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Vol. 140, No. 37 — September 16, 2006

Regulations Amending the Seeds Regulations

Statutory authority

Seeds Act

Sponsoring agency

Canadian Food Inspection Agency


(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)


The Seeds Regulations (the Regulations) govern the testing, inspection, quality and sale of seeds to facilitate the availability of pure, effective seed for Canadian consumers and export markets.

In order for the regulatory system to remain efficient, the standards prescribed in the Regulations must evolve to reflect current production practices and market conditions. The purpose of this initiative is to amend the Regulations to reflect current realities in the seed industry and to facilitate both domestic and international trade.

The proposal involves a number of changes to the body of the Regulations to provide clarifications or that are of a housekeeping nature, and to the grade tables found in Schedule I of the Regulations. It includes an update of the scientific names of species listed in Schedules I, II and III, clarifications of terminology used, clarifications to better reflect the intent of the legislation or to better reflect current practices in the industry, the removal of fractional standards (e.g. 0.1 to 0), small changes to actual germination, disease and purity standards for some species, changes to the grade names for forage and turf mixtures and some additions to or movement of species within the grade tables.

(i) Update of nomenclature

The taxonomy of plants is under continuous review by the scientific community. Recently, there have been major revisions to the nomenclature of certain groups of plants (e.g. most of the Agropyron species listed in Table XI have undergone changes to their scientific names).

The names of all plant species listed in the Schedules of the Regulations were reviewed with the objective of updating the names to reflect current accepted practice. This will harmonize Canada with other countries and result in less confusion with seed traded internationally. It is proposed that names be changed to conform with the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Agricultural Research Service's Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) which has also been adopted by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) for its list of stabilized plant names.

(ii) Replacement of fractional standards in tables with zero

Standards that appear as numbers of seeds that are less than one but more than zero, in a specified sample weight, appear in Tables I, II, III, IV, V and XVIII (e.g. 0.1 per kg, 0.2 per kg and 0.5 per kg). As parts of seed are not common and indeed not an issue, this leads to some confusion as to interpretation of the tables in regards to the sampling requirements. It is proposed that the fractions be replaced by zero and that the Regulations be amended to allow a single seed of a specified weed class in a larger sample size (e.g. in 10 kg of crop seed).

(iii) Grade table amendments

Table I

It is proposed that the maximum number of ergot bodies per kilogram be changed from 1 to 2 for both Canada Certified No. 1 and Common No. 1 seed. Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) is a fungal body that replaces the kernel in the heads of many cereal and grass species. The major cereals are all susceptible, with rye and triticale being the most liable to infection because of their outcrossing nature. This proposed modification will harmonize the standard for ergot in Table I (wheat) with the standard in Table II (barley and oats). The change to the standard is well within the grain grade standards specified by the Canadian Grain Commission.

Table II

Proposed modifications have been made to reduce the seed purity standards for sainfoin and the vetch species listed in this table because of the difficult nature of producing seed of these crop kinds. Hairy, Hungarian, spring or common vetch and sainfoin are the only forage species included in this table. It is proposed that a separate table with reduced standards be created (Table II.1) for sainfoin and the vetches.

A lower germination standard for hulless species of barley and oats (e.g. 75% for No. 1 seed and 65% for No. 2 seed) is also proposed. Hulless seeds may be subject to more damage during processing because the embryo is less protected than in hulled varieties.

Table III

The germination standards required in Table III (cereal mixtures) should be the same as the standards for the individual crop kinds as established in the appropriate grade table in Schedule I. This is the current situation for common and durum wheat (Table I), and barley and oats (Table II). With regard to peas and beans (Table V), this would mean lowering some of the germination standards currently listed in Table III by 5% to 10%. Table III is to be amended by removal of Column IX. Subsection 7(11) of the Regulations is to be amended indicating that seed contained in a cereal mixture must meet the germination standard set out in the appropriate table for the species in Schedule I.

Table IV

A reduction in the number of wild oat seeds permitted in flax in Foundation No. 2, Registered No. 2 and Certified No. 1 seed is proposed. Flax is a poor competitor with wild oats, and significant yield losses can result where high infestations occur.

Since hemp is not currently included in any table within Schedule I, there is no germination standard. It is proposed that hemp be added to Table IV.

The sorghum seed industry in Canada has experienced difficulty meeting the 85% germination standard for No. 1 seed in Table IV, particularly in years when there has been an early frost. As a result, growers may lose a significant portion of their seed crop which must be sold as feed with considerable financial loss. It is therefore proposed to reduce the germination standard for sorghum to 70%.

Table V

Table V pertains to various types of beans and peas, as well as corn, soybean, sunflower and safflower. Beans and peas can be grown as field crops (dried), or as vegetable crops (both commercially and by home gardeners). It is therefore proposed that Table V should specifically apply to field crops only. Beans and peas grown as vegetables will be covered by Table XVIII.

It is proposed to lower the germination standard for safflower to the same as peas. Safflower has difficulty meeting the current germination standard which was established before there was much experience with this crop in Canada.

Table VII

The first varieties of Canola quality Brassica juncea were registered in 2002, and as a result, this crop type is being proposed to be added to Table VII.

An increase to the Canada Foundation No. 2 and Canada Registered No. 2 germination standards from 75% to 80% is being proposed.

It is recommended that oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiformis Pers.) be listed in Table VII to Schedule I since it is grown as a green manure field crop and is of comparable seed size to the species listed in Table VII. Currently, it is covered under Table XIX. However, the less stringent weed seed standards in Table XIX are more appropriate for vegetable crops that are intensively managed than for field crops.

Table X

Bird's-foot trefoil was included in Table IX prior to the last revision of the grade tables and was therefore previously subjected to higher standards for germination and purity.

A review of certificates of analysis has shown that the vast majority of seed lots could meet a much higher standard than is currently required. It is suggested that at this time weed and sweet clover standards be tightened.

Table XI

It is proposed to move tall fescue from column VIII to column VII. Tall fescue is grown in environments similar to orchard grass and ryegrass, which are in column VII, and has similar problems meeting the grade standards.

Table XII

It is being proposed to add Poa supina (supina bluegrass) to the list of six other Poa species found in Table XII. There has been increasing interest in supina bluegrass over the past several years, particularly for use on athletic fields and golf courses.

Table XIII

The Varietal Blend Forage Mixture designation is to be removed. The Regulations will be amended to allow more than one variety of a species in a Canada Certified Forage Mixture.

Table XIV

"Grass" is being removed from the Lawn Grass Mixture designations and the Varietal Blend Lawn Grass Mixture designation is to be changed to Canada Certified Lawn Mixture to clearly reflect its pedigreed status. The order of the rows will be reversed to give prominence to these certified mixtures. The Regulations will be amended to allow more than one variety of a species in a Canada Certified Lawn Mixture.

It is also proposed that the minimum standards for purity be changed from 85% to 90% for the No. 1 grades, and from 75% to 80% for the No. 2 grades.

Table XV

Column VI of Table XV establishes germination standards for the components of ground cover mixtures composed of seed of two or more kinds other than forage mixtures and lawn or turf mixtures. The standards of 70% and 60% are very difficult for some species to meet. It is proposed that Column VI be dropped and that, unless the species is listed in one of the tables of Schedule I, no germination standard be imposed.

Table XVI

Table XVI applies to four types of the Beta vulgaris species—beet, sugar beet, mangel and swiss chard. Currently, the Mayweed standard applies only to beet and sugar beet. The Mayweed standard should apply to all crops in this table since contamination would cause similar production problems for all types.


It is proposed that sunflowers and safflowers for home garden use be added to Table XVIII. In addition, it is proposed to expand this table to include all vegetable-type seed of the species currently listed, regardless of location or method of production, by removing the designation "for home gardens." Phaseolus vulgaris (garden bean) is currently not listed in Table XVIII and will be added. The pea column will be amended to include sunflower, safflower and chickpea. The word "sweet" will be removed from the sweet corn column so that the standards will apply to both sweet and pop corn.

The germination standard for corn will be lowered by 5%. Sweet corn, particularly the super sweet type, does not have consistently high germination rates making the standard difficult to meet.

Table XIX

It is proposed to add Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis and Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis) to Table XIX. Production of these species has risen dramatically in recent years, responding to increased consumer demand.

"Vegetable" will be dropped from kale so that this table can be used to grade forage kale as well. It is the same species.

(iv) Miscellaneous

This proposal also includes some minor changes to the text of the Regulations that provide clarification or that are of a housekeeping nature.

In general, the proposed amendments constitute alterations of pre-existing provisions with little or no change in current activities or negative impacts on the general public or the environment. In some cases, they will accommodate practices that currently exist or clarify the intent of the Regulations. The proposed amendments will result in a reduction in the net regulatory burden. Existing regulations are being modified to address situations where the regulatory burden is greater than necessary and to keep with current realities in the domestic and international seed sector. Administrative, analytical and compliance frameworks are already established and are familiar to both industry and government stakeholders.

Canada has international commitments for seed quality through membership in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Seed Schemes and the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA). The proposed amendments will not affect Canada's ability to meet these commitments.

The following amendments to the Regulations are also being proposed:

The definition "officially recognized sample" will be amended to include samples taken by individuals accredited to do so by government bodies or officially recognized bodies that have the authority to regulate the import, export or marketing of seed, and to clarify that where a sample is taken by an individual accredited by a seed testing laboratory accredited by the ISTA to test seed, it must be tested by that, or another, ISTA-accredited laboratory. This proposed amendment would increase the range of options for taking officially recognized samples and would accommodate a USDA initiative to develop a sampler recognition program.

