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Services May 2, 2008
Training and Skills Development (TSD)
Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Employment Development Act | PDF | HTML
89-145 - Général | PDF | HTML
Training and Skills Development (TSD) program has been introduced in an effort to ensure that case managed individuals, whose employment action plan identifies skill development as being necessary, have access to funding to assist them in achieving their goal.
A participant must:

-be a resident of New Brunswick or a First Nation Community in New Brunswick
-be unemployed and be out of the public school system for at least three years
-not have attended full-time post-secondary training within the last 12 months
-have an active Employment Insurance Benefits claim or a claim that has ended within the last three years, or have received maternity or parental benefits within the last five years
-have an Employment Action Plan that has been developed with a Post Employment Counsellor

The training must:

-be a required component of a participant's Employment Action Plan
-lead to sustainable employment
Training and skills Development (TSD) selectively provides grants to people who meet the Employment Insurance (EI) eligibility criteria. The focus of the program is to help clients receive training or educational programs which will allow them to return quickly to work.

The TSD duration is limited to:
- a maximum of two consecutive years for a regular training program
- a maximum of two consecutive years for academic upgrading
- a maximum of three consecutive years for a co-operative training program

The level of TSD funding is determined by an Employment Counsellor and may cover a portion of tuition and books as well as other training expenses.

Contact our Department's local Employment Regional Office to find out how TSD can become a component of your Employment Action Plan.
Details Forms and Packages: Forms may require the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Forms are not applicable or not available.
    DetailsOnline transactions:
  • Online transactions are not applicable or not available.
    Details Service Contact(s):
  • Employment Regional Office - Bathurst/Campbellton , Campbellton
  • Employment Regional Office - Edmundston , Edmundston
  • Employment Regional Office - Fredericton , Fredericton
  • Employment Regional Office - Miramichi , Miramichi
  • Employment Regional Office - Moncton , Dieppe
  • Employment Regional Office - Péninsule acadienne, Caraquet
  • Employment Regional Office - Saint John , Saint John
    Related Links: Some links may require the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Training and Skills Development (TSD)
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