Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz, published in 1999 by authority of the Minister of Health.

(2) If an employee works on or near a device that may emit nuclear energy, the employer shall ensure that the exposure of the employee to nuclear energy does not exceed the radiation dose limits set out in the Radiation Protection Regulations.




5.20 Every container of a hazardous substance, other than a controlled product, that is stored, handled, used or disposed of on board an aircraft shall be labelled in a manner that discloses clearly

(a) the generic name of the substance; and

(b) the hazard information in respect of the substance.

5.21 If a material safety data sheet in respect of a hazardous substance, other than a controlled product, that is stored, handled, used or disposed of on board an aircraft may be obtained from the supplier of the hazardous substance, the employer shall

(a) obtain a copy of the material safety data sheet; and

(b) make the material safety data sheet readily available for examination by employees.




5.22 The following definitions apply in this Division.

"supplier label", in respect of a controlled product, means a label prepared by a supplier under the Hazardous Products Act. (étiquette du fournisseur)

"work place label", in respect of a controlled product, means a label prepared by an employer under this Division. (étiquette du lieu de travail)


5.23 This Division does not apply in respect of any

(a) wood or product made of wood;

(b) tobacco or product made of tobacco;

(c) article specially manufactured to not release, or otherwise cause a person to be exposed to, a controlled product under normal conditions of use; or

(d) controlled product that is intended solely for disposal or is sold for recycling or recovery.

Supplier Material Safety Data Sheets

5.24 (1) Subsections (2) to (4) do not apply to a controlled product that is

(a) an explosive within the meaning of section 2 of the Explosives Act;

(b) a cosmetic, device, drug or food within the meaning of section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act;

(c) a control product within the meaning of section 2 of the Pest Control Products Act;

(d) a nuclear substance, within the meaning of section 2 of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act, that is radioactive; or

(e) a product, material or substance included in Part II of Schedule I to the Hazardous Products Act that is packaged as a consumer product.

(2) If a controlled product is received in the work place by an employer, the employer shall, without delay, obtain from the supplier of the controlled product a material safety data sheet, prepared by a supplier under the Hazardous Products Act in respect of the controlled product, unless the employer is in possession of a supplier material safety data sheet that

(a) is for a controlled product that has the same product identifier;

(b) discloses information that is current at the time that the controlled product is received; and

(c) was prepared and dated not more than three years before the date that the controlled product is received.

(3) If there is a controlled product on board an aircraft for which the supplier material safety data sheet is three years old or more, the employer shall, if practicable, obtain from the supplier an up-to-date supplier material safety data sheet.

(4) If it is not practicable for an employer to obtain an up-to-date supplier material safety data sheet, the employer shall update the hazard information on the most recent supplier material safety data sheet that the employer has received on the basis of the ingredients disclosed on it.

Work Place Material Safety Data Sheets

5.25 (1) Subject to section 5.29, if an employer receives a supplier material safety data sheet, the employer may prepare a work place material safety data sheet to be used on board an aircraft in place of the supplier material safety data sheet if

(a) the work place material safety data sheet discloses at least the information disclosed on the supplier material safety data sheet;

(b) the information disclosed on the work place material safety data sheet does not disclaim or contradict the information disclosed on the supplier material safety data sheet;

(c) the supplier material safety data sheet is readily available for examination by employees; and

(d) the work place material safety data sheet discloses that the supplier material safety data sheet is available on board the aircraft.

(2) The employer shall update a work place material safety data sheet and the work place label

(a) as soon as practicable but not later than 90 days after new hazard information becomes available to the employer; and

(b) at least once every three years.

(3) If the information required to be disclosed by this section is not available or not applicable to the controlled product, the employer shall replace the information with the words "not available" or "not applicable", as the case may be, in the English version and the words "non disponible" or "sans objet", as the case may be, in the French version of the work place material safety data sheet.

Availability of Material Safety Data Sheets

5.26 (1) Every employer shall keep readily available for examination by employees and by the work place committee or the health and safety representative, on board any aircraft on which an employee may handle or be exposed to a controlled product, a copy in English and in French of

(a) the work place material safety data sheet referred to in subsection 5.25(1); and

(b) the supplier material safety data sheet.

(2) If the employer keeps a computerized version of the material safety data sheet available in English and in French for examination by the employees and the work place committee or the health and safety representative by means of a computer terminal, the employer shall

(a) take all reasonable steps to maintain the terminal in working order; and

(b) provide the training referred to in paragraph 5.13(2)(c) to all employees and to all members of the work place committee or to the health and safety representative.


