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Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada


For Consumers

Making a Complaint

Man on cellular phone All banks, retail associations and federal trust, loan and insurance companies must, by law, have a complaint-handling process in place for consumers.

If you have a complaint or a problem with a federally regulated financial institution, you can take the following steps to resolve it.

Click here to find the complaint-handling process for your financial institution

Step 1: Local level

First, you should try to resolve the problem directly with the manager or customer service representative of your financial institution. This would involve dealing with branch staff or the branch's local representative.

Step 2: Senior level or internal ombudsman

If your complaint cannot be resolved at the branch or local level, it may be referred to a senior staff member or an internal ombudsman.

Step 3: Third-party review

In most cases, if your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can have it reviewed by a third party. This service is non-binding and is available to any individual or small business with a complaint.

Provincial regulator

In some cases, depending on the type of financial institution you deal with, you may also contact your provincial regulator. For a list of the regulators in your province, please visit the Other Regulators section of our Web site or call us toll-free at: 1-866-461-3222.


Part of FCAC's role is to ensure that financial institutions have a complaint-handling process in place. If you are having difficulty finding out about your institution's complaint-handling process or if you are experiencing delays when using it, call us toll-free at the number above. However, please keep in mind that FCAC does not provide redress or compensation and that we cannot get involved in individual disputes.

Click here to learn more about how we handle complaints.

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FCAC/ACFC Toll-free 1.866.461.FCAC (3222)
Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians Printable Version

Last Modified: 2007-02-20
Important Notices