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Where Talent Meets Creativity

The Centre for Arts and Technology is an industry leading and respected Digital Arts School in Canada with industry designed diplomas in 3D Animation, Digital Filmmaking, Audio Engineering, Event and Talent Management, Graphic and Digital Media Design, 3D Game Animation, Interior Design, Network Security and other emerging entertainment industry and information technology careers.

The Centre for Arts and Technology is not your normal community college or University artschool. The Foundation of Art and Design is learned but the experience is much more immersive, engaging and interactive, leading to practical application and internship in real world digital art industry placements and careers.

The Centre for Arts and Technology team pioneered education in Digital Media and Entertainment Technology in Canada and were one of the first education teams to develop programs in Digital Audio, Arts and Animation, Video Game Design and Development , Motion Design and Interactive Arts for the Web, Surround Sound , Sound Design, Digital Recording Arts, and other leading edge tools and technology. As new technology emerged, our graduates were there first and have populated the industry becoming senior states persons in one of the most exciting and dynamic industries n the world. This is a life less ordinary .

Design has evolved to include Motion Design, Special Effects have become Visual Effects, Multi Track Recording and Music Production have evolved to complete Digital Environments incorporating surround sound technologies and advanced Synthesis and sound design . State of the art software and hardware workstations many times more powerful than those that put Man in Space are standard tools in todays media and entertainment designers professional toolkits.

Like all achievements and works of art and music, it starts with the raw idea, the materials that spark creative genius and allow it to become something of magnificence. For us that is you. Those who can dream big and are willing to commit to making it happen. We provide Tools, Training , Teaching and Technology. But we also provide community. Belonging to a community as comprehensive and committed as this creates the drive, the buzz the sense of purpose and the fellow explorers to share and assist in the journey. The network is as important a tool as the technology, the talent and the training.

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