5.27 (1) Each controlled product in a work place, other than the controlled products listed in subsection 5.24(1), and each container in which the controlled product is contained in a work place shall, if the controlled product or the container is received from a supplier,

(a) if the controlled product is in a bulk shipment, be accompanied by a supplier label;

(b) if the employer has undertaken in writing to apply a label to the inner container of the controlled product, have applied to it a supplier label, as soon as possible after the controlled product is received from the supplier; and

(c) in any other case, have applied to it a supplier label.

(2) Subject to section 5.29, if a controlled product, other than the controlled products listed in subsection 5.24(1), is received from a supplier and an employer places the controlled product on board an aircraft in a container other than the container in which it was received from the supplier, the employer shall apply to the container a supplier label or a work place label that discloses the information referred to in paragraphs 5.28(a) to (c).

(3) Subject to sections 5.28 and 5.29, no person shall remove, deface, modify or alter the label applied to

(a) a controlled product that is in the work place; or

(b) the container of a controlled product that is in the work place.

Replacing Labels

5.28 If, in a work place, a label applied to a controlled product or a container of a controlled product becomes illegible or is removed, the employer shall replace the label with a work place label that discloses the following information in respect of the controlled product:

(a) the product identifier;

(b) the hazard information; and

(c) a statement indicating that a material safety data sheet is available in the work place.

Exemptions from Disclosure

5.29 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if an employer has filed, under subsection 11(2) of the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, a claim for exemption from disclosure of information on a material safety data sheet or on a label the employer shall disclose, in place of the information that the employer is exempt from disclosing,

(a) if there is no final disposition of the proceedings in relation to the claim, the date on which the claim for exemption was registered and the registry number assigned to the claim under that Act; and

(b) if the final disposition of the proceedings in relation to the claim is that the claim is valid, a statement that an exemption has been granted and the date on which the exemption was granted.

(2) If a claim for exemption is in respect of the chemical name, common name, generic name, trade name or brand name of a controlled product, the employer shall, on the material safety data sheet or label of the controlled product, replace that name with a code name or code number specified by the employer as the product identifier for that controlled product.

Information Required in a Medical Emergency

5.30 For the purposes of subsection 125.2(1) of the Act, a medical professional is a person who is registered as a registered nurse under the laws of a province.




6.1 (1) If reasonably practicable, every employer shall eliminate or control a health or safety hazard to every person granted access to the work place.

(2) If it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate or control a health or safety hazard, the employer shall provide every person granted access to the work place who may be exposed to the hazard with protection equipment prescribed by this Part.

6.2 All protection equipment

(a) shall be designed to protect the person from the hazard for which it is provided; and

(b) shall not in itself create a hazard.

6.3 All protection equipment provided by the employer shall

(a) be maintained, inspected and tested by a qualified person; and

(b) if necessary to prevent a health hazard, be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by a qualified person.

Protective Headwear

6.4 If there is a hazard of head injury, protective headwear shall be used.

Protective Footwear

6.5 (1) If there is a hazard of a foot injury, protective footwear that is certified by a certification body accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to grant such certification, as meeting the standards set out in CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z195-02, Protective Footwear, shall be used.

(2) If there is a hazard of slipping, non-slip footwear shall be used.

Eye and Face Protection

6.6 If there is a hazard of injury to the eyes, face, ears or front of the neck, the employer shall provide an eye or face protector that

(a) is certified, by a certification body that is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to grant such certification, as meeting the standards set out in CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z94.3-02, Eye and Face Protectors; and

(b) is appropriate to protect against the hazard.

Respiratory Protection

6.7 (1) If there is a hazard of an airborne hazardous substance or an oxygen deficient atmosphere, the employer shall provide a respiratory protective device.

(2) The respiratory protective device shall be selected, fitted, used and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

(3) The respiratory protective device that is provided to an employee shall have a minimum capacity of 20 minutes with a flow rate of 4 L per minute.

6.8 If a steel or aluminum self-contained breathing apparatus cylinder has a dent deeper than 1.5 mm and less than 50 mm in major diameter or shows evidence of deep isolated pitting, cracks or splits, the cylinder shall be removed from service until it has been shown to be safe for use by means of a hydrostatic test at a pressure equal to one and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure.