Reference to "samplers" is to be added to the definition of "conformity verification body," as well as subsections 13.1(7) and (12) in order to account for changes to the Regulations that took place in 2003.

The definition "official tag" is to be amended to state that it "means a label that is issued or approved by the Agency in respect of seed having pedigreed status." The change from the use of the term "tag" in the definition to the term "label" is intended to provide clarification by linking this definition to the definition of "label" in the Seeds Act.

The scope of paragraph 6(2)(h) of the Regulations will be expanded to indicate that seed intended for land reclamation, soil conservation, green cover, wildlife, wetland restoration and similar purposes shall meet the minimum weed seed and other crop seed standards set out in Table XIII of Schedule I, if of a kind or species not set out in Schedule I.

Paragraph 6(2)(j) has been expanded to clarify the type of product that is meant by wildflower mixture.

Paragraphs 7(1)(f) and (g) have been replaced as a result of changes to the grade names in Tables XIII and XIV of Schedule I, that refer to forage mixtures and turf mixtures, respectively.

Subsection 7(4), which indicated that seed heads of Malva spp. found in lentil were to be treated as a secondary noxious weed, was removed. A change will be made to the Canadian Methods and Procedures for Testing Seed to indicate that intact heads of Malva spp. (Mallow spp.) should be considered as secondary noxious weed seeds. If the seed head is not intact, it is to be broken into its component parts which will be counted as other weed seeds. The current procedure is to report intact heads (disks) of Mallow spp. under "secondary noxious weed seeds." For partially intact heads, the individual seeds are counted and reported under "other weed seeds." A seed head of Mallow contains approximately 8 to 10 seeds. Canada Certified No. 1 permits 1 secondary noxious weed and 15 total weed seeds per 5 kg. Counting individual seeds as other weed seeds instead of counting the disk as a secondary noxious could be a reduction in the standard, if no other weed seeds were present. It would, however, harmonize the testing procedure with other jurisdictions.

Paragraph 11(1)(b) of the Regulations will be expanded to include tests done by ISTA-accredited seed testing laboratories, using recognized standard methods. This amendment would increase the range of options for testing seed.

Paragraph 13(3)(b) is to be amended to change the wording to read "the seed is imported in a package bearing a label that was issued or approved by an official certifying agency and that indicates that the seed is of pedigreed status" rather than "the seed was imported..." This adjustment is necessary to respond to current realities in the industry where the grade of a seed lot produced outside of Canada is determined by an accredited grader in Canada and the seed is then labelled with the grade name in the foreign country before being imported into Canada. In addition, it clarifies that the label must indicate the pedigreed status of the seed.

Paragraph 23(h) is to be amended to account for the development of canola-quality Brassica juncea varieties.

Paragraphs 26(1)(c) and 28(1)(c) are to be amended to clarify that there may be situations where the variety name of a component of a forage or turf mixture may be included on a label.

Paragraph 31(2)(b) is to be amended to clarify that not all types of specialty seed are eligible for grading.

Sections 33 and 34 are to be amended to allow fastened packages containing 2 kg or less of seed to be exempt from the requirements to be labelled with an official tag as long as the words "Certified Seed" appear in a blue rectangle meeting the colour requirements and dimensions of the official tag and the other information requirements are met elsewhere on the package. These seed packets are small in size and generally intended for the home garden market, and the requirement to attach an official tag can be difficult to meet. In addition, clarification is made that the CFIA is to be notified each time an approved conditioner proposes to obtain such packages.

There is clarification to be made in section 34 to indicate that where a package labelled with a Canada pedigreed grade name contains any seed not produced in Canada, it must bear an interagency tag. This increases transparency by ensuring that the origin of the seed is clearly indicated.

Amendments to be made to subsection 34(5) to indicate that when the grade name is applied to seed before import into Canada, the Canada pedigreed grade name and the accredited grader number must appear on a label attached to or printed directly upon each package of seed. This amendment would accommodate the current situation where the grade of the seed is established by an accredited grader in Canada, and the information is provided to the labeller of the seed outside of Canada in order that the seed is labelled ready for sale upon import into Canada.

There is clarification to be made in section 35 to indicate that the unregistered variety tag is only used for seed sold in Canada. Seed of an unregistered variety that is produced only for export does not need to be tagged with an unregistered variety tag.

There is clarification to be made in section 37 to indicate that bulk seed must meet the information requirements outlined in section 19, subsection 20(4), section 21 and section 35 with respect to quantity, treatment with a pest control product, restrictions to registration and unregistered varieties. The information is to be provided on accompanying documentation at the time of sale of the seed. This is the current expectation but not explicit in the Regulations.

Paragraph 40(5) is to be amended to indicate that onion or garlic sets, tree seeds, shrub seeds, ginseng seeds, aquatic plant seeds, true potato seeds or flower seeds, except wildflower seed mixtures and herb seeds, will be exempted from certain import requirements. This is currently being done in practice.


(i) Status quo

Leaving the seed standards in their current form would result in perpetuation of several inappropriate standards. It would not respond to requests and suggestions for change and improvement that have come from seed industry stakeholders. Costs associated with the status quo include loss of some seed sales due to unnecessarily strict standards.

(ii) Revise seed standards (preferred option)

Amending the Regulations to incorporate modifications to the seed standards pursuant to a broad-based consultative process is the best alternative for achieving the desired result; i.e. that the standards for seed are appropriate, that consumers continue to be protected and that efficacy of field production through disease and weed seed control is maintained. The scope of the revisions has been centred around items for which there is broad agreement or those that are of a clarification or housekeeping nature.

Benefits and costs

(i) Benefits

The proposed amendments would respond to changes in production practices and industry requests; clarify the Regulations and standards, thus minimizing confusion in the industry; increase seed sales due to more reasonable and modernized standards; potentially reduce costs associated with compliance and enforcement; harmonize with trading partners; and meet international commitments. Standards established at a federal level benefit companies and private individuals by facilitating access to markets and maintaining high levels of consumer confidence.

(ii) Costs

Because the amendments constitute minor clarifications or alterations of pre-existing conditions, the negative impacts and risks will be minimal.

Costs to industry may rise where standards are increased (e.g. birdsfoot trefoil) or additional crop kinds are included in the Regulations (e.g. Chinese cabbage) as a result of the need for additional seed cleaning, seed testing or increased numbers of seed lots assigned a lower grade, but on the whole these incremental costs should be relatively low.

Costs are minimal compared to the annual value of seed production (approximately $700 million) and of field crop production (approximately $14.4 billion in 2004) in Canada.


A general revision to Schedule I of the Regulations was completed in 1986 after a lengthy consultation with the seed industry. Since then, a number of further amendments have been identified or requested from a number of sources, including individual seed companies, the board of directors of the Canadian Seed Growers' Association (CSGA), government seed inspectors, and private seed analysts. Some of the suggestions relate specifically to improving standards for particular crop kinds, others to revision of the scientific nomenclature and still others have to do with efficient and effective enforcement of the Regulations.

In 1997, a Seed Standards Review was initiated to identify potential improvements to the seed standards in the Regulations and to reach consensus on proposed amendments. A document was circulated to stakeholders and interested parties on May 30, 1997, listing potential changes. Comments were received from approximately 20 individuals as well as a consolidated response from the CSGA.

The consultation period spanned over seven years with most of the activity taking place between 1997 and 1999 and 2002 and 2004. In June 1999, a Round 2 Consultation Document was made available for comment. Consultation occurred through the CFIA Web site, presentations at industry meetings and direct correspondence with stakeholders. The range of consultation has been broad because of the wide diversity of stakeholders who may be affected by changes to the standards in the Regulations and included seed industry members and associations, other federal government departments, provincial governments, regional governments and academia.

Modifications that were identified in Round 2 for which there was unanimous, near unanimous or general consensus for change from stakeholders are being proposed for implementation at this time. Therefore, the degree of acceptance is anticipated to be high. The modifications address a number of general issues, and specific changes to the grade tables found in Schedule I of the Regulations.

An update of the Seeds Standards Review was posted on the CFIA Seed Section Web site in June 2003 and was brought to the attention of stakeholders at industry meetings. The document listed most of the proposed changes that are being put forward at this time. No negative comments have been received.

In July 2004, presentations on the amendments were made to the national board of directors of the CSGA and at the annual meetings the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada and the Canadian Seed Trade Association.

Compliance and enforcement

The proposal will result in more effective regulation and fewer compliance issues. Strategies currently in use will be continued to ensure compliance and enforcement of the Regulations.


Michael Scheffel/Christina Rowan, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 59 Camelot Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9, 613-221-7518 (telephone), 613-228-4556 (fax).


Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council, pursuant to subsection 4(1) (see footnote a) of the Seeds Act, proposes to make the annexed Regulations Amending the Seeds Regulations.

Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be sent to Glyn Chancey, Director, Plant Production Division, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 59 Camelot Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9 (tel.: 613-225-2342, ext. 7591; fax: 613-228-4552).

Ottawa, August 25, 2006

Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council



1. (1) The definition "Seeds Fees Notice" in subsection 2(1) of the Seeds Regulations (see footnote 1) is repealed.

(2) The definition "conformity verification body" in subsection 2(1) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

"conformity verification body" means an independent body that has an agreement with the Agency under subsection 14(1) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act to administer specific tasks, including assessing, recommending for acceptance and subsequent audit of establishments, operators, graders, samplers or laboratories that process, import, sample, test, grade or label seeds. (organisme de vérification de la conformité)

(3) The definitions "Department" and "Registrar" in subsection 2(2) of the Regulations are repealed.

(4) The definitions "officially-recognized laboratory", "officially-recognized sample" and "officially-recognized test" in subsection 2(2) of the English version of the Regulations are repealed.

