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Vol. 141, No. 22 — June 2, 2007

Tariff Amending the Federal Elections Fees Tariff

Statutory authority

Canada Elections Act

Sponsoring agency

Chief Electoral Officer


(This statement is not part of the Tariff.)


In accordance with subsection 542(1) of the Canada Elections Act, the Governor in Council may make the Federal Elections Fees Tariff on the recommendation of the Chief Electoral Officer.

The proposed amendments to the existing Tariff of fees accomplish the purposes described below.

First, they incorporate requests made by the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations to correct inconsistencies between the wording of the English and French versions of some provisions.

Second, they amend the existing provision respecting travel rates paid to election workers. Currently, the Tariff sets the allowances as those established by the Treasury Board Secretariat Travel Directive. The amendment provides for the kilometric rates and the meal and incidental allowances to remain the same from the issue of the writs until the resolution of judicial recounts, even if the Travel Directive is modified during that time.

Third, these amendments update the amounts to be paid to specific election officers (returning officers, assistant returning officers, additional assistant returning officers, financial officers, recruitment officers and special ballots coordinators) to reflect the compensation due for the work performed and to reflect inflation since the last update to the Tariff (made on November 28, 2005, in SOR/2005-382) for all remaining election workers.

The changes are based on the recommendations from returning officers, field liaison officers and Elections Canada staff following the 39th general election. The positions have been assessed by an independent evaluation conducted by a human resources specialist.

Fourth, the changes provide a method for future inflation rate adjustments of election officers' fees based on the Consumer Price Index published annually by Statistics Canada, to a maximum adjustment of 3%.

Finally, an additional position of hospital liaison officer is created to allow the hiring of persons to accompany special ballot coordinators inside hospitals, where necessary.


Inconsistencies between French and English

The inconsistencies between the French and English versions of the text must be corrected to ensure that the Tariff is applied consistently, whether in French or English.

Travel rates and allowances

The status quo is not a desirable alternative because it would lead to confusion and administrative difficulties resulting from variations in travel rates and allowances paid to thousands of election workers during an election in the event that the Travel Directive is modified during that time.

Rate adjustments for election workers

The current rates would not be adequate remuneration for the duties to be performed and services to be rendered. Adequate remuneration would allow for the continued hiring and retention of a sufficient number of qualified persons for elections.

Annual rate adjustments for election workers

The proposed amendment is intended to ensure that the fees paid to election workers remain constant in terms of real dollars. It will also reduce the administrative burden created by the need to update these rates every year, as it has been done in the past.

Hospital liaison officers

At present, no person accompanies the special ballot coordinator in hospitals. If unaccompanied, he or she may be denied access to certain acute care hospitals for security or privacy reasons, thus denying electors the opportunity to vote. The new position of hospital liaison officer would allow the hiring of a person who would accompany the special ballot coordinator inside the facility, where necessary.

Benefits and costs

The effective delivery of federal elections is based in large part on securing appropriately skilled election workers to conduct electoral events through an equitable remuneration schedule. At the 2006 general election, some 180 925 workers performed the duties in approximately 206 000 positions.

The proposed amendments related to rate adjustments for election officers reflect the results of consultations with returning officers, field liaison officers and Elections Canada staff following the 39th general election. The rates are intended to reflect the degree of responsibility and complexity required for specific positions (returning officer, assistant returning officer, additional returning officer, financial officer, recruitment officer and special ballot coordinator) and adequate remuneration for all other positions. The rate adjustments will therefore allow for the continued hiring and retention of a sufficient number of qualified persons for elections. The ability to retain election officers, especially returning officers, from election to election will also reduce costs associated with hiring and training.

The proposed amendment allowing for the future update of rates to reflect inflation will, in addition to providing the benefits noted above, reduce the administrative burden created by the need to update these rates on an annual basis, as it has been done in the past. A similar inflation adjustment factor is used in the Canada Elections Act to calculate financial limits and amounts provided for in that Act.

The amendments to the travel rates and allowances will provide a consistent basis for the payment of these rates and allowances throughout the election period, and will eliminate the potential for confusion over which travel rates and allowances are applicable to thousands of electoral workers if changes in rates and allowances occur during an election period. The amendments will also eliminate the related administrative burden that such a change in rates and allowances would create for Elections Canada and returning officers.

