Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale  

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Government Sustainable Development Strategy 2008-2013

Québec 1608-2008

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Financial assistance




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  • Canada Child Tax Benefit
    This benefit is a monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18. The National Child Benefit Supplement offsets the difference between the amount to which families may be entitled and the amount they actually receive.
  • Child assistance
    The Québec government has been paying child assistance since January 2005 in order to help out families. This measure has two components: the child assistance payment and the supplement for handicapped children.
  • Nursing
    A special nursing benefit can be paid each month until your baby is one year old, if you breast-feed throughout this time.
  • Parental Wage Assistance (PWA)
    This program was replaced by the Work Premium.
  • Pregnancy
    A special benefit can be paid each month of your pregnancy until you give birth.
  • Purchase of infant formula
    If you receive last-resort financial assistance benefits and are the parent of an infant under 9 months old, you can purchase regular (cow’s milk), soy-based or lactose-free infant formula.
  • Québec Parental Insurance Plan
    The Québec Parental Insurance Plan provides for the payment of a financial benefit to any eligible worker who takes a maternity, paternity, adoption or parental leave during which the worker sustains an interruption of earnings.
  • School expenses
    A special benefit exists to help low-income families cover their children's back-to-school expenses.


  • Alternative jeunesse
    Alternative jeunesse is the way to go for people under 25 years of age who want to acquire personal, social and vocational self-sufficiency. This program offers young people personalized coaching in addition to financial assistance in the form of a youth allowance. To participate in the program, a person must be eligible for the Social Assistance Program or the Social Solidarity Program and be able to take active steps towards finding employment.
  • Centre spécialisé des demandeurs d'asile
    This is an social solidarity centre for individuals who have applied for asylum.
  • Devenir
    This program is designed to help people who are not ready to join the labour force in the short term to build a better future. The objective is to prepare people to participate in a measure or program offered by public employment services.
  • Social Assistance Program, Social Solidarity Program
    Last-resort financial assistance for low-income individuals and families.
    • Basic benefit
      An amount corresponding to the needs of an independent adult or a couple, as recognized by regulation. Other amounts may be added to the basic benefit, where applicable.
    • Health
      Certain health-care costs (for medication, dental care, optometry services, etc.) can be reimbursed or obtained free of charge.
    • Others expenses (death, fire, disaster or a move for health or hygiene reasons)
      Certain special benefits can be paid to help cover costs arising from difficult situations.
  • Financial assistance for pregnant minors
    The Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale can provide monthly financial assistance for pregnant minors who are without financial resources.
  • Financial Support Program for Older Workers Who Have Lost Their Jobs in the Forest Industry
  • Income Support Program for Workers Affected by Collective Dismissals in the Resources Regions
    The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to workers who have been collectively dismissed. Regions: Bas-St-Laurent, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Mauricie, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Côte-Nord, Nord-du-Québec, Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
  • Income Support Program for Workers Affected by Collective Dismissals in the Textile and Clothing Sectors, Excluding the Resource Regions
    The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to workers who have been collectively dismissed. Regions: Capitale-Nationale, Estrie, Ville de Montréal, Outaouais, Chaudière-Appalaches, Montréal-banlieue et Laval, Lanaudière, Laurentides, Montérégie, Centre-du-Québec
  • Interagir
    Interagir program helps persons whose access to the labour market can only be considered as a long-term project to a better future. The goal is to help persons become involved in a process that will lead them to become more actively involved in their community.
  • Jeunes en action
    Jeunes en action offers young people between 18 and 24 years old an opportunity to develop their full potential. This measure is designed to meet the needs of young people who face obstacles restraining them from entering the labour market. It also offers both guidance and personalized coaching.
  • Ma place au soleil
    This job-entry measure helps young mothers receiving last-resort financial assistance benefits to meet their family obligations while completing their schooling.
  • Québec pluriel
    Projects whose goal is to improve the employability of young adults from cultural communities and visible minorities.
  • Solidarité jeunesse
    The Solidarité jeunesse program has been replaced by two separate and improved programs: Alternative jeunesse and Jeunes en action.

    This program allows young people aged 18 to 24 who apply and are eligible for last-resort financial assistance to take part in training activities, go back to school or find a job.
  • Unemployment
    Anyone looking for a job can register for employment, provided he/she is able to work.
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