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CMHC for Consumers November 2007

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Step through the Life-Cycle of your home

The Dollars and Sense of FlexHousing™

Affordability is a fundamental principle of the FlexHousing™ concept. As might be expected, the cost of a FlexHouse is slightly higher than the price of a conventional home of similar style and size. However, a FlexHouse has a number of short and long-term paybacks. For example, the installation of energy efficient windows can have a payback in as few as three years.

More important, however, is the long-term recovery on investment. Because a FlexHouse is easily adaptable and less costly to renovate than a conventional home, it is useful to its occupants for a longer period of time. FlexHouse owners can enlarge or reconfigure their houses to grow or change according to family needs.

In addition to monetary values, the choice of a FlexHouse includes a whole set of personal values, such as the importance of friendship, community and stability.

FlexHousing™ is a solution to:

Reducing Child-Care Costs Creating a livable space for an aging parent to join the family and perhaps take care of a pre-school child is less expensive than traditional day care costs.

Reducing the Frequency of Moves The costs of real estate agent fees, legal fees, building inspector fees, moving costs and redecorating costs can run an average of $20,000.00 per move.

Reducing the Cost of Office Space A home based office saves on office rent, travel costs back and forth to the office and parking expenses. When you add in the value of the time consumed in the daily commute, a home based office has a variety of advantages.

Reducing Renovation Costs By incorporating a number of features in advance, the costs of future renovations are reduced. For example, the provision of suitable doors and windows makes the creation of two bedrooms from one significantly less expensive.

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