About the OSPMHR Tools - Self-Assessment, Job Profile Writer & Interview Builder


SHRC designed the Occupational Skills Profile Model (OSPM) as a human resource reference tool for IT occupations.

Whether you are an IT manager hiring and developing staff, an IT professional thinking about a career move, a statistician concerned with supply and demand for software workers, an educator planning curriculum that incorporates career skills, or a student looking for a career, the OSPM is for you.

The OSPM was developed by SHRC in response to an urgent need for standardized skills in the Canadian IT sector, the public sector and educational institutions. It is the foundation for identifying, recruiting, retaining and retraining workers. The occupational profiles in the OSPM allow jobs to be compared across industries and over time, and give employers the ability to target and address skills gaps within their organizations.

The OSPM is available online in a Searchable Database to SHRC Members (See How to become a member) and is structured in such a way that users can easily access relevant job streams, specific skills and accountabilities required to perform these jobs. The current release of the OSPM features 24 job streams and their definitions.

More Information on the OSPM

The OSPM Online HR Tools are interactive human resource management tools built on the Occupational Skills Profile Model, the national standard for describing IT occupations in Canada.

Accessible anytime, anywhere, these versatile HR tools assist employers, recruiters and IT professionals to define job titles, seniority levels, salaries and career plans.

The OSPM Online HR Tools consist of:

OSPM Self-Assessment Tool
Try Free Self-Assessment Tool

This free tool can help you determine your IT knowledge, skills and skills gaps. The OSPM Self-Assessment Tool lets you assess yourself against industry-standard requirements nation-wide, based on the OSPM job streams. The assessment can apply for current positions and more senior positions you are aiming for. At the end of the self-assessment session you will receive a personalized report, outlining your personal ratings for the job profile, as well as average ratings achieved by others.

OSPM Job Profile Writer

This tool creates custom job profiles based on the skills, accountabilities and job descriptions listed in the OSPM. Users have the option of working with industry standard templates or tailoring profiles to the specific requirements for a particular position.

OSPM Interview Builder

This tool allows you to quickly and easily allows you to create interview guides from a bank of customizable questions based on the skills required for the positions you need to fill. The OSPM Interview Builder also features interview guide sheets that facilitate the rating of interviews, as well as tips on conducting and evaluating interviews and reference checks.

An HR guide for non-HR professionals, the Human Resource Guide was developed especially for small and medium-sized businesses in the IT industry.  It provides a wealth of information on a variety of topics of interest for today’s managers.

Download the HR guide (2.6 mb pdf document)


For more information on the OSPM, OSPM HR Tools and the HR guide, please contact:

Derek Corneil
OSPM Project Manager
Email: ospm@shrc.ca

30 Metcalfe Street, Suite 400
Ottawa, ON K1P 5L4
Phone: (613) 237-8551
Fax: (613) 230-3490