Skin Protection

6.9 If there is a hazard of injury or disease to or through the skin, the employer shall provide

(a) a shield or screen;

(b) a cream to protect the skin; or

(c) an appropriate body covering.

Safety Restraining Devices

6.10 (1) If a person, other than a person who is exiting from an aircraft, is near to an open aircraft door or hatch, the employer shall provide the person with a safety restraining device.

(2) Every safety restraining device shall be secured to the primary structure of the aircraft in a manner that prevents the person using the device from falling out of the aircraft.


6.11 Loose clothing, long hair, dangling accessories, jewellery or other similar items that are likely to be hazardous to the health or safety of an employee shall not be worn unless they are so tied, covered or otherwise secured as to prevent the hazard.

6.12 If it is not reasonably practicable to maintain temperatures within the limits referred to in Part 7, suitable clothing shall be worn by the employee.

6.13 (1) An employee shall not wear clothing that may ignite or melt when exposed to levels of heat to which an employee may reasonably be expected to be exposed in the performance of their duties.

(2) If an employer requires that the employee wear a uniform, the employer shall, in consultation with the policy committee or if there is no policy committee, the workplace committee or the health and safety representative, select the uniform components and fabric and ensure that they comply with subsection (1).


6.14 (1) A record of all protection equipment provided by the employer shall be kept by the employer for a period of two years after it ceases to be used.

(2) The record shall contain

(a) a description of the equipment and the date of its acquisition by the employer;

(b) the date and result of each inspection and test of the equipment;

(c) the date and nature of any maintenance work performed on the equipment since its acquisition by the employer; and

(d) the name of the person who performed the inspection, test or maintenance of the equipment.

Instruction and Training

6.15 (1) Every person who uses protection equipment shall be instructed in the use of the equipment.

(2) Every employee who uses protection equipment shall be instructed and trained in the use and operation of the equipment.

(3) The instruction referred to in subsection (2) shall be set out in writing and kept by the employer readily available for examination by the employee.

Defective Protection Equipment

6.16 If an employee identifies a defect in protection equipment that may render the protection equipment unsafe for use, the employee shall, as soon as possible,

(a) mark or tag the equipment as unsafe;

(b) remove the equipment from service; and

(c) report the defect to the person in charge and the employer.



7.1 If reasonably practicable, the air temperature on board an aircraft shall be maintained at a level of not less than 18°C and not more than 29°C.

7.2 Every aircraft shall be provided with sufficient lighting to enable an employee to carry out the employee's duties safely.




8.1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

"materials handling equipment" means equipment used to transport, lift, move or position persons, materials, goods or things including auxiliary equipment and rigging devices and includes mobile equipment used to lift, hoist or position persons, but does not include equipment that is affixed to the exterior of an aircraft. (appareil de manutention des matériaux)

"operator" means an employee who controls the operation of materials handling equipment and who has received training in respect of the procedures referred to in subsection 8.5(1). (opérateur)

"safe working load" means the maximum load that materials handling equipment is designed and constructed to handle or support safely under particular operating conditions. (charge de travail admissible)


8.2 (1) Materials handling equipment used on board an aircraft shall, if reasonably practicable, be so designed and constructed that failure of any of its parts will not result in loss of control of the equipment or create a hazardous condition.

(2) All glass and other transparent materials used in doors, windows and other parts of materials handling equipment used on board an aircraft shall be of a type that does not shatter into sharp or dangerous pieces on impact.

Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

8.3 (1) Before materials handling equipment is used for the first time on board an aircraft, the employer shall set out, in writing, instructions on the inspection, testing and maintenance of that equipment.

(2) The instructions shall specify the nature and frequency of inspections, testing and maintenance.

(3) The inspection, testing and maintenance shall be performed by a qualified person who

(a) complies with the instructions referred to in subsection (1); and

(b) makes and signs a report regarding each inspection, test or maintenance work performed by them.

(4) A report shall

(a) include the date of inspection, testing or maintenance performed by the qualified person;

(b) identify the materials handling equipment that was inspected, tested or maintained; and

(c) set out the safety observations of the qualified person.

(5) The employer shall keep a copy of

(a) the instructions referred to in subsection (1) for as long as the materials handling equipment is in use; and

(b) the report for a period of one year after the report is signed.


8.4 (1) Subject to subsection (2), any repair, modification or replacement of a part of any materials handling equipment shall at least maintain the safety factor of the equipment or part.