(5) The definition "official tag" in subsection 2(2) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

"official tag" means a label that is issued or approved by the Agency in respect of seed having pedigreed status. (étiquette officielle)

(6) The definitions "étiquette de qualité Généalogique" and "laboratoire reconnu officiellement" in subsection 2(2) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

« étiquette de qualité Généalogique » Étiquette officielle à l'égard d'une semence provenant d'une récolte cultivée au Canada et non classée. (pedigreed status tag)

« laboratoire reconnu officiellement » Laboratoire d'analyse des semences qui est désigné par le ministre à titre de laboratoire agréé en application de l'article 14 de la Loi sur les produits agricoles au Canada. (officially recognized laboratory)

(7) The portion of the definition "variety" in subsection 2(2) of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

"variety" has the meaning assigned to "cultivar" by the International Union of Biological Sciences' Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants and denotes an assemblage of cultivated plants, including hybrids constituted by controlled cross-pollination, that

(8) Subparagraphs (b)(i) and (ii) of the definition "échantillon reconnu officiellement" in subsection 2(2) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(i) un organisme gouvernemental ou un organisme reconnu officiellement qui a le pouvoir de réglementer l'importation, l'exportation ou la commercialisation des semences,

(ii) une agence officielle de certification,

(iii) un laboratoire d'analyse des semences agréé par l'Association internationale d'essais de semences (ISTA) pour délivrer des certificats internationaux de lots de semences, dans le cas d'un échantillon qui doit être analysé par le laboratoire agréé ou par un autre laboratoire agréé par l'ISTA. (officially recognized sample)

(9) The words "(officially-recognized test)" at the end of the definition "essai reconnu officiellement" in subsection 2(2) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the words "(officially recognized test)".

(10) Subsection 2(2) of the English version of the Regulations is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

"officially recognized laboratory" means a seed testing laboratory that is designated by the Minister as an accredited laboratory under section 14 of the Canada Agricultural Products Act. (laboratoire reconnu officiellement)

"officially recognized sample" means a sample of seed that has been

(a) drawn by or under the supervision of a licensed sampler and prepared by a licensed sampler according to recognized standard methods; or

(b) drawn and prepared according to recognized standard methods by an individual accredited to do so by

(i) a government body, or an officially recognized body, that has the authority to regulate the import, export or marketing of seed,

(ii) an official certifying agency, or

(iii) a seed testing laboratory accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) to issue international seed lot certificates, if the sample is to be tested by the accrediting laboratory or by another laboratory accredited by ISTA. (échantillon reconnu officiellement)

"officially recognized test" means a test that is performed according to recognized standard methods on an officially recognized sample in an officially recognized laboratory or, in the case of determinations of impurities in the kinds or species set out in Tables I to VI of Schedule I or seeds of similar size, an accredited grader. (essai reconnu officiellement)

2. The Regulations are amended by adding the following after the heading of Part I:


3. In this Part, "Registrar" means the person designated by the President to accredit graders or license samplers.

3. (1) Subsections 5(5) and (6) of the English version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(5) Seeds of vegetables, roots and herbs are exempt from the operation of paragraph 3(1)(a) of the Act in so far as they may be sold without a grade name and without conforming with the standards for minimum percentage of germination under section 6 if they are labelled in accordance with section 30.

(6) Seed of a kind or species set out in Schedule I that is imported for research purposes is exempt from the operation of paragraph 3(1)(a) of the Act in so far as it may be imported into Canada without conforming with the standards for minimum percentage of germination set out in that Schedule.

(2) Subsection 5(7) of the Regulations is repealed.

4. (1) Paragraph 6(2)(h) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(h) for any seed or mixture of seeds for land reclamation, soil conservation, green cover, wildlife grazing or habitat, wetland restoration and similar purposes, Table XIII;

(2) Paragraph 6(2)(j) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(j) wildflower mixtures and similar products intended for landscape gardening use, Table XV.

(3) Subsection 6(3) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(3) Barley seed that has been treated with a product registered as a control product under the Pest Control Products Act for the control of true loose smut (Ustilago nuda) is exempt from the standards for true loose smut set out in column 9 of Table II to Schedule I.

5. (1) Paragraphs 7(1)(f) and (g) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(f) a Canada Certified No. 1 Forage Mixture or a Canada Certified No. 2 Forage Mixture may contain more than one variety of a kind or species;

(g) every Canada Certified No. 1 Cereal Mixture and Canada Certified No. 2 Cereal Mixture shall contain only seed of pedigreed status and only one variety per kind or species; and

(h) a Canada Certified No. 1 Lawn Mixture or a Canada Certified No. 2 Lawn Mixture may contain more than one variety of a kind or species.

(2) Subsections 7(2) to (6) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(1.1) Despite Table I to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 2 seed and Canada Registered No. 2 seed may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 10 kg.

(1.2) Despite Table I to Schedule I, Canada Certified No. 2 seed may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 2 kg.

(1.3) Despite Table II to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 2 oats and Canada Registered No. 2 oats may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 10 kg.

(1.4) Despite Table II to Schedule I, Canada Certified No. 1 oats may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 2 kg.

(1.5) Despite Table II to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 2 seed other than oats, Canada Registered No. 2 seed other than oats and Canada Certified No. 1 seed other than oats may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 5 kg.

(1.6) Despite Table III to Schedule I, Canada Certified No. 1 Cereal Mixture seed may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 5 kg.

(2) In addition to meeting the standards set out in Tables I to III to Schedule I, seed to which those Tables apply shall be free from tartarian buckwheat in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.

(3) In addition to meeting the standards set out in Tables I to III to Schedule I, seed to which those Tables apply shall be free from wild oats in Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

(4) Despite Table IV to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 2 seed, Canada Registered No. 2 seed and Canada Certified No. 1 seed may contain one secondary noxious weed seed per 50 g other than wild oats in flax.

(4.1) Despite Table IV to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 1 seed and Canada Registered No. 1 seed of sorghum, Sudan grass and canarygrass may contain one other crop seed per 25 g.

(4.2) Despite Table V to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 2 seed may contain one other crop seed per 2 kg.

(5) Seed to which Table VII to Schedule I applies shall be free from seeds of cleavers (Galium aparine L.) and false cleavers (Galium spurium L.).

(6) Column 5 of Table VIII to Schedule I does not apply to sweet clover seed.

(3) Paragraphs 7(7)(a) to (f) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(a) subcolumn 1 of column 10 of that Table applies only to Chewing's fescue, meadow fescue, red fescue, creeping red fescue, tall fescue, annual ryegrass, intermediate ryegrass and perennial ryegrass;

(b) subcolumn 2 of column 10 of that Table applies only to smooth bromegrass, meadow bromegrass, sweet bromegrass, fine-leaved fescue, hard fescue, sheep fescue, various-leaved fescue, creeping foxtail, meadow foxtail, orchardgrass, beardless wheatgrass, northern wheatgrass, pubescent wheatgrass, slender wheatgrass, streambank wheatgrass, Altai wildrye, Dahurian wildrye and Russian wildrye;

(c) subcolumn 3 of column 10 of that Table applies only to crested wheatgrass, intermediate wheatgrass, Siberian wheatgrass, tall wheatgrass, western wheatgrass and tall oatgrass;

(d) subcolumn 4 of column 10 of that Table applies only to reed canarygrass;

(e) subcolumn 1 of column 11 of that Table applies only to Chewing's fescue, meadow fescue, red fescue, creeping red fescue, tall fescue, annual ryegrass, intermediate ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and reed canarygrass; and

(f) subcolumn 2 of column 11 of that Table applies only to smooth bromegrass, meadow bromegrass, sweet bromegrass, fine-leaved fescue, hard fescue, sheep fescue, various-leaved fescue, creeping foxtail, meadow foxtail, tall oatgrass, orchardgrass, beardless wheatgrass, crested wheatgrass, intermediate wheatgrass, northern wheatgrass, pubescent wheatgrass, Siberian wheatgrass, slender wheatgrass, streambank wheatgrass, tall wheatgrass, western wheatgrass, Altai wildrye, Dahurian wildrye and Russian wildrye.

(4) Subsection 7(8) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(8) Despite the kinds and species of seed set out in Table XIII to Schedule I, column 5 of that Table does not apply to mixtures that contain 1% or more of sweet clover seed.

(5) Subsection 7(11) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(10.1) In addition to the standards set out in Tables III and XV to Schedule I, kinds or species of seed listed in Schedule I shall meet the minimum percentage of germination set out in the Table in which they appear.

(10.2) Despite Table XVIII to Schedule I, Canada Foundation No. 2 seed may contain one other crop seed per 2 kg.

(11) The diameter of sets set out in column 2 of Table XXI to Schedule I do not apply to multiplier onions.

6. (1) Subparagraph 11(1)(b)(i) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(i) an officially recognized laboratory,

(2) Subparagraphs 11(1)(b)(iv) and (v) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(iv) a seed testing laboratory operating under the supervision of a Registered Seed Technologist registered by the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists,

(v) a seed testing laboratory operated by or under the authority of a national or state government of a foreign country, or

(vi) a seed testing laboratory accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA); or

7. Subsection 12(4) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(4) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply if the sample is required for the purpose of checking only the percentage of germination.

8. (1) Subparagraph 13(1)(d)(i) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(i) the results of an officially recognized test, or

(2) Paragraph 13(3)(b) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(b) the seed is imported in a package bearing a label that was issued or approved by an official certifying agency and that indicates that the seed is of pedigreed status.

