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Turning Your World on Its Ear A photo of an ear tell your story your way and get paid documentary...spoken word...music...poetry...experimental sound A photo of a globe
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Tuesday to Friday at 8:43 p.m. (9:13 p.m. NT)
right after The Review

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Outfront is where we hand you the microphone. You make a radio documentary, with our help. Then CBC plays it to the whole country -- and you'll even get paid! Check out our updated pitch guidelines and send us your idea.

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Outfront wins two international awards

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Outfront continues to win international recognition for excellence in radio documentaries.

The program has now been awarded Spain’s most prestigious broadcasting prize, the Premios Ondas. The winning entry was the documentary “Middle C”, in which Tristan Whiston chronicles his year-long gender transition from woman to man, through the changes in his singing voice. The jury cited the story as perfectly suiting the medium of radio, its unique form of presentation and telling a story with universal appeal. Earlier this year, “Middle C” won a silver medal at the New York Festivals. The Premios Ondas was presented in Barcelona on December 4. “Middle C” was produced by Carma Jolly and Tristan Whiston.

As well, on Saturday, November 3rd, the program was awarded a silver medal in the Third Coast International Audio Festival. The winning submission was the documentary “A Fragile Son”--a frank and uplifting account of a conservative family from India forced to deal with the frustrations resulting from the birth of a child with a severe mental