The creation of the position of hospital liaison officer will allow for a person to be employed to accompany a hospital special ballot coordinator, where necessary, with the aim of continuing to facilitate voting by persons in acute care hospitals.

No increase in costs is expected from the technical amendments requested by the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations or from the changes to the travel allowances.

The amendments to election worker fees, including the adjustments for inflation, are expected to result in an incremental cost at the next general election of $5.9 million. This represents a 7.7% increase to the total fees ($76.8 million) paid to election workers. In addition, it is estimated that it would cost on average $558,000 annually between general elections for the amendments related to the hourly rate increase for returning officers and assistant returning officers for activities between elections, subject to operational requirements.


Following the 39th general election, consultations were carried out with returning officers, field liaison officers and Elections Canada staff to determine adequate rates of remuneration for election workers.

The proposed increase to specific positions is based on the results of an independent evaluation of the job description of the position conducted by a human resource specialist using the same criteria as the federal public service.

Given the nature of the Tariff, both internal consultations and the views of the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations were taken into account.

Once the Tariff of fees is published in the Canada Gazette, members of the public interested in providing services at an election will be able to obtain information on the fees and allowances, as well as the mode of payment.

Compliance and enforcement

In view of the nature of the proposal, there is no need for a compliance and enforcement mechanism. In accordance with subsection 546(1) of the Canada Elections Act, the Chief Electoral Officer will tax all accounts relating to the conduct of an election in accordance with the Tariff of fees established by this regulatory proposal.


Janice Vézina
Senior Director
Political Financing, Audit and Corporate Services
Elections Canada
257 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0M6
Telephone: 613-990-3747
Fax: 613-990-2530


Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council, pursuant to section 542 of the Canada Elections Act (see footnote a), proposes to make the annexed Tariff Amending the Federal Elections Fees Tariff.

Interested persons may make representations concerning the proposed Tariff within 15 days after the date of publication of this notice. All such representations must cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice, and be addressed to Janice Vézina, Senior Director Political Financing, Audit and Corporate Services, Elections Canada, 257 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M6 (tel.: 613-990-3747; fax: 613-990-2530; e-mail:

Ottawa, May 31, 2007

Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council



1. Section 3 of the Federal Elections Fees Tariff (see footnote 1) is replaced by the following:

3. The allowances for travel and living expenses referred to in paragraph 50(a) and subparagraph 50(c)(ii) of the schedule are based on the rates and allowances set out in the Travel Directive of the National Joint Council and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, including Appendices B and C, that are in effect

(a) on the day on which the writ for the election is issued for an electoral district, in the case where the services to which the travel or living expenses relate are performed in respect of an election in an electoral district during the period that begins on that day and ends on

(i) the day on which the return of the writ is completed for that electoral district, or

(ii) the day, if any, on which the writ is withdrawn for that electoral district under subsection 59(1) of the Act or deemed to be withdrawn for that electoral district under section 551 of the Act; and

(b) on the day on which the services are performed, in all other cases.

2. Subsection 5(1) of the Tariff is replaced by the following:

5. (1) Persons paid on the basis of hours worked under subitems 2(2) and 3(5), (6) and (9) and paragraphs 5(a), 6(a), 9(a), 10(a), 11(c), 12(b), 20(a), 23(a), 23.1(a), 27(a), 29(a), 34(a), 40(a), 47(a) and 49(a) of the schedule are entitled to pay for travel time at the hourly rate set for their position.

3. Section 6 of the Tariff and the heading before it are replaced by the following:

6. (1) Subject to subsection (3), the amounts set out in paragraph 2(1)(a), subitems 2(2) and 3(1) to (4), paragraphs 3(5)(a) and (6)(a), subitem 3(8), paragraph 3(9)(a), item 4, paragraphs 5(a), 6(a), 8(a), 9(a), 10(a), 11(a) and (c) and 12(a) and (b), items 13 and 17 to 19, paragraphs 20(a), 23(a) and 23.1(a), items 24 to 26, paragraph 27(a), item 28, paragraph 29(a), items 30 to 33, paragraphs 34(a), 39(a) and 40(a), items 42 and 44, paragraphs 45(a) and (b), item 46, paragraph 47(a), item 52, paragraph 53(1)(a) and subitems 53(2) and (3) of the schedule shall be adjusted, annually on January 31, by multiplying each of them by the annual inflation adjustment factor set out in subsection (2), and the resulting amounts, rounded to the nearest cent, apply during the calendar year commencing on that date and ending on January 30 of the following year.