9. (1) Paragraph 13.1(1)(c.1) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(c.1) where the individual wishes to be accredited to retrieve, identify, classify and report weed seeds and other impurities from officially recognized samples, submit to an evaluation that is set by the Registrar and that measures the individual's ability to so retrieve, identify, classify and report;

(2) Subsection 13.1(3) of the Regulations is repealed.

(3) Subsection 13.1(7) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(7) If a conformity verification body refuses to make a recommendation to the Registrar that an applicant's accreditation as a grader or sampler be certified or renewed, the conformity verification body shall send a notice of that decision to the applicant by registered mail, giving the reasons for the decision and advising that the applicant may request that the Registrar review the decision. The conformity verification body shall also send a copy of the notice, including the reasons, to the Registrar.

(4) Subsection 13.1(12) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(12) If the Registrar finds that the conformity verification body should have recommended that the applicant's accreditation as a grader or sampler be certified or renewed, the Registrar shall certify the accreditation or renew it, as the case may be, as if the recommendation had been made.

10. Subsection 13.2(8) of the Regulations is repealed.

11. Paragraph 18(1)(d) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(d) the percentage of germination of a representative sample of the seed; and

12. (1) The portion of section 23 of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

23. Every package of seed of the kinds or species set out in Tables I to II.1 and IV to VII to Schedule I shall be labelled with the following information:

(2) Paragraph 23(g) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(g) in the case of hybrid seed of corn or hybrid seed of sunflower, sold or offered for sale as a Canada Foundation grade, the total number of seeds of other crops, per kilogram and the percentage of germination; and

(3) Paragraph 23(h) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(h) in the case of seed that is labelled as oilseed rape, rapeseed or canola and that is not labelled with a Canada pedigreed grade name, the name "Polish type" or "B. rapa", "Argentine type" or "B. napus", "B. juncea", or the words "type not known", as appropriate.

13. Paragraph 26(1)(c) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(c) the name and percentage of each kind or species — and of each variety, if applicable — of seed that singly constitutes 3% or more by weight or, in the case of sweet clover, 1% or more by weight, of the mixture;

14. The portion of paragraph 28(1)(c) of the Regulations before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

(c) if the package contains more than 5 kg of seed, the name of each kind or species — and of each variety, if applicable — of seed that constitutes

15. Subsection 29(1) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

29. (1) A label shall not contain any words or designs to indicate or imply that seed that is a ground cover mixture is suitable for use on home lawns or for forage production.

16. (1) Paragraph 30(b) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(b) the name of the kind or species — and of the variety, if applicable — of the seed, or in the case of mixtures, the name of each kind or species — and of the varieties — of the seed, if applicable;

(2) Subparagraph 30(d)(ii) of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(ii) the percentage of germination of the seed or a minimum guaranteed percentage of germination.

17. (1) Paragraph 31(2)(b) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(b) the name of the grade of the seed, if applicable.

(2) Subsection 31(3) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(3) In addition to the labelling requirements referred to in subsection (2), every package of seed that is a specialty seed shall be labelled with the information required by the appropriate section of these Regulations with respect to that seed.

18. Paragraphs 33(3)(c) and (d) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(c) the name of the seller, packager or labeller is marked on the package, and

(i) the information required by subsection (2) is marked on the package and the layout of the information, the area marked and the colour conform to the domestic tag, or

(ii) in the case of packages containing 2 kg or less of seed, the words "Certified Seed" appear in a blue rectangle that meets the colour requirements of the official tag and that has a length to width ratio of approximately 2:1 and the information set out in paragraphs (2)(a) to (c) and (e) appears elsewhere on the package; and

(d) in the case of packages referred to in subparagraph (c)(i), each time the approved conditioner proposes to obtain those packages, the approved conditioner notifies the Agency of that proposal.

19. (1) Subsection 34(1) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

34. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (5) and sections 35 and 37, every package of seed derived in whole or in part from a crop not grown and conditioned in Canada and graded with a Canada pedigreed grade name shall be fastened and tagged with an inter-agency certification tag.

(2) Paragraphs 34(3)(c) and (d) of the Regulations are replaced by the following:

(c) the name of the seller, packager or labeller is marked on the package, and

(i) the information required by subsection (2) is marked on the package and the layout of the information, the area marked and the colour conform to the domestic tag, or

(ii) in the case of packages containing 2 kg or less of seed the words "Certified Seed" appear in a blue rectangle that meets the colour requirements of the official tag and that has a length to width ratio of approximately 2:1 and the information set out in paragraphs (2)(a) to (e) appears elsewhere on the package; and

(d) in the case of packages referred to in subparagraph (c)(i), each time the approved conditioner proposes to obtain those packages, the approved conditioner notifies the Agency of that proposal.

(3) Subsection 34(5) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(5) A package of seed of certified status is exempt from subsection (1) if

(a) the package bears a label that was issued or approved by an official certifying agency and that indicates that the seed is of pedigreed status;

(b) in the case of seed labelled with a Canada pedigreed grade name in Canada, the Canada pedigreed grade name appears on a document that accompanies each sale of the seed and that bears the name of the person selling the seed; and

(c) in the case of seed imported into Canada labelled with a Canada pedigreed grade name, the Canada pedigreed grade name and the accredited grader number appear on a label attached to or printed directly on each package of seed.

20. Subsection 35(1) of the Regulations is amended by striking out the word "and" at the end of paragraph (a) and by replacing paragraph (b) with the following:

(b) of a variety not registered under Part III; and

(c) sold in Canada.

21. Section 37 of the Regulations is amended by striking out the word "and" at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following after paragraph (b):

(b.1) the seed, at the time of delivery, is accompanied by written information that, if the seed were in a fastened package, would be required by section 19, subsection 20(4) and sections 21 and 35 to be marked on the package or to be contained on the package's label or tag; and

22. (1) Paragraph 40(1)(c) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(c) the variety name of the seed for all kinds, species and varieties subject to registration under Part III, other than non-pedigreed seed of forage crops;

(2) Subsection 40(5) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(5) Subsections (1) to (4) do not apply in respect of a seed lot that

(a) is composed of onion or garlic sets, tree seeds, shrub seeds, ginseng seeds, aquatic plant seeds, true potato seeds or flower seeds, except wildflower seed mixtures;

(b) weighs 5 kg or less, in the case of seed of the kinds or species set out in any of Tables I to VI and XVI to XVIII to Schedule I, or seeds of similar size or herb seeds; or

(c) weighs 500 g or less, in the case of seed of the kinds or species set out in any of Tables VII to XII to Schedule I, or seeds of similar size.

23. Paragraph 87(1)(c) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(c) the applicable fee set out in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice for a service provided to that establishment has not been paid.

24. Paragraph 99(1)(c) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:

(c) the applicable fee set out in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice for a service provided to that operator has not been paid.

25. Schedules I to III to the Regulations are replaced by the Schedules I to III set out in the schedule to these Regulations.


26. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

(Section 25)

(Sections 2, 5 to 7, 11 and 12, 18, 23 to 27, 30 and 40)


Applicable to:

(a) Wheat, common — Triticum aestivum L.

(b) Wheat, durum — Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn. (= T. durum Desf.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg
  Noxious Weeds        
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secon-
Total Weeds Total Barley, Rye & Triticale Other Crops Including Total Barley, Rye & Triticale Additional Common Wheat in Durum Wheat & Durum Wheat in Common Wheat
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 0 2 0 0 0
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 0 0 4 1 2 0
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 0 3 0 1 0
4. Canada Registered No. 2 0 0 6 1 2 0
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 0 3 1 2 5
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 0 6 2 5 10
7. Common No. 1 0 2 10 10 10 12
8. Common No. 2 2 4 20 20 20 24
1 6 7 8 9 10
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg      
        Minimum Percentage of Germination
Grade Name Other Crops Including Total Barley, Rye & Triticale Additional Common Wheat in Durum Wheat & Durum Wheat in Common Wheat Maximum Number of Ergot Bodies per kg Common Wheat Durum Wheat
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 0 1 85 80
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 2 0 8 75 70
3. Canada Registered No. 1 1 0 1 85 80
4. Canada Registered No. 2 2 0 8 75 70
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
2 5 2 85 80
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
5 10 8 75 70
7. Common No. 1 10 12 2 85 80
8. Common No. 2 20 24 8 70 70


Applicable to:

(a) Barley, six-row, two-row, hulless — Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare

(b) Bean, mung — Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. radiata

(c) Buckwheat, common — Fagopyrum esculentum Moench

(d) Buckwheat, tartarian — Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.

(e) Emmer — Triticum turgidum L. subsp. dicoccum (Schrank ex Schübl.) Thell. (= T. dicoccum Schrank ex Schübl.)

(f) Lentil — Lens culinaris Medik.

(g) Lupine, lupin (grain and forage) — Lupinus spp.

(h) Oats including hulless — Avena sativa L., A. nuda L.

(i) Rye — Secale cereale L.

(j) Spelt — Triticum aestivum L. subsp. spelta (L.) Thell. (= T. spelta L.)

(k) Triticale — × Triticosecale spp.

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg
  Noxious Weeds    
    Primary Plus Secondary    
Grade Name Primary In Oats In Other Kinds Total Weeds Other Crops
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 0 0 2 1
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 0 0 0 4 2
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 0 0 3 2
4. Canada Registered No. 2 0 0 0 6 4
5. Canada Certified No. 1 0 0 0 3 4
6. Canada Certified No. 2 0 1 1 6 10
7. Common No. 1 0 2 2 10 25
8. Common No. 2 2 4 4 20 50
1 7 8 9 10 11
  Maximum Number of Ergot Bodies per kg   Minimum Percentage of Germination
Grade Name In Barley & Oats In Triticale & Rye Maximum Percentage of True Loose Smut in Barley Rye, Triticale, Hulless Barley & Hulless Oats Other Kinds
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 1 2 2 75 85
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 8 10 4 65 75
3. Canada Registered No. 1 1 2 2 75 85
4. Canada Registered No. 2 8 10 4 65 75
5. Canada Certified No. 1 2 4 2 75 85
6. Canada Certified No. 2 8 15 4 65 75
7. Common No. 1 2 4 4 75 85
8. Common No. 2 8 15 6 65 75


Applicable to:

(a) Sainfoin — Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.