(2) If a part of less strength or quality than the original part is used in the repair, modification or replacement of a part of any materials handling equipment, the employer shall restrict the use of the equipment to such loading and use as will retain the original safety factor of the equipment or part.


8.5 (1) Every employer shall ensure that every operator of materials handling equipment on board an aircraft has been trained in the procedures to be followed for its

(a) inspection; and

(b) safe and proper use, in accordance with any instructions provided by the manufacturer and taking into account the conditions of the work place and the operator's physical capabilities.

(2) Every employer shall keep a record of the training for a period of three years from the day on which the training is provided.


8.6 No employer shall require an employee to operate materials handling equipment unless the employee is an operator.

Service Cart Control Systems

8.7 Every service cart used on board an aircraft shall be fitted with braking and other control systems that

(a) are capable of safely controlling and stopping its movement; and

(b) respond reliably and quickly to minimal effort on the part of the operator.

Safe Working Loads

8.8 No materials handling equipment shall be used or operated with a load that exceeds its safe working load.

Manual Handling of Materials

8.9 (1) If, because of the weight, size, shape, toxicity or other characteristic of materials, goods or things, the employer determines that the manual handling of the materials, goods or things on board an aircraft may be hazardous to the health or safety of an employee, the employer shall issue instructions that the materials, goods or things shall not, if reasonably practicable, be handled manually.

(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), in determining whether the manual handling of the materials, goods or things may be hazardous to the health or safety of an employee, the employer shall take into account the frequency and duration of manual handling and the distance, gradient and environmental conditions over which an object is to be manually handled.

8.10 (1) If an employee is required to manually lift or carry loads weighing in excess of 10 kg, the employer shall instruct and train the employee

(a) in a safe method of lifting and carrying the loads that will minimize the stress on the body; and

(b) in a work procedure appropriate to the conditions of the work place and the employee's physical capabilities.

(2) The employer shall make the instruction materials readily available to employees.

Transporting and Positioning Employees

8.11 (1) No materials handling equipment shall be used for transporting an employee on board an aircraft unless the equipment is specifically designed for that purpose.

(2) No materials handling equipment shall be used for positioning or hoisting an employee on board an aircraft unless the equipment is equipped with a platform, bucket or basket designed for that purpose.

Defective Materials Handling Equipment

8.12 If an employee identifies a defect in materials handling equipment that may render it unsafe for use, the employee shall, as soon as possible,

(a) mark or tag it as unsafe;

(b) remove it from service; and

(c) report the defect to the person in charge and the employer.

Storage of Materials

8.13 All materials, goods or things shall be stored and placed in such a manner that

(a) employees are not required to manually handle materials, goods or things in a manner that could lead to excessive strain on the body; and

(b) there is no risk to the health or safety of the employee.




9.1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

"first aid attendant" means an employee who has, in the last three years, successfully completed basic first aid training, standard first aid training or first aid training for flight attendants. (secouriste)

"health unit" means a facility that is under the charge of a physician or a person who is registered as a registered nurse under the laws of any province and that, if it is under the control of the employer, meets the minimum requirements of a first aid room described in Part XVI of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. (service de santé)

"incapacitated" means the inability to perform assigned duties in the course of employment due to illness or injury. (incapacité)

"medical treatment facility" means a hospital, medical clinic or physician's office, at which emergency medical treatment can be dispensed. (installation de traitement médical)


9.2 (1) Every employer shall establish and keep up to date written instructions for the rendering of first aid to an employee who is incapacitated.

(2) The employer shall make the instruction materials readily available to the employee.

First Aid Attendants

9.3 If there are three or more employees on board an aircraft, at least one of whom is not a flight crew member, one of them shall be a first aid attendant.

9.4 A first aid attendant shall

(a) have access to a first aid kit;

(b) render first aid to employees who are incapacitated;

(c) if required, accompany an incapacitated employee to a health unit or a medical treatment facility and render first aid in transit;

(d) in providing care as a first aid attendant, not be overruled by anyone not trained in first aid; and

(e) be responsible for providing care for an incapacitated employee until the treatment is complete or the employee is under the care of an equally or more qualified caregiver.

Training Requirements

9.5 (1) If the time required to reach a health unit or a medical treatment facility is two hours or less, the first aid attendant shall have successfully completed a basic first aid course, the elements of which are set out in section 1 of Schedule 1 to this Part, or a first aid course for flight attendants, the elements of which are set out in section 3 of Schedule 1 to this Part.