(2) The annual inflation adjustment factor is a fraction with

(a) a numerator that is the annual average Consumer Price Index, as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act, for the calendar year ending on the day before the January 31 adjustment date, calculated on the basis of 1992 being equal to 100; and

(b) a denominator that is 129.9, which is the annual average Consumer Price Index, as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act, for 2006, calculated on the basis of 1992 being equal to 100.

(3) In any given calendar year, the maximum adjustment that may be effected by the application of the annual inflation adjustment factor is three percent.

4. The schedule to the Tariff is replaced by the schedule set out in the schedule to this Tariff.


5. This Tariff is deemed to have come into force on March 15, 2007.

(Section 4)

(Sections 2 to 6)



Before the Issue of a Writ for an Election

1. A returning officer shall be paid, for services performed and expenses incurred by the officer, as follows:
(a) for the storing of supplementary election materials for the conduct of an election and expenses in connection with that storing, per month
(b) for the storing of election materials between electoral events at the officer's own residence and expenses in connection with that storing, per month $40.00
(c) for the storing of election materials between electoral events in a commercial storage space and expenses in connection with that storing the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers
(d) for postage, facsimile transmissions, long distance calls, the purchase of maps and stationery and the transportation of supplies, or other sundry expenses the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers

During an Election

2. (1) A returning officer shall be paid, for services performed by the officer during an election,  
(a) if a poll is held, a base fee of $20,686.00
(b) when a poll is not held because of a return by acclamation or if the writ is withdrawn on or before the close of nominations, a fee of 33% of the amount
payable under paragraph (a)
(c) when a poll is not held because of the withdrawal of the writ after nomination day, in addition to the amount under paragraph (b), for each day after the close of nominations, a fee of 3% per day
of the amount payable under paragraph (a)
(2) For attending a recount pursuant to
Part 14 of the Act, for each hour worked as certified by the judge who conducts the recount, a returning officer shall be paid
(3) A returning officer shall be paid, for necessary travel expenses incurred in connection with the conduct of an election the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Support Staff

Office Coordinator

3. (1) A person appointed as an office co-ordinator shall be paid at an hourly rate of $12.74

Office Clerk

(2) A person appointed as an office clerk shall be paid at an hourly rate of $10.62


(3) A person appointed as a receptionist shall be paid at an hourly rate of

Inventory/Shipping Clerk

(4) A person appointed as an inventory/shipping clerk shall be paid at an hourly rate of $10.62

Community Relations Officer

(5) A person appointed as a community relations officer shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $13.80
(b) for travel expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Recruitment Officer

(6) A person appointed as a recruitment officer shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $15.00
(b) for travel expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Temporary Support Staff

(7) For the salary cost of additional support staff who may be required on a temporary basis during an election, a returning officer shall be provided with an accountable advance in an amount that does not exceed $500.00

Financial Officer

(8) A person appointed as a financial officer at the office of a returning officer during an election shall be paid an hourly rate of $20.50

Office Messenger

(9) A person appointed as an office messenger shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $10.62
(b) for travel expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Security Guard

(10) A person appointed as a security guard to maintain order in the office of a returning officer during an election shall be paid the actual and reasonable amount determined, as supported by vouchers

After an Election

4. For services performed at the request of the Chief Electoral Officer during the three months after the end of the election period other than services performed under any other item of this schedule, including making the returns on financing and expenses in an electoral campaign available for inspection, a returning officer shall be paid $1,307.00

Special Assignments

5. If at any time the Chief Electoral Officer requests a returning officer to carry out a special assignment or participate in a working group studying a particular aspect of the federal electoral process, the officer shall be paid  
(a) a fee for services performed in connection with that assignment or that participation, for each hour worked $43.55
(b) for travel and living expenses in connection with the services referred to in paragraph (a) the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Sessions on Electoral Matters

6. If the Chief Electoral Officer requests that a returning officer attend a session on electoral matters, the officer shall be paid  
(a) for each hour of attendance at a session $43.55
(b) for travel between the officer's place of residence and the place where the session is held, and, if the session is held at a place other than the officer's place of residence, for living expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50


