Message from the Ombudsman

I am pleased to provide an update on what has been, and continues to be, a priority matter for me and our office: the unfair deductions related to the Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP).
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Submit a Complaint

If you are a member of the Defence community and you feel you have been treated unfairly, or you would like information about how to resolve a problem, the Ombudsman's Office is here to help.

Latest News

  • Ombudsman Recognizes Progress in the Treatment of Francophone Recruits [ More... ]
  • Chief of Military Personnel Provides Additional Information Regarding CFB Borden [ More... ]
  • Ombudsman Raises Serious Concerns Regarding the Treatment of Francophone Recruits at CFB Borden [ More... ]

Status of Recommendations

We are committed to keeping you informed of improvements to the Defence community that result from our investigations. Updates on the status of the Ombudsman's recommendations are available here.