(2) If the time required to reach a health unit or a medical treatment facility is more than two hours, the first aid attendant shall have successfully completed a standard first aid course, the elements of which are set out in section 2 of Schedule 1 to this Part, or a first aid course for flight attendants, the elements of which are set out in section 3 of Schedule 1 to this Part.

(3) The employer shall determine, in consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, the elective lesson elements, if any, of the flight attendant first aid training required on any particular flight, taking into account the likelihood of their use.

(4) First aid attendant training courses shall be given by a person who has received the appropriate training from an organization approved by the Minister in accordance with section 9.6.

(5) Basic and standard first aid certificates, basic and standard first aid certifications and first aid certifications for flight attendants are valid for a maximum of three years starting on their date of issue.

Teaching First Aid

9.6 (1) An organization that wants to obtain the approval of the Minister for offering courses or instructional courses in first aid must apply for it in writing to the Minister.

(2) The application shall be accompanied by a description of the proposed courses.

(3) If an application is for approval for offering a course or an instructional course in specialized first aid, including first aid training for flight attendants, it shall be accompanied by a report from the employer, prepared in consultation with the work place committee or the health and safety representative, that identifies the first aid training requirements.

(4) The Minister shall approve an application by an organization to offer courses or instructional courses in basic and standard first aid if the organization's training program contains the elements set out in Schedule 1 to this Part.

(5) The Minister shall approve an application by an organization to offer courses or instructional courses in specialized first aid, including first aid training for flight attendants, if the organization's training program is appropriate for the work place, having regard to the training requirements identified in the report referred to in subsection (3).

(6) Subject to subsections (7) and (8), a letter of approval from the Minister is valid for a period of five years starting on the date of issue.

(7) The Minister may cancel the approval of an organization under subsection (4) if the organization's training program no longer contains the elements set out in Schedule 1 to this Part.

(8) The Minister may cancel the approval of an organization under subsection (5) if the organization's training program is no longer appropriate for the work place.

First Aid Kits

9.7 (1) Every first aid kit shall be

(a) readily accessible;

(b) inspected regularly and its contents maintained in a clean, dry and serviceable condition; and

(c) clearly identified by a conspicuous sign.

(2) Prescription drugs or other medications not included in Schedule 2 to this Part shall not be stored in first aid kits or with first aid supplies.

First Aid Supplies and Equipment

9.8 (1) If there are five or fewer employees working on board an aircraft at any time, the employer shall provide one first aid kit.

(2) If there are from six to 19 employees working on board an aircraft at any time, the employer shall provide two first aid kits.

(3) If there are 20 or more employees working on board an aircraft at any time, the employer shall provide three first aid kits.

(4) If there is no flight attendant working on board an aircraft, a type "A" first aid kit, the contents of which are set out in Schedule 2 to this Part, shall be provided.

(5) If there is at least one flight attendant working on board an aircraft, one or more type "B" first aid kits, the contents of which are set out in Schedule 2 to this Part, shall be provided.

(6) If there are three or more employees working on board an aircraft, the employer shall provide the additional supplies and equipment set out in column 1 of Schedule 3 to this Part in the applicable quantities set out in column 2 of that Schedule.

(7) If there are 200 seats or more on board an aircraft, there shall be an additional type "B" first aid kit for each 200 seats.


9.9 (1) The employer shall provide an ambulance service or other suitable means of transporting an incapacitated employee to a health unit or medical treatment facility.

(2) An incapacitated employee shall be relieved of all duties and shall be transported to a health unit or medical treatment facility as soon as possible.

Communication of Information

9.10 The employer shall ensure that the following information is readily available to every employee:

(a) information regarding first aid to be rendered for any incapacity; and

(b) information regarding transportation procedures for incapacitated employees.


9.11 (1) A means of recording first aid that has been rendered shall be readily available to an employee on board an aircraft.

(2) An employee who renders first aid shall

(a) enter in a first aid record the following information:

(i) the full name of the incapacitated employee,

(ii) the date, time and location of the occurrence of the incapacity,

(iii) the date and time that the incapacity was reported to the employee rendering the first aid,

(iv) a brief description of the incapacity,

(v) a brief description of the first aid rendered,

(vi) a brief description of arrangements made for the treatment or transportation of the incapacitated employee, and

(vii) the names of any witnesses, if applicable; and

(b) sign the first aid record beneath the information entered in accordance with paragraph (a).

(3) A copy of each first aid record shall be given to the employer at the first opportunity following the recording of the information.

(4) The employer shall keep the copy of the first aid record containing information entered under subsection (2) for two years starting on the date of that entry.

(5) Persons with access to first aid records shall keep the information contained in the records confidential except as required for the purpose of meeting reporting obligations under Part 10.

(6) On receiving a written request from a provincial workers' compensation authority or a medical practitioner, the employer shall provide an employee with a copy of any first aid record pertaining to their treatment.

(7) The employer shall maintain a record of the expiry dates of first aid certificates and first aid certifications for first aid attendants and shall make them readily available to the first aid attendants.

(Sections 9.5 and 9.6)


1. Basic first aid:

(a) the provision of basic first aid and the first aid attendant's role and obligations in relation to basic first aid;

(b) emergency scene management;

(c) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Level A: 1 rescuer . adult casualty);

(d) medical emergencies;

(e) shock and unconsciousness;

(f) anti-contamination procedures; and

(g) wounds and bleeding.

2. Standard first aid:

(a) the provision of standard first aid and the first aid attendant's role and obligations in relation to standard first aid;

(b) emergency scene management;

(c) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Level A: 1 rescuer . adult casualty);

(d) medical emergencies;

(e) shock and unconsciousness;

(f) anti-contamination procedures;

(g) wounds and bleeding;

(h) fractures and their immobilization;

(i) chest injuries;

(j) head and spinal injuries;

(k) muscle, ligament and joint injuries;

(l) burns;

(m) eye injuries;

(n) pelvic, genitalia and abdominal injuries;

(o) movement and transportation of casualty;

(p) environmental illnesses and injuries;

(q) toxicological emergencies; and

(r) evacuation and transportation of casualties.

3. First aid for flight attendants:

(a) compulsory lessons:

(i) principles of rendering first aid and in-flight medical emergency scene management (including universal precautions),

(ii) shock, unconsciousness and fainting,

(iii) artificial respiration - adult,

(iv) artificial respiration - child and infant,

(v) choking - adult, child and infant,

(vi) cardiovascular emergencies,

(vii) wounds and bleeding,

(viii) fractures, dislocations and sprains,

(ix) head and spinal injuries,

(x) burns,

(xi) asthma, allergies and poisons,

(xii) medical conditions,

(xiii) altitude related conditions, and

(xiv) eye injuries; and

(b) elective lessons:

(i) emergency childbirth and miscarriage,

(ii) frostbite and hypothermia,

(iii) heat illnesses,

(iv) cardiopulmonary resuscitation - adult, child and infant, and

(v) toothache.


4. Practical evaluation: evaluation points and criteria.

5. Written evaluation: example and marking scheme.


6. Training program:

(a) course content;

(b) length of the program; and

(c) evaluation process.

7. Recertification procedures:

(a) recertification schedule;

(b) instructor quality assurance procedures; and

(c) instructor's guide.


8. Student reference material: current volume submitted for review.

9. Lesson plans:

(a) lesson contents; and

(b) lesson teaching outline.

10. Audio-Visual aids.

11. First aid certificate, if applicable: example submitted for authentication.

12. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation certificate, if applicable: example submitted for authentication.

(Subsections 9.8(4) and (5))


Item Column 1

Supplies and Equipment
Column 2

(First Aid Kit "A")
Column 3

(First Aid Kit "B")
1. Antiseptic swabs (10 pack) 1 1
2. Bandages: adhesive strips 6 20
3. Bandages: triangular, 100 cm, folded, and 2 safety pins 2 3
4. First Aid Kit Container 1 1
5. Abdominal pads (combination dressings), 12 cm x 22 cm 2 4
6. Dressings: gauze sterile, 10.4 cm x 10.4 cm 8 8
7. Tweezers 1 1
8. Gloves: disposable 4 6
9. Scissors: bandage 1 1
10. Tape: adhesive, 2.5 cm x 4.5 m 2 2
11. Blanket: foil type 1 1

(Subsection 9.8(6))