Before the Issue of a Writ for an Election

7. A person appointed as an assistant returning officer shall be paid, for services performed and expenses incurred when requested by the Chief Electoral Officer, as follows:  
(a) for the storing of election materials and expenses in connection with that storing, per month $40.00
(b) for the storing of election materials between electoral events at the officer's own residence and expenses in connection with that storing, per month $40.00

During an Election

8. An assistant returning officer shall be paid, for services performed and expenses incurred during an election,  
(a) a fee of $15,229.00
(b) for necessary travel expenses incurred in connection with the conduct of the election the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Special Assignments

9. When at any time the Chief Electoral Officer requests an assistant returning officer to carry out a special assignment or participate in a working group studying a particular aspect of the federal electoral process, the officer shall be paid  
(a) a fee for services performed in connection with that assignment or that participation, for each hour worked $32.06
(b) for travel and living expenses in connection with the services referred to in paragraph (a) the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Sessions on Electoral Matters

10. If the Chief Electoral Officer requests that an assistant returning officer attend a session on electoral matters, the officer shall be paid  
(a) for each hour of attendance at a session $32.06
(b) for travel between the officer's place of residence and the place where the session is held, and, if the session is held at a place other than the officer's place of residence, for living expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50


Automation Coordinators

11. A person appointed as an automation coordinator to support computerized systems in the office of a returning officer shall be paid  
(a) for services rendered during an election $6,586.00
(b) for travel expenses in relation to their duties during an election, as requested by the Chief Electoral Officer the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50
(c) for the person's presence at a session on electoral matters, for each hour worked $23.52
(d) for travel between the person's place of residence and the place where the session is held, and, if the session is held at a place other than the person's place of residence, for living expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Assistant Automation Coordinators

12. A person appointed as an assistant automation coordinator to support computerized systems in the office of a returning officer shall be paid  
(a) for services rendered during an election $1,756.00
(b) for the person's presence at a session on electoral matters, for each hour worked $17.56
(c) for travel between the person's place of residence and the place where the session is held, and, if the session is held at a place other than the person's place of residence, for living expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Revision Centre Clerks

13. A person appointed as a revision centre clerk relating to entries made or to be made into a computerized list of electors shall be paid at an hourly rate of $10.62


Notices of Confirmation of Registration (Voter Information Cards)

14. For printing the notices of confirmation of registration in conformity with the specifications provided by a returning officer, a printer shall be paid an amount in respect of each polling division  
(a) for the first 100 copies the actual cost,
as supported
by vouchers,
up to $34.63
(b) for each additional 50 copies or part thereof the actual cost,
as supported
by vouchers,
up to $4.08


15. In respect of the typesetting, printing, numbering, perforating and binding or stitching of ballot papers in accordance with the specifications provided by a returning officer, a printer shall be paid an amount that does not exceed

(a) for the first 1,000 ballots $99.86
(b) for each additional 1,000 ballots, or part thereof, where the names of not more than 7 candidates are printed $48.60
(c) for each additional 1,000 ballots, or part thereof, where the names of more than 7 and fewer than 12 candidates are printed $55.23
(d) for each additional 1,000 ballots, or part thereof, where the names of 12 or more candidates are printed $59.84

Reproduction of Documents

16. For reproducing the lists of electors and all other documents required to be reproduced, a printer shall be paid for each copy of each original page, when reproduced in accordance with the specifications provided by a returning officer the actual cost,
as supported
by vouchers,
up to $0.06


Registration Officers

17. A person appointed as a registration officer shall be paid, for services performed to register electors at a central polling place, an hourly rate of $12.74
18. A person appointed as a stand-by registration officer shall be paid, for being on stand-by on polling day $25.48

Revision Supervisors

19. A person appointed as a revision supervisor shall be paid, for services performed, an hourly rate of $23.51

Revising Agents

20. A person appointed as a revising agent shall be paid  
(a) for services performed during the revision period, for each hour worked $12.74
(b) for travel expenses in relation to their duties, as requested by the returning officer the allowances and expenses
referred to in item 50