(b) Vetch, hairy — Vicia villosa Roth. subsp. villosa

(c) Vetch, Hungarian — Vicia pannonica Crantz

(d) Vetch, common — Vicia sativa L. subsp. sativa

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg  
  Noxious Weeds    
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops Minimum Percentage of Germination
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 1 20 10 75
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 40 20 65
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 1 20 10 75
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 40 20 65
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 40 40 75
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 20 80 80 65
7. Common
No. 1
0 20 50 50 70
8. Common
No. 2
20 40 100 100 60


Applicable to:

Cereal mixtures composed of seeds of two or more kinds listed in Tables I to II.1, including Phaseolus vulgaris L., Vicia faba L. and Pisum sativum L.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg    
  Noxious Weeds        
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops Maximum Percentage of True Loose Smut in Barley Maximum Number of Ergot Bodies per kg
1. Canada Certified No. 1 Cereal Mixture 0 0 3 5 2 3
2. Canada Certified No. 2 Cereal Mixture 0 1 6 20 4 12
3. Common No. 1 Cereal Mixture 0 2 10 30 4 3
4. Common No. 2 Cereal Mixture 2 4 20 60 6 12


Applicable to:

(a) Canarygrass — Phalaris canariensis L.

(b) Flax, oilseed and fibre — Linum usitatissimum L.

(c) Sorghum — Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

(d) Sorghum Sudan grass hybrids — Sorghum ×drummondi (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase

(e) Sudan grass — Sorghum ×drummondi (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase (= S. sudanese (Piper) Stapf)

(f) Hemp — Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds In Sorghum, Sudan Grass, Sorghum Sudan Grass Hybrids & Canarygrass In Other Kinds
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 2 0 0
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 0 3 1 1
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 2 0 1
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 0 3 1 2
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 0 3 1 1
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 2 5 2 2
7. Common
No. 1
0 2 6 25 2
8. Common
No. 2
2 6 10 50 8
1 2 3 4 7 8
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g    
  Noxious Weeds   Minimum Percentage of Germination
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Sorghum Other Kinds
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 2 70 85
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 0 3 70 70
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 2 70 85
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 0 3 70 70
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 0 3 70 85
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 2 5 70 70
7. Common
No. 1
0 2 6 70 85
8. Common
No. 2
2 6 10 70 70


Applicable to seed of the following kinds when intended for agricultural field production:

(a) Bean, field — Phaseolus vulgaris L.

(b) Bean, broad, horse, tick and faba — Vicia faba L.

(c) Chickpea — Cicer arietinum L.

(d) Corn (open-pollinated, synthetic) — Zea mays L. subsp. mays

(e) Cowpea — Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers subsp. unguiculata

(f) Pea, field — Pisum sativum L.

(g) Safflower — Carthamus tinctorius L.

(h) Soybean — Glycine max (L.) Merr.

(i) Sunflower (open-pollinated) — Helianthus annuus L.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg   Minimum Percentage of Germination
Grade Name Total Weeds Other Crops Maximum Number of Sclerotia Bodies in Sunflower per kg Pea, Chickpea, Cowpea & Safflower Beans & Soybean Corn & Sun-
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 0 1 80 85 90
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 0 0 8 70 75 80
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 0 1 80 85 90
4. Canada Registered No. 2 0 1 8 70 75 80
5. Canada Certified No. 1 0 1 1 80 85 90
6. Canada Certified No. 2 0 3 8 70 75 80
7. Common No. 1 1 4 4 75 80 90
8. Common No. 2 3 10 8 65 65 75


Applicable to seed of the following kinds when intended for agricultural field production:

(a) Corn, hybrid — Zea mays L. subsp. mays

(b) Sunflower, hybrid — Helianthus annuus L.

1 2 3 4 5
  Maximum Number of Seeds per kg    
Grade Name Weeds Other Crops Maximum Number of Sclerotia Bodies per kg in Sunflower Minimum Percentage of Germination
1. Canada Foundation 0 N/A 8 N/A
2. Canada Certified No. 1 0 1 1 90
3. Canada Certified No. 2 0 5 8 80
4. Common 4 10 8 75


Applicable to:

(a) Mustard, black — Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch

(b) Mustard, oriental, Indian or brown — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.

(c) Mustard, white (= yellow) — Sinapis alba L.

(d) Rapeseed, oilseed rape, canola

- Argentine type — Brassica napus L. var. napus (= B. napus L. var. oleifera Delile)

- Polish type — Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A.R. Clapham

- Brassica juncea type — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.

(e) Radish, oilseed or forage — Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiformis Pers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g
  Noxious Weeds        
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds B. rapa in B. napus or B. napus in B. rapa Other Brassica Crops Including S. alba Other Non-brassica Crops
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 5 0 0 1
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 0 10 2 1 2
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 5 0 0 1
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 0 10 2 1 2
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 1 5 5 1 1
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 2 10 10 5 2
7. Common 1 3 15 20 15 2
1 2 3 4 5 8 9
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g    
  Noxious Weeds        
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds B. rapa in B. napus or B. napus in B. rapa Maximum Number of Sclerotia Bodies per 50 g Minimum Percen-
tage of Germi-
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 5 0 1 90
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 0 10 2 2 80
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 5 0 1 90
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 0 10 2 2 80
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 1 5 5 1 90
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 2 10 10 2 80
7. Common 1 3 15 20 2 90


Applicable to:

(a) Alfalfa — Medicago sativa L.

(b) Clover, crimson — Trifolium incarnatum L.

(c) Clover, red — Trifolium pratense L.

(d) Clover, subterranean — Trifolium subterraneum L.

(e) Clover, sweet

- white blossom — Melilotus albus Medik.

- yellow blossom — Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.

(f) Lespedeza, common or Kobe — Kummerowia striata (Thunb.) Schindl. (= Lespedeza striata (Thunb.) Hook. & Arn.)

(g) Lespedeza, Korean — Kummerowia stipulacia (Maxim.) Makino (= Lespedeza stipulacea Maxim.)

(h) Lespedeza, sericea or Chinese — Lespedeza cuneata (Dum.-Cours.) G. Don

(i) Millet, foxtail or Italian — Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. subsp. italica

(j) Millet, Japanese — Echinochloa frumentacea Link or E. esculenta (A. Brown) H. Scholz. (= Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. var. frumentacea (Link) E.G. Camus & A. Camus)

(k) Millet, pearl — Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. (= P. americanum L. Leeke)

(l) Millet, proso — Panicum miliaceum L. subsp. miliaceum

(m) Vetch, crown — Securigera varia (L.) Lassen (= Coronilla varia L.)

(n) Vetch, kidney — Anthyllis vulneraria L.

(o) Milk-vetch, cicer — Astragalus cicer L.

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Sweet Clover Brassica Crops Including S. alba
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 5 1 0
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 30 2 2
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 5 1 0
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 30 2 2
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 50 20 4
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 10 75 30 6
7. Varietal Blend No. 1 0 5 50 20 4
8. Varietal Blend No. 2 0 10 75 30 6
9. Common
No. 1
0 5 75 25 8
10. Common
No. 2
5 10 100 50 10
1 2 3 4 7 8
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated  
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops  
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Non-brassica Crops Minimum Percentage of Germination
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 5 5 85
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 30 20 70
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 5 5 85
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 30 20 70
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 50 1% by weight 80
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 10 75 2% by weight 70
7. Varietal Blend No. 1 0 5 50 1% by weight 80
8. Varietal Blend No. 2 0 10 75 2% by weight 70
9. Common
No. 1
0 5 75 2% by weight 80
10. Common
No. 2
5 10 100 3% by weight 70


Applicable to:

(a) Clover, alsike — Trifolium hybridum L.

(b) Clover, hop or yellow — Trifolium aureum Pollich

(c) Clover, hop, large — Trifolium campestre Schreb.

(d) Clover, hop, small (suckling) — Trifolium dubium Sibth.

(e) Clover, Persian — Trifolium resupinatum L.

(f) Clover, strawberry — Trifolium fragiferum L.

(g) Clover, white — Trifolium repens L.

(h) Medick, black — Medicago lupulina L.

(i) Timothy

- common — Phleum pratense L.

- dwarf — Phleum bertolonii DC.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Sweet Clover Brassica Crops Including S. alba Other Non-brassica Crops
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 8 0 0 5
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 40 1 2 30
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 8 0 0 5
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 40 1 2 30
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 50 10 4 1% by weight
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 10 75 25 6 2% by weight
7. Varietal Blend
No. 1
0 5 50 10 4 1% by weight
8. Varietal Blend
No. 2
0 10 75 25 6 2% by weight
9. Common
No. 1
0 10 75 25 8 2% by weight
10. Common
No. 2
5 20 125 50 10 3% by weight
1 2 3 4 8 9
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated    
  Noxious Weeds      
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Maximum Percentage of Ergot or Sclerotia Bodies Minimum Percentage of Germination
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 8 1 80
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 40 2 70
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 8 1 80
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 40 2 70
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 50 1 80
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 10 75 2 70
7. Varietal Blend
No. 1
0 5 50 1 80
8. Varietal Blend
No. 2
0 10 75 2 70
9. Common
No. 1
0 10 75 1 80
10. Common
No. 2
5 20 125 2 70


Applicable to:

Trefoil, bird's-foot — Lotus corniculatus L.

