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Career, Employment and Youth Services (CEYS)

Income, Employment and Youth Services Branch

The Career, Employment and Youth Services (CEYS) Division supports and assists individuals to prepare for, attain and maintain employment by linking human resource and economic development. Programs and services are designed to help individuals research, explore and make decisions about careers, training and job options. The division is supported through internal and external partnerships with others responsible for or involved in human resource and economic development.


Responsibilities include:

  • developing employment and career programs

  • assisting clients to develop employment and career plans

  • partnering with the federal government, other provincial departments and community agencies to develop programs and services that help individuals prepare for, attain and maintain employment

  • co-ordinating and delivering labour market adjustment programs


  • Secondary and Post-Secondary students have access to programs designed especially for youth. Through these programs you can gain valuable professional experience, access supports for your education and receive guidance in career planning.

  • People who may be planning to join or rejoin the workforce can use employment and career services to help them reach their professional goals. Whether you are interested in researching the current job market or would like to expand on your professional training, employment and career services can help you get started as you plan your future.

  • Career, Employment and Youth Services (CEYS) also has programs in place to assist people with a disability. If you have a physical or mental disability there are services available that can address the barriers you may face in the labour market.

Program Areas and Services:

The department’s programs, along with valuable partnerships with other levels of government and communities across the province, ensure that everyone has equal access to career development resources and employment opportunities so we can build the future together. Programs and Services available include:

For information, contact the HRLE office in your area:





TTY: 1-888-380-2299

TTY: 1-877-292-4205

TTY: 1-888-445-8585

TTY: 1-866-443-4046


 Labour Market and Career Information Hotline
1-800-563-6600 (TTY: 1-866-729-4685)



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