Pêches et Océans Canada - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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Garde côtière Gestion des pêches Institut Maurice-Lamontagne Sciences Oceans et Habitat


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Within the scope of its mandate, the Coast Guard joins forces with a variety of stakeholders to ensure protection of the shorelines and natural habitats of the St. Lawrence River. Among the stakeholders are concerned persons from shoreline communities, municipalities, organizations and various government agencies. The Coast Guard thus cooperates with, and provides support to, different environmental groups, particularly the ZIP committees (ZIP stands for « zone d'intervention prioritaire », or an area of prime concern) and the shoreline communities.


In addition, the communities and interests that are at risk of being affected by an oil spill are represented by an Oil Spill Regional Advisory Board that plays an advisory role with diverse stakeholders and makes recommendations with respect to CG's Environmental Response Program. The Coast Guard’s involvement on the board is that of technical consultant; it also provides secretarial services.

A few years ago, the Coast Guard set up the Community Action Program (CAP), designed to help shoreline communities be prepared in the event of an oil spill and, specifically, to incorporate a marine component into their emergency plan.

The Coast Guard is also a partner in the St. Lawrence Vision Action Plan 2000 and assumes the federal co-chair of the Navigation Consensus Building Committee. Some 20 members representing the two orders of government, the industry, environmental groups and shoreline communities sit on the committee. Its primary objective is to develop and implement a sustainable navigation strategy making it possible to develop commercial navigation and recreational boating activities on the St. Lawrence while respecting and protecting its ecosystems.

Websites of interest, with respect to shoreline communities:

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