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Sweet Clover Brassica Crops Including S. alba
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 1 10 1 0
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 50 1 2
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 1 10 1 0
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 50 1 2
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 50 20 4
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 10 100 30 6
7. Varietal Blend
No. 1
0 5 50 20 4
8. Varietal Blend
No. 2
0 10 100 30 6
9. Common
No. 1
0 10 100 25 8
10. Common
No. 2
5 20 200 100 10
1 2 3 4 7 8
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated  
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops  
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Non-brassica Crops Minimum Percentage of Germination
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 1 10 50 75
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 50 300 65
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 1 10 50 75
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 50 300 65
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 50 2% by weight 75
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
0 10 100 5% by weight 65
7. Varietal Blend
No. 1
0 5 50 2% by weight 75
8. Varietal Blend
No. 2
0 10 100 5% by weight 65
9. Common
No. 1
0 10 100 3% by weight 75
10. Common
No. 2
5 20 200 5% by weight 65


Applicable to:

(a) Bromegrass, meadow — Bromus riparius Rehmann

(b) Bromegrass, smooth — Bromus inermis Leyss.

(c) Bromegrass, sweet — Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.

(d) Canarygrass, reed — Phalaris arundinacea L.

(e) Fescue, Chewing's — Festuca rubra L. subsp. fallax (Thuill.) Nyman (= F. rubra L. var. commutata Gaudin)

(f) Fescue, fine-leaved — Festuca filiformis Pourr. (= F. tenuifolia Sibth.)

(g) Fescue, hard — Festuca brevipila R. Tracey (= F. longifolia auct. pl.)

(h) Fescue, meadow — Festuca pratensis Huds.

(i) Fescue, red and creeping red — Festuca rubra L. subsp. rubra

(j) Fescue, sheep — Festuca ovina L.

(k) Fescue, tall — Festuca arundinacea Schreb.

(l) Fescue, various-leaved — Festuca heterophylla Lam.

(m) Foxtail, creeping — Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir.

(n) Foxtail, meadow — Alopecurus pratensis L.

(o) Oatgrass, tall — Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex J.Presl & C. Presl

(p) Orchardgrass — Dactylis glomerata L.

(q) Ryegrass, annual — Lolium multiflorum Lam.

(r) Ryegrass, intermediate — Lolium xhybridum Hausskn.

(s) Ryegrass, perennial — Lolium perenne L.

(t) Wheatgrass, beardless — Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve (= Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & J.G. Smith f. inerme (Scribn. & J.G. Smith) Beetle)

(u) Wheatgrass, crested — Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. or A. desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult.

(v) Wheatgrass, intermediate — Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia (= Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv.)

(w) Wheatgrass, northern — Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould subsp. lanceolatus (= A. dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn.)

(x) Wheatgrass, pubescent — Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia (= Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richter)

(y) Wheatgrass, Siberian — Agropyron fragile (Roth) P. Candargy subsp. sibiricum (Willd.) Melderis (= Agropyron sibiricum (Willd.) Beauv.)

(z) Wheatgrass, slender — Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners (= Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte ex H.F. Lewis)

(z.1) Wheatgrass, streambank — Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould subsp. lanceolatus (= Agropyron riparium Scribn. & Smith)

(z.2) Wheatgrass, tall — Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski (= Agropyron elongatum (Host) P. Beauv.)

(z.3) Wheatgrass, western — Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve (= Agropyron smithii Rydb.)

(z.4) Wildrye, Altai — Leymus angustus (Trin.) Pilg. (= Elymus angustus Trin.)

(z.5) Wildrye, Dahurian — Elymus dahuricus Turcz ex Griseb.

(z.6) Wildrye, Russian — Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (= Elymus junceus Fisch.)

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated
  Noxious Weeds   Other Crops
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Brassica Crops Including S. alba  Sweet Clover
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 1 5 0 0
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 2 25 2 2
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 1 5 0 0
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 2 25 2 2
5. Canada Certified No. 1 0 4 50 4 5
6. Canada Certified No. 2 0 10 75 6 20
7. Varietal Blend No. 1 0 4 50 4 5
8. Varietal Blend No. 2 0 10 75 6 20
9. Common
No. 1
0 5 75 8 25
10. Common No. 2 4 15 100 10 50
1 7 8 9 10 11
Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g
Except Where Otherwise Stated
Other Crops
Grade Name In Meadow Foxtail, Rye-
grasses, Orchard-
grass & Tall Fescue
In Other Kinds Maximum Percent-
age of Ergot Bodies
Minimum Percentage of Pure Living Seed Minimum Percen-
tage of Pure Seed by Weight
        1 2 3 4 1 2
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 2 2 1 80 75 70 55 95 90
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 20 20 2 70 65 60 50 90 80
3. Canada Registered No. 1 2 2 1 80 75 70 55 95 90
4. Canada Registered No. 2 20 20 2 70 65 60 50 90 80
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
2% by weight 1% by weight 1 80 75 70 55 95 90
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
3% by weight 2% by weight 2 70 65 60 50 90 80
7. Varietal Blend No. 1 2% by weight 1% by weight 1 80 75 70 55 95 90
8. Varietal Blend No. 2 3% by weight 2% by weight 2 70 65 60 50 90 80
9. Common No. 1 3% by weight 2% by weight 1 80 75 70 55 95 90
10. Common No. 2 5% by weight 3% by weight 2 70 65 60 50 90 80


Applicable to:

(a) Alkaligrass, weeping — Puccinellia distans (L.) (Jacq.) Parl.
(b) Bentgrass, colonial (browntop) — Agrostis capillaris L.
(c) Bentgrass, creeping — Agrostis stolonifera L.
(d) Bentgrass, velvet — Agrostis canina L.
(e) Bluegrass, annual — Poa annua L.
(f) Bluegrass, Canada — Poa compressa L.
(g) Bluegrass, fowl — Poa palustris L.
(h) Bluegrass, Kentucky — Poa pratensis L.
(i) Bluegrass, rough — Poa trivialis L.
(j) Bluegrass, supina — Poa supina Schrad.
(k) Bluegrass, wood — Poa nemoralis L.
(l) Crested dogtail — Cynosurus cristatus L.
(m) Redtop — Agrostis gigantea Roth

1 2 3 4 5 6
  Maximum Number of Noxious Weed Seeds per 25 g Maximum Percentage by Weight  
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops Maximum Percentage of Ergot Bodies
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 5 0.2 1 2
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 1 20 0.5 2 3
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 5 0.2 1 2
4. Canada Registered No. 2 1 20 0.5 2 3
5. Canada Certified No. 1 2 20 0.5 2 2
6. Canada Certified No. 2 4 50 0.8 4 3
7. Varietal Blend No. 1 2 20 0.5 2 2
8. Varietal Blend No. 2 4 50 0.8 4 3
9. Common No. 1 4 20 0.5 3 2
10. Common No. 2 8 100 1 5 3
1 2 3 7 8 9
  Maximum Number of Noxious Weed Seeds per 25 g   Minimum Percentage of Pure Living Seed
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Minimum Percentage of Pure Seed by Weight Kentucky Bluegrass & Canada Bluegrass Other Kinds
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 5 85 70 75
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 1 20 75 60 65
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 5 85 70 75
4. Canada Registered No. 2 1 20 75 60 65
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
2 20 85 65 75
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
4 50 75 55 65
7. Varietal Blend No. 1 2 20 85 65 75
8. Varietal Blend No. 2 4 50 75 55 65
9. Common No. 1 4 20 85 65 75
10. Common No. 2 8 100 75 55 65


Applicable to:

Mixtures of forage seeds composed of seeds of two or more kinds listed in Tables VIII to XII, except mixtures of seeds designated by the seller as lawn or turf mixtures or ground cover mixtures.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g Except Where Otherwise Stated
  Noxious Weeds        
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Sweet Clover Other Crops Brassica Including S. alba 
1. Canada Certified No. 1 Forage Mixture 0 10 100 25 2% by weight 4
2. Canada Certified No. 2 Forage Mixture 0 20 200 50 3% by weight 6
3. Common No. 1 Forage Mixture 0 10 100 50 3% by weight 8
4. Common No. 2 Forage Mixture 5 20 200 100 5% by weight 10
1 8 9 10 11
    Minimum Percentage of Germination
Grade Name Maximum Percentage of Ergot Bodies Reed Canarygrass Kentucky Bluegrass & Canada Bluegrass Each Other Component
1. Canada Certified No. 1 Forage Mixture 1 55 70 75
2. Canada Certified No. 2 Forage Mixture 2 50 60 65
3. Common No. 1 Forage Mixture 1 55 70 75
4. Common No. 2 Forage Mixture 2 50 60 65



Applicable to:

Lawn or turf mixtures of two or more kinds of seeds listed in Part 2.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maximum Number of Noxious Weed
Seeds per 25 g
Maximum Percentage by Weight
Grade Name Noxious Weeds Excluding
Total Weeds White
grass, Orchard-
grass &
Tall Fescue
Other Crops
1. Canada Certified No. 1 Lawn Mixture 20 10 0.5 5 1 2
2. Canada Certified No. 2 Lawn Mixture 75 20 1 5 2 3
3. Canada
No. 1 Lawn Mixture
20 10 0.5 5 1 2
4. Canada
No. 2 Lawn Mixture
75 20 1 5 2 3

1 8 9 10
Grade Name Maximum Percentage of Ergot Bodies Minimum Percentage of Pure Seed by Weight Minimum Percentage of Germination of
Each Component
1. Canada Certified No. 1 Lawn Mixture 2 90 70
2. Canada Certified No. 2 Lawn Mixture 3 80 60
3. Canada
No. 1 Lawn Mixture
2 90 70
4. Canada
No. 2 Lawn Mixture
3 80 60


1 2
1. Group A Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red fescue, Chewing's fescue, hard fescue, colonial bentgrass, creeping bentgrass, velvet bentgrass, rough bluegrass, Canada bluegrass, sheep fescue, turf-type tall fescue varieties and turf-type perennial ryegrass varieties
2. Group B Redtop, crested wheatgrass, timothy (dwarf-type) and annual ryegrass provided none of those species constitutes more than 30% by weight singly and no more than 40% by weight combined of the total mixture
3. Group C All other kinds of grass not listed in this Schedule, if those kinds are indicated on the label


Applicable to:

Ground cover mixtures composed of seed of two or more kinds, other than cereal mixtures, forage mixtures and lawn or turf mixtures.

1 2 3 4 5
Maximum Percentage by Weight
Grade Name Maximum Number of Noxious
Weed Seeds per 25 g
Total Weeds Other Crops Minimum Percentage of Pure Seed by
1. Canada No. 1 Ground Cover Mixture 25 0.5 3 85
2. Canada No. 2 Ground Cover Mixture 75 1 5 75


Applicable to:

(a) Beet — Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris
(b) Beet, sugar — Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris
(c) Mangel — Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris
(d) Swiss chard — Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maximum Number of Seeds per 500 g
Noxious Weeds
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops Maximum Number of Heads of Mayweed per 500 g Minimum Percent-
age of Germin-
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 2 10 5 1 75
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 2 10 30 20 1 65
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 2 10 5 1 75
4. Canada Registered No. 2 2 10 30 20 1 65
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 5 20 10 1 75
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
2 20 50 20 1 65
7. Canada No. 1 1 10 20 10 1 75
8. Canada No. 2 2 30 100 30 1 65


Applicable to:

(a) Cantaloupe, melon — Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo
(b) Citron — Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. citroides L. (L.H. Bailey) Mansf.
(c) Cucumber — Cucumis sativus L.
(d) Gherkin — Cucumis anguria L.
(e) Pumpkin, squash (summer or winter) — Cucurbita spp.
(f) Watermelon — Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai var. lanatus

1 2 3 4 5 6
Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g
Noxious Weeds
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops Minimum Percentage of Germination
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 0 0 80
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 0 0 0 60
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 0 0 80
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 0 0 0 60
5. Canada Certified No. 1 0 1 1 1 80
6. Canada Certified No. 2 0 1 2 2 75
7. Canada
No. 1
0 1 1 1 80
8. Canada
No. 2
0 2 5 5 70


Applicable to seed of the following kinds when not intended for agricultural field crop production:

(a) Bean, garden — Phaseolus vulgaris L.
(b) Bean, broad — Vicia faba L.
(c) Bean, lima — Phaseolus lunatus L.
(d) Bean, runner — Phaseolus coccineus L.
(e) Chickpea >— Cicer arietinum L.
(f) Corn, pop or sweet — Zea mays L. subsp. mays
(g) Pea, garden — Pisum sativum L.
(h) Soybean — Glycine max (L.) Merr.
(i) Sunflower — Helianthus annuus L.
(j) Safflower — Carthamus tinctorius L.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Maximum Number of Seeds per kg
Minimum Percentage of Germination
Grade Name Total Weeds Other Crops Pea, Chickpea, Sunflower & Safflower Beans & Soybean Corn
1. Canada Foundation
No. 1
0 0 80 85 85
2. Canada Foundation
No. 2
0 0 70 75 75
3. Canada Registered
No. 1
0 0 80 85 85
4. Canada Registered
No. 2
0 1 70 75 75
5. Canada Certified No. 1 0 1 80 85 85
6. Canada Certified No. 2 0 3 70 75 75
7. Canada
No. 1
1 4 75 80 85
8. Canada
No. 2
3 10 65 65 70


Applicable to:

(a) Broccoli — Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck
(b) Brussels sprouts — Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera Zenker
(c) Cabbage — Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.
(d) Cabbage, Chinese — Brassica rapa L. subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt or B. rapa L. subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt
(e) Cauliflower — Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.
(f) Collards — Brassica oleracea L. var. viridis L.
(g) Kale — Brassica oleracea L. var. sabellica L. or B. oleracea L. var. viridis
(h) Kohlrabi — Brassica oleracea L. var. gongylodes L.
(i) Mustard greens — Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
(j) Radish — Raphanus sativus L.
(k) Rape, forage — Brassica napus L. var. napus or B. rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A.R. Clapham
(l) Rutabaga (swede) — Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.) Reichb.
(m) Spinach mustard — Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis L.H. Bailey
(n) Turnip — Brassica rapa L. subsp. rapa

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g
Noxious Weeds
Grade Name In Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage & Cauliflower In Other Kinds Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops Minimum Percent-
age of
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 0 2 5 5 80
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 2 2 10 25 20 60
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 0 2 5 5 80
4. Canada Registered No. 2 2 2 10 25 20 60
5. Canada Certified
No. 1
0 0 5 20 10 80
6. Canada Certified
No. 2
2 2 20 50 20 70
7. Canada No. 1 3 1 10 30 10 80
8. Canada No. 2 5 2 50 100 30 70


Applicable to:

      Minimum Percentage of Germination
(a) Artichoke Cynara cardunculus L. (= C. scolymus L.) 75
(b) Asparagus Asparagus officinalis L. 75
(c) Cardoon Cynara cardunculus L. 55
(d) Carrot (cultivated) Daucus carota L. subsp. sativus (Hoffm.) Arcang. 60
(e) Celeriac Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum (Mill.) Gaudin 60
(f) Celery Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.) Pers. 55
(g) Celtuce/celtus Lactuca sativa L. var. angustana L.H. Bailey 75
(h) Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. 75
(i) Chicory (cultivated) Cichorium intybus L. 65
(j) Chives Allium schoenoprasum L. 65
(k) Cornsalad Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. (= V. olitoria (L.) Poll.) 75
(l) Cress, garden Lepidium sativum L. 75
(m) Cress, water Nasturtium officinale R. Br. 35
(n) Dandelion Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. 55
(o) Dill Anethum graveolens L. 50
(p) Eggplant Solanum melongena L. 65
(q) Endive Cichorium endivia L. 65
(r) Leek Allium porrum L. 65
(s) Lettuce — cos (romaine) Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia Lam. 70
(t) Lettuce — head Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L. 70
(u) Lettuce — leaf Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa L. 70
(v) Okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (= Hibiscus esculentus L.) 55
(w) Onion Allium cepa L. 75
(x) Parsley Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A.W. Hill 55
(y) Parsnip Pastinaca sativa L. subsp. sativa 60
(z) Pepper Capsicum annuum L. 65
(z.1) Rampion Campanula rapunculus L. 55
(z.11) Rhubarb Rheum ×hybridum Murray (= R. rhaponticum L. auct.) 65
(z.12) Sage Salvia officinalis L. 50
(z.13) Salsify Tragopogon porrifolius L. 75
(z.14) Savory Satureja hortensis L. or S. montana L. 50
(z.15) Sorrel (cultivated) Rumex acetosa L. 65
(z.16) Spinach Spinacia oleracea L. 65
(z.17) Spinach, New Zealand Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze 50
(z.18) Thyme Thymus vulgaris L. 50
(z.19) Tobacco (flue-cured and burley types) Nicotiana tabacum L. 75
(z.2) Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (= L. lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farwell) 75


1 2 3 4 5
Maximum Number of Seeds per 25 g
Noxious Weeds
Grade Name Primary Primary Plus Secondary Total Weeds Other Crops
1. Canada Foundation No. 1 0 3 10 5
2. Canada Foundation No. 2 2 10 25 20
3. Canada Registered No. 1 0 3 10 5
4. Canada Registered No. 2 2 10 25 20
5. Canada Certified No. 1 0 5 20 10
6. Canada Certified No. 2 2 20 50 20
7. Canada No. 1 1 10 25 10
8. Canada No. 2 2 50 100 30


Applicable to: Onion sets and multiplier onions

1 2 3 4
Grade Name Diameter of Sets (cm) Percentage of One Variety and Colour General Quantity
1. Canada No. 1 1 to 2.5 Not less than 98 (1) Mature, well cured, sound and dry.
(2) Practically free from tops, dirt, leaves or other foreign matter, from disease, decay and moulds and from insect, mechanical, frost or other damage.
2. Canada No. 1 (Large) 2.5 to 3.5   (3) Practically free from sprouted bulbs and from soft bulbs when graded.
3. Canada No. 2 1 to 2.5 Not less than 90 (1) Mature, well cured, sound and reasonably dry.
(2) Reasonably free from tops, dirt, leaves or other foreign matter, from disease, decay and moulds and from insect, mechanical, frost or other damage.
4. Canada No. 2 (Large) 2.5 to 3.5   (3) Reasonably free from soft bulbs and containing not more than 5% sprouts for yellow and 10% for white, red and globe.

Definition of Terms Used in Column 4

"Mature, well cured" means that the sets have necks that are well dried out and have not more than 1% and 2% thick necks in Canada No. 1 and Canada No. 2 sets, respectively.

"Sound" means that the set is firm and neat and will yield only slightly to moderate pressure.

"Practically free from tops, dirt, leaves or other foreign matter" means free for all intents and purposes. Tops, dirt, leaves or other foreign matter should not exceed 1% by weight and not more that 25% of the sets should have tops 6.5 cm long or longer.

"Practically free from disease, decay and moulds and from insect, mechanical, frost or other damage" means that not more than 3% combined of the bulbs should be so affected.

