Careers at Telefilm


Official Languages

Careers at Telefilm

Together we communicate

As a Crown corporation, Telefilm Canada is proud to promote a bilingual environment consistent with the standards prescribed by the Treasury Board Secretariat.  The Corporation places prime importance on equal employment and advancement opportunities for English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians and to the representation of both official language communities, taking into account its mandate, clientele and office locations.

In addition, Telefilm Canada participates actively in meetings of the Crown Corporations Advisory Committee on Official Languages (CCACOL).

To learn more about the Official Languages Act we invite you to visit the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada's web site.

Through diversity we are all enriched

Through its policies and programs, Telefilm Canada is committed to respecting the requirements of the Employment Equity Act in the area of maintaining equal opportunities. The principal aim of this policy is to ensure that the representation of employees from designated groups is proportional, in all job categories, to their representation in the active population. In addition, the Corporation is doing its utmost to make professional competence the only criterion for employment and advancement.

As a cultural investor, Telefilm Canada is proud to promote employment equity through its programs, because through diversity we are all enriched.

To learn more about the Employment Equity Act, we invite you to visit the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada.