Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is based on simple common sense. We all know that real and important learning takes place in many settings and through many activities — in addition to formal education and training programs. These settings include the workplace; family and community life; volunteer, church and union activities; travel and hobbies. PLA believes that all such learning that can be identified, described and documented, deserves to be recognized. PLA services and programs help individuals, organizations and communities to pull together a comprehensive and systematic inventory of what they know and can do. These lifelong learning inventories — and the confidence to tackle new learning opportunities and challenges — are essential assets in our constantly changing economic and social circumstances.

More and more individuals, employers and community leaders see the assessment and recognition of Prior Learning as a basic to their employment goals, their business objectives and their economic and social vitality.


Everything you know and can do — everything you've learned in the community, the workplace, your family — that's real learning.

We're helping you assess your own learning strengths and gaps."
Douglas Myers,
PLA Centre
QuickTime video
At the PLA Centre
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