"Practically free from sprouted bulbs" means that, for yellow sets, not over 3% have visible sprouts and, for red, white and globe sets, that not over 6% have visible sprouts.

"Practically free from soft bulbs" means that soft bulbs should not be in excess of 3%.

"Reasonably free from tops, dirt, leaves or other foreign matter" means that not more than 35% of the bulbs should have tops over 6.5 cm long and dirt, leaves or other foreign matter should not exceed 2% by weight.

"Reasonably free from disease, decay and moulds and from insect, mechanical, frost or other damage" means that not more than 4% combined of the bulbs should be so affected.

"Reasonably free from soft bulbs" means that not more than 5% combined of the bulbs should be so affected.

"Sprouted bulbs" means those bulbs with sprouts exceeding 0.6 cm in length.


Applicable to all kinds of seeds referred to in Tables I to XX except those referred to in Tables III and XIII to XV:

1. Canada Foundation Substandard seed is seed of Foundation status that meets the standards for purity for Canada Foundation No. 2 grade seed.

2. Canada Registered Substandard seed is seed of Registered status that meets the standards for purity for Canada Registered No. 2 grade seed.

3. Canada Certified Substandard seed is seed of Certified status that meets the standards for purity for Canada Certified No. 2 grade seed.

4. Canada Foundation Substandard (Purity) seed is seed of Foundation status that meets the standards for purity for common grade seed.

(Section 10)

Kind or Species
Scientific Name
Alfalfa Medicago sativa L.
Alkaligrass, weeping Puccinellia distans (L.) (Jacq.) Parl.
Barley, six-row, two-row Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Bean, field Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Bean, horse, tick and faba Vicia faba L.
Bean, mung Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. radiata
Bromegrass, meadow Bromus riparius Rehmann
Bromegrass, smooth Bromus inermis Leyss.
Bromegrass, sweet Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.
Buckwheat, common Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Buckwheat, tartarian Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.
Canarygrass Phalaris canariensis L.
Canarygrass, reed Phalaris arundinacea L.
Canola, oilseed rape, rapeseed Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A.R. Clapham or B. napus L. var. napus
(= B. napus L. var. oleifera Delile) or B. juncea (L.) Czern.
Chickpea Cicer arietinum L.
Clover, alsike Trifolium hybridum L.
Clover, crimson Trifolium incarnatum L.
Clover, Persian Trifolium resupinatum L.
Clover, red Trifolium pratense L.
Clover, subterranean Trifolium subterraneum L.
Clover, sweet (white blossom) Melilotus albus Medik.
Clover, sweet (yellow blossom) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.
Clover, white Trifolium repens L.
Corn, field Zea mays L. subsp. mays
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers subsp. unguiculata
Fescue, Chewing's Festuca rubra L. subsp. fallax (Thuill.) Nyman (= F. rubra L. var. commutata Gaudin)
Fescue, fine-leaved Festuca filiformis Pourr. (= F. tenuifolia Sibth.)
Fescue, hard Festuca brevipila R. Tracey (= F. longifolia auct. pl.)
Fescue, meadow Festuca pratensis Huds.
Fescue, red and creeping red Festuca rubraL. subsp. rubra
Fescue, sheep Festuca ovina L.
Fescue, tall Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Flax, oilseed Linum usitatissimum L.
Foxtail, creeping Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir.
Foxtail, meadow Alopecurus pratensis L.
Kale, forage Brassica oleracea L. var. sabellica L. or B. oleracea L. var. viridis
Lentil Lens culinaris Medik.
Lupin, lupine (grain and forage types) Lupinus spp.
Medick, black Medicago lupulina L.
Milk-vetch, cicer Astralagus cicer L.
Mustard, black Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch
Mustard, brown, oriental Indian Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
Mustard, white (= yellow) Sinapis alba L.
Oat Avena sativa L., A. nuda L.
Oatgrass, tall Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex J. Presl & C. Presl
Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata L.
Pea, field Pisum sativum L.
Peanut Arachis hypogaea L.
Redtop Agrostis gigantea Roth
Rye Secale cereale L.
Ryegrass, annual Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Ryegrass, intermediate Lolium × hybridum Hausskn.
Ryegrass, perennial Lolium perenne L.
Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.
Sorghum Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr.
Sudan grass Sorghum × drummondi (Steud.) Millsp. & Chase (= S. sudanense (Piper) Stapf)
Sunflower (non-ornamental) Helianthus annuus L.
Timothy, common Phleum pratense L.
Timothy, dwarf Phleum bertolonii DC.
Tobacco (flue-cured and burley types) Nicotiana tabacum L.
Trefoil, bird's-foot Lotus corniculatus L.
Triticale × Triticosecale spp.
Vetch, crown Securigera varia (L.) Lassen (= Coronilla varia L.)
Wheat, common Triticum aestivum L.
Wheat, durum Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn. (= T. durum Desf.)
Wheatgrass, beardless Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve (= Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & J.G. Smith f. inerme (Scribn. & J.G. Smith) Beetle)
Wheatgrass, crested Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. or A. desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult.
Wheatgrass, intermediate Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia (= Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv.)
Wheatgrass, northern Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould subsp. lanceolatus (= Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn.)
Wheatgrass, pubescent Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia (= Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richter)
Wheatgrass, Siberian Agropyron fragile (Roth) P. Candargy subsp. sibiricum (Willd.) Melderis (= A. sibiricum (Willd.) Beauv.)
Wheatgrass, slender Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners (= Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte ex H.F. Lewis)
Wheatgrass, streambank Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould subsp. lanceolatus (= Agropyron riparium Scribn. & Smith)
Wheatgrass, tall Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski (= Agropyron elongatum (Host) P. Beauv.)
Wheatgrass, western Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve (= Agropyron smithii Rydb.)
Wildrye, Altai Leymus angustus (Trin.) Pilg. (= Elymus angustus Trin.)
Wildrye, Dahurian Elymus dahuricus Turcz ex Griseb.
Wildrye, Russian Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (= Elymus junceus Fisch.)

(Section 65)


Species, Kind or Type
Scientific Name
Alfalfa (forage type) Medicago sativa L.
Barley, six-row, two-row Hordeum vulgare L. subsp. vulgare
Bean, faba (small-seeded) Vicia faba L.
Bean, field Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Bird's foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus L.
Bromegrass, meadow Bromus riparius Rehmann
Bromegrass, smooth Bromus inermis Leyss.
Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Canola, oilseed rape, rapeseed Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A.R. Clapham or B. napus L. var. napus (= B. napus L. var. oleifera Delile) or B. juncea (L.) Czern.
Canarygrass, annual Phalaris canariensis L.
Canarygrass, reed Phalaris arundinacea L.
Clover, alsike Trifolium hybridum L.
Clover, red Trifolium pratense L.
Clover, sweet (white blossom) Melilotus albus Medik.
Clover, sweet (yellow blossom) Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam.
Clover, white Trifolium repens L.
Fescue, meadow (forage type) Festuca pratensis Huds.
Fescue, red (forage type) Festuca rubra L. subsp. rubra
Fescue, tall (forage type) Festuca arundinacea Schreb.
Flax (oilseed) Linum usitatissimum L.
Lentil (grain type) Lens culinaris Medik.
Lupin, lupine (grain and forage types) Lupinus spp.
Mustard, brown, oriental, Indian Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
Mustard, white (= yellow) Sinapis alba L.
Oat (grain type) Avena sativa L., A. nuda L.
Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata L.
Pea, field (commodity type) Pisum sativum L.
Potato (commercial production) Solanum tuberosum L.
Rye (grain type) Secale cereale L.
Ryegrass, annual (forage type) Lolium multiflorum Lam.
Ryegrass, perennial (forage type) Lolium perenne L.
Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L.
Soybean (oilseed) Glycine max (L.) Merr.
Sunflower (non-ornamental) Helianthus annuus L.
Timothy, common (forage type) Phleum pratense L.
Tobacco (flue-cured) Nicotiana tabacum L.
Triticale (grain type) × Triticosecale spp.
Wheat, common Triticum aestivum L.
Wheat, durum Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) Husn. (= T. durum Desf.)
Wheat, spelt Triticum aestivum L. subsp. spelta (L.) Thell. (= T. spelta L.)
Wheatgrass, beardless Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve (= Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & J.G. Smith f. inerme (Scribn. & J.G. Smith) Beetle)
Wheatgrass, crested Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. or A. desertorum (Fisch. ex Link) Schult.
Wheatgrass, intermediate Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia (= Agropyron intermedium (Host) Beauv.)
Wheatgrass, northern Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould subsp. lanceolatus (= Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn.)
Wheatgrass, pubescent Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski subsp. intermedia (= Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richter)
Wheatgrass, Siberian Agropyron fragile (Roth) P. Candargy subsp. sibiricum (Willd.) Melderis (= Agropyron sibiricum (Willd.) Beauv.)
Wheatgrass, slender Elymus trachycaulus (Link) Gould ex Shinners (= Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte ex H.F. Lewis)
Wheatgrass, streambank Elymus lanceolatus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould subsp. lanceolatus (= Agropyron riparium Scribn. & Smith)
Wheatgrass, tall Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski (= Agropyron elongatum (Host) P. Beauv.)
Wheatgrass, western Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Á. Löve (= Agropyron smithii Rydb.)
Wildrye, Altai Leymus angustus (Trin.) Pilg. (= Elymus angustus Trin.)
Wildrye, Dahurian Elymus dahuricus Turcz ex Griseb.
Wildrye, Russian Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski (= Elymus junceus Fisch.)


Footnote a

S.C. 2001, c. 4, s. 117

Footnote 1

C.R.C., c. 1400


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