Item Column 1

Supplies and Equipment
Column 2

Quantity per aircraft
1. Burn dressing  
  (a) on narrow-bodied aircraft 1
  (b) on wide-bodied aircraft 2
2. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation mask with one-way valve 2
3. Plastic bag: waterproof and sealable for disposal of contaminated waste 1
4. Blood borne pathogen kit 1




10.1 The following definitions apply in this Part.

"disabling injury" means an employment injury or an occupational disease that

(a) prevents an employee from reporting for work or from effectively performing all the duties connected with the employee's regular work on any day subsequent to the day on which the injury or disease occurred, whether or not that subsequent day is a working day for that employee;

(b) results in the loss of, or complete loss of the use of, a body member or part of a body member by an employee; or

(c) results in the permanent impairment of a body function of an employee. (blessure invalidante)

"minor injury" means an employment injury or an occupational disease for which medical treatment is provided and excludes a disabling injury. (blessure légère)

"regional office" means the office of the Department of Transport that is administratively responsible for the employee's assigned base. (bureau régional)

Report by an Employee

10.2 If an employee becomes aware of an accident or other occurrence arising in the course of or in connection with their work that has caused or is likely to cause injury to that employee or to any other person, they shall, without delay, report the accident or other occurrence to their employer, orally or in writing.


10.3 If an employer becomes aware of an accident, occupational disease or other hazardous occurrence affecting any of their employees in the course of employment, the employer shall, without delay,

(a) appoint a qualified person to carry out an investigation of the hazardous occurrence;

(b) notify the work place committee or the health and safety representative of the proposed investigation, and of the name of the qualified person appointed to investigate, so that either may participate in the investigation; and

(c) take necessary measures to prevent a recurrence of the hazardous occurrence.

Telecommunication Report

10.4 The employer shall report to a health and safety officer, by telecommunication, the date, time, location and nature of any accident, occupational disease or other hazardous occurrence referred to in section 10.3 that has one of the following results, as soon as possible but not later than 24 hours after becoming aware of that result:

(a) the death of an employee;

(b) a disabling injury to two or more employees;

(c) the loss of, or complete loss of the use of, a body member or part of a body member by an employee;

(d) the permanent impairment of a body function of an employee; and

(e) a fire.

Minor Injury Record

10.5 (1) Every employer shall keep a record of each minor injury of which the employer is aware that is sustained by an employee in the course of employment, for two years after the injury is sustained.

(2) The record shall contain

(a) the date, time and location of the occurrence that resulted in the injury;

(b) the name of the employee who sustained the injury;

(c) a brief description of the injury; and

(d) the causes of the injury.

Written Report

10.6 (1) The employer shall make a report in writing, without delay, in the form set out in Schedule 1 to this Part, setting out the information required by that form, including the results of the investigation referred to in paragraph 10.3(a), if that investigation discloses that the hazardous occurrence resulted in any one of the following circumstances:

(a) a disabling injury to an employee;

(b) an electric shock, toxic atmosphere or oxygen deficient atmosphere that caused an employee to lose consciousness; or

(c) the implementation of rescue, revival or other similar emergency procedures affecting an employee.

(2) The employer shall submit a copy of the report

(a) without delay, to the work place committee or the health and safety representative; and

(b) within 14 days after the hazardous occurrence, to a health and safety officer at the regional office.

Annual Report

10.7 (1) Every employer shall, not later than March 1 of each year, submit to the Minister a written report setting out the number of accidents, occupational diseases and other hazardous occurrences of which the employer is aware affecting any employee in the course of employment on board an aircraft during the 12 month period ending on December 31 of the preceding year.

(2) The report shall contain the information referred to in the form set out in Schedule 2 to this Part.

Retention of Reports

10.8 Every employer shall keep a copy of

(a) the report referred to in subsection 10.6(1) for a period of five years after the hazardous occurrence; and

(b) the report submitted under subsection 10.7(1) for a period of 2 years after the submission of the report to the Minister.

(subsection 10.6(1))

Hazardous occurence investigation report. Hazardous occurence investigation report.

(subsection 10.7(2))





11. The Aviation Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (see footnote 1) are repealed.


12. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.


Footnote a

S.C. 2000, c. 20, s. 5

Footnote b

S.C. 2000, c. 20, s. 6

Footnote c

S.C. 2000, c. 20, s. 7

Footnote d

S.C. 2000, c. 20, s. 8

Footnote e

S.C. 2000, c. 20, s. 20

Footnote 1

SOR/87-182; SOR/94-34


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Updated: 2006-11-23