Literacy and Basic Skills

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Need help now?


Some people in Ontario need help with literacy, math and other skills to reach their work or other life goals.

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities' Literacy and Basic Skills program helps people whose literacy skills fall below the Grade 9 level. Academic upgrading is also available, to help people qualify for postsecondary training or employment. The program is divided into four streams, to best serve anglophone, deaf, francophone and Aboriginal learners.

Who can participate?

The program is open to English- or French-speaking people not attending school. Services are free, and are offered on-site at approximately 300 locations across the province, in self-directed format and online.

Other services

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities also supports the Council of the Federation Literacy Award, encourages research and development, and ensures agencies offering the Literacy and Basic Skills Program provide quality services.

For more information, visit Employment Ontario or call the hotline at 1-800-387-5656.