Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canada and Saskatchewan sign new immigration agreement

OTTAWA, June 1, 2005 — The Honourable Joe Volpe, Canada’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and the Honourable Pat Atkinson, Saskatchewan Minister Responsible for Immigration, today announced the signature of a new Canada-Saskatchewan Immigration Agreement. The Agreement replaces the original Canada-Saskatchewan Agreement, signed on March 16, 1998.

"Effective immigration is about close partnerships—not only between the federal government and the provinces or territories, but also with communities and stakeholders. The Canada-Saskatchewan Immigration Agreement is an excellent example of a partnership that works," said Minister Volpe.

The Agreement defines the respective roles and responsibilities of Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan related to immigrants, temporary workers, students and others who want to come to Saskatchewan under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. It incorporates the Agreement on Provincial Nominees, signed in 2002, which allows Saskatchewan to identify and nominate immigrant applicants through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).

"Continuing to expand the population, labour force, culture and economy of Saskatchewan through immigration is a priority of the Government of Saskatchewan," Minister Atkinson said. "This new and enhanced agreement is the latest demonstration of our commitment to make Saskatchewan a destination of choice for immigrants from around the world."

The Agreement removes the nominations cap from the SINP, providing Saskatchewan with greater flexibility in operating its immigration program and enabling the province to attract more skilled workers, business people and farmers to meet its specific labour market and economic needs. It provides a framework for the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan to establish new initiatives and projects, such as agreements on foreign student employment and Enhanced Language Training. The Agreement also includes new provisions that reflect Saskatchewan’s interest in enhancing the vitality of its French-language minority communities. It continues to acknowledge the importance of family reunification and a shared commitment to the humanitarian considerations for refugees.

"The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to renew our partnership with the federal government and local communities as we strive, together, to attract more immigrants to our province and enhance our settlement and integration services," Minister Atkinson said. "From its creation one hundred years ago, Saskatchewan has always been enriched by the cultures of people the world over. By creating a province that’s welcoming and supportive of newcomers, we help ensure a prosperous, dynamic future for all Saskatchewan people."

For more information (media only):

Government of Canada
Stephen Heckbert
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister
(613) 954-1064

Maria Iadinardi
Media Relations
Communications Branch
(613) 952-0740

Government of Saskatchewan
Brian Miller
Saskatchewan Government Relations
(306) 787-7151

Visit the Saskatchewan Immigration website:
