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Employment and Income Assistance Program

Get more information - see our Employment and Income Assistance Facts pages.

What is Employment and Income Assistance?

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) is a provincial program of last resort for people who need help to meet basic personal and family needs. Wherever possible, the program is aimed at helping people find a job or get back to work.

Community Service Delivery

Income Assistance benefits are provided through the Community Service Delivery Division, whose objectives are to:

  • provide income assistance to persons in need;
  • provide employability assessments, personal job planning, work incentives and other supports to help participants enter or re-enter the labour market; and
  • provide additional financial assistance to persons with disabilities receiving income assistance to help meet the costs associated with a disability.

Who May Receive Income Assistance?

All Manitobans who are in financial need and meet the conditions of the program may receive assistance.

Eligibility for income assistance is determined by a test of need. The total financial resources of the household are compared to the total cost of basic necessities as defined in The Employment and Income Assistance Act and Regulation. Applicants must be in financial need for the monthly cost of:

  • basic needs such as food, clothing, personal needs and household supplies;
  • some medical costs; and
  • housing (rent) and utilities; and some special costs if you are an adult with a disability.

For further information on Employment and Income Assistance, please contact a Winnipeg Service Location or Rural and Northern Service Location in your area, or:

Employment and Income Assistance
Community Service Delivery
119 - 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 4V7
Phone: (204) 945-2177
Email: csd@gov.mb.ca

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