How to Read the Profiles
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1pixel.gif (807 bytes)Career Exploration: The Personal Side of Work
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Agriculture, Animal Services, Natural Resources
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Arts, Entertainment, Sports and Recreation
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Business Support,  Communications
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Construction & Manufacturing
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Education & Science
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Health & Social Services
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Retail & Wholesale
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All else: Cleaning, Realty, Religion, Security, Travel...

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Real People talk about their careers Real People discuss their careers Real People write about their careers 1pixel.gif (807 bytes)

Workers Share:

Rewards of their job;
Stressful parts of the job;
Basic skills the job demands;
Challenges of the future; and,
Advice on entering the field.

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Dive right in! Our Profiles were updated Monday, November 3, 2003. Navigate the directories to the left or search for a specific job title.

Ratings is an addition to, not a competitor of, other career and market information sites. About us: we cover the personal side of work, because we believe that a good fit between your interests and your chosen field is the number one correlation for your success.
Of course, you should use local career resources and counseling services as well as links to help make the right career choice.



To get the most out of these profiles, see How to Read These Profiles. And be sure to check out advice on how to start managing your career -- now, whether you're in school, thinking about a new career or going on information interviews. (Tip: print out a profile and use it to get a foot in the door: "I have information I'd like to confirm.")

Work doesn't have to be a pain, it can be joyous. The people featured here have very rewarding careers, and they got there one step at a time.

You can too!

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©2003  -   Contact: Steve Hay