Rental of Revisal and Registration Offices

21. If a building or part of one is used as a revisal office by the revising agents during the revision period, or by the registration officer on polling day to register electors, the building owner shall be paid rent, including the costs of heating, lighting, cleaning and furniture — when furniture is available — for each day that those premises are used, an amount per day that does not exceed, per office $90.00
22. When furniture is not available, the building owner shall be paid, for the rental of a sufficient number of tables and chairs for the office in accordance with the instructions of the returning officer the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers


Special Ballot Coordinators

23. A person appointed as a special ballot coordinator shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $16.00
(b) for any sundry expenses in relation to their duties the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers
(c) for travel expenses in relation to their
the allowances and expenses
referred to in
item 50

Hospital Liaison Officer

23.1 A person appointed as a hospital liaison officer shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $12.00
(b) for travel expenses in relation to their duties the allowances and expenses
referred to in
item 50


Deputy Returning Officers

24. A person appointed as a deputy returning officer for an advance poll shall be paid, for services performed, including the counting of the votes on the ordinary polling day, a fee of $386.12
25. A person appointed as a deputy returning officer at a polling station or a mobile poll on the ordinary polling day shall be paid, for services performed, a fee of $193.06
26. A person appointed as a deputy returning officer for verifying and counting the special ballots received in the office of the returning officer shall be paid, for services performed, a fee of $193.06

Central Poll Supervisors

27. A person appointed as a central poll
supervisor at a central polling place shall be paid
(a) for services performed, including the return of ballot boxes to the returning officer when instructed to do so, for each hour worked $15.44
(b) for travel expenses in relation to their duties the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50
28. A person appointed as a stand-by central poll supervisor shall be paid an hourly rate of $15.44

Deputy Returning Officers – Return Ballot Boxes and Stand-by

29. Each person paid under items 24 and 25 who is tasked to return ballot boxes to a returning officer shall be paid, in addition to their fee,  
(a) for each hour worked $13.79
(b) for travel expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50
30. A person appointed as a stand-by deputy returning officer shall be paid, for being on stand-by on polling day $27.58

Poll Clerks

31. A person appointed as a poll clerk for an advance poll shall be paid, for services performed, including the counting of the votes on the ordinary polling day, a fee of $318.64
32. A person appointed as a poll clerk at a polling station or a mobile poll on the ordinary polling day shall be paid, for services performed, a fee of $159.32
33. A person appointed as a poll clerk for verifying and counting the special ballots received in the office of the returning officer shall be paid, for services performed, a fee of $159.32
34. Each person paid under items 31 and 32 who is tasked to return ballot boxes to a returning officer shall be paid, in addition to their fee,  
(a) for each hour worked $11.38
(b) for travel expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Rental of Polling Stations

35. If a building or part of one is used as an advance polling station, the building owner shall be paid rent, including the costs of heating, lighting, cleaning and furniture — when furniture is available — for the use of the premises for the three days that the advance poll is open and for the counting of the votes on the ordinary polling day, in an amount that does not exceed, per advance polling station $270.00
36. If a building or part of one is used as a polling station, the building owner shall be paid rent, including the costs of heating, lighting, cleaning and furniture — when furniture is available — for the use of the premises, in an amount that does not exceed, per polling station $90.00
37. When furniture is not available, the building owner shall be paid, for the rental of a sufficient number of tables and chairs for the polling station in accordance with the instructions of a returning officer the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers
38. When the building owner requires a caretaker to be on the premises rented for use as a polling station, the building owner shall be paid the actual and reasonable cost, as supported by vouchers

Special Messengers

39. A person appointed as a special messenger for the delivery or pick-up of ballot boxes shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $10.62
(b) for travel and living expenses at a place other than their place of residence the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50


40. A person appointed as a language interpreter shall be paid  
(a) for each hour worked $11.68
(b) for travel and living expenses in relation to their duties the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50
41. A person appointed as a sign-language interpreter shall be paid
(a) for each hour worked the actual and reasonable amount determined, as supported by vouchers
(b) for travel and living expenses in relation to their duties the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Information Officers

42. A person appointed as an information officer employed at a central polling place shall be paid an hourly rate of


Persons Responsible for Maintaining Order

43. A person appointed to maintain order at a polling place shall be paid the actual and reasonable amount determined, as supported by vouchers


44. An elector called on by a returning officer to be a witness at the validation of the results where no candidate is present or represented shall be paid at an hourly rate of $9.37


Additional Assistant Returning Officers

45. A person appointed as an additional assistant returning officer shall be paid  
(a) for services performed in connection with the conduct of an election in the designated area in respect of which the officer is appointed on a full-time basis $12,856.00
(b) if an officer is appointed on a part-time basis for the number of hours authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer, for each hour worked $32.06
(c) before the issue of a writ for an election at the officer's own residence, for the storing of election materials and expenses in connection with that storing, per month $40.00
(d) for authorized expenses related to the conduct of the election in the designated area in respect of which the officer is appointed the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers
(e) for necessary travel expenses incurred in connection with the conduct of an election the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Support Staff

46. A person appointed as support staff at the office of an additional assistant returning officer shall be paid an hourly rate of $10.62


Training Officers

47. A person appointed as a training officer shall be paid  
(a) for services related to providing training sessions, for each hour worked certified by the returning officer $21.24
(b) for travel and living expenses at a place other than their place of residence the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Training Sessions

48. A person appointed as an election officer, other than an assistant returning officer or an additional assistant returning officer, shall be paid  
(a) for attending a training session on electoral matters arranged by the returning officer $35.00
(b) for each necessary kilometre of travel in excess of the first 35 kilometres travelled between the officer's residence and the place of the training session the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50

Sessions on Electoral Matters

49. When the Chief Electoral Officer requests that a person referred to in any of items 3, 11 to 13, 17, 19, 20, 23, 27, 29, 34, 39 to 42 and 44 to 47 attend a session on electoral matters, the person shall be paid  
(a) for each hour of attendance at the session the hourly rate in the applicable item
(b) for travel between the person's place of residence and the place where the session is held, and, if the place where the session is held is not the person's place of residence, for living expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50


50. Each person who, pursuant to this schedule, is authorized to be paid for expenses incurred in connection with the services that the person is required to perform shall be paid for travel and living expenses as follows:  
(a) for travel by means of a private motor vehicle the allowances established by the Travel Directive
(b) for travel by means other than a private motor vehicle the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers
(c) for living expenses  
(i) lodging
the actual and reasonable expenses paid, as supported by vouchers
(ii) meals and incidental expenses
the allowances established by the Travel Directive


51. In addition to the accountable advances provided for by subitem 3(7), the Chief Electoral Officer may make accountable advances to returning officers and to additional assistant returning officers to defray petty expenses in connection with an election in an amount that does not exceed, per advance and per officer $2,000.00


52. A clerical assistant, other than a returning officer, required to assist with a recount made pursuant to Part 14 of the Act shall be paid for attendances and services, as certified by the judge who conducts the recount, an hourly rate of $11.68


53. (1) A person appointed by the Chief Electoral Officer to be a special ballot officer under Part 11 of the Act shall be paid  
(a) for services performed, for each hour worked $11.68
(b) for travel and living expenses that are incurred in the performance of their duties with the authorization of the Chief Electoral Officer the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50
(c) for other sundry expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, as approved by the Chief Electoral Officer the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers
(2) A person appointed as a deputy returning officer for the taking of the vote within a correctional institution shall be paid, for services performed, a fee of $193.06
(3) A person appointed as a poll clerk for the taking of the vote within a correctional institution shall be paid, for services performed, a fee of $159.32
(4) For the services of liaison officers and necessary support staff who perform duties required under the Special Voting Rules, there shall be paid, to the correctional institution by which those persons are employed, the value of any overtime paid to those persons for the performance of those services and any related sundry expenses incurred the actual and reasonable amount paid, as supported by vouchers


54. Each person, other than a person referred to in any of items 1 to 53, who is employed in connection with the conduct of an election before or after the date of the issue of the writ shall, when requested by the Chief Electoral Officer to travel, be paid for travel and living expenses the allowances and expenses referred to in item 50


55. If an election officer who is a supplier of goods or services under this Tariff is not registered under section 241 of the Excise Tax Act and has paid tax under Part IX of that Act in respect of those goods or services, the officer shall be paid, in addition to the amounts set out in items 1 to 54, an amount equal to the amount of that tax paid.  


Footnote a

S.C. 2000, c. 9

Footnote 1



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Updated: 2007-06-01