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Welcome to BC Workinfonet!

BC Welcomes Increases Immigration Funding to ensure immigrants and their families are supported in making the transition to living and working in our communities. . . the Future of the Pacific Century is NOW!  Find out what the face of British Columbia society and economic growth will be in the future . . . Human Resources and Social Development Ministry adds 21 more occupations to a pilot program that fast-tracks applicants so employers can bring temporary workers to Canada more quickly . . . the BC Career and Workforce Development Alliance launches a website to inform BC Residents about the transfer of federal employment and training programs to the province . . . Government to Help Small Businesses Enter Global Markets and Address Skills Shortages . . .  New Downtown Vancouver Art School funding announced for Simon Fraser University . . . Former BC Premier, Mike Harcourt encourages employers to hire the disabled to bring them into the mainstream and help solve the skills shortage . . . Class Sizes Reduced Across Province . . . Education Ministries announce expanded English Language Training opportunities in six BC locations . . .  BC Workinfonet Youth Site presents Ask a Counsellor . . . Youth site features Careers in the Canadian Armed Forces.   


In the past few years web logs (or blogs, as they are now commonly known) have sprouted up like mushrooms in the dark recesses of cyber space, occasionally even bursting forth from obscurity to instigate huge media attention. And controversy! Who can forget the furor that maverick MP Garth Turner’s blog incited in the fall of ’06 which resulted in his unceremonious eviction from the Tory Caucus? 
These days blogs reside on myriad corporate sites as well as those of the typical blogster –individuals with a burning desire to speak out. So, how does one find really fresh, useful, and mind-broadening commentary covering career, LMI and job search topics when so many have fallen victim to our time-crunched world, often languishing with stale and out of date postings.   
Well, here are a few current and thought-provoking examples: 
The BC-based Labour Market Information Blog is chock full of weighty facts, figures and thoughtful discourse to tauten up your grey matter. Self-described as a : Resources, links, analysis and articles concerning career management and labour market issues, this site certainly fits the bill for top notch BC coverage.  
Toronto-based Medical and Research Science’s (MARS) offering blends career, business and entrepreneurship with an environmental, future-oriented overlay to create an intelligent blog, well worth exploring. 
Cross-generational commentator, Penelope Trunk (not her real name but you’ll have to read her blog to find out why), has gained caveats for her pithy (and uber-prolific) blogfest which is the Brazen Careerist.  Each entry is interwoven with scintillating links to other experts in the field, often positing insightful philosophies and matter-of-fact advice for those curious about how best to address the uncertain future of our mixed generational work world.  
Equally prolific Steve Pavlina paints a broad-based palette of topics under the umbrella of personal development with career, work and entrepreneurship articles interspersed with supportive advice on motivation, time management, public speaking, business, success, intention and manifestation added for depth and colour. 
And, if you’re not blogged out by now, try this global sampling of the Top 100 Career Blogs
Inspired? Perhaps you would like to share a personal pet passion with others. If so, why not consider helming the bridge of your own web log? There are a number of sites dedicated to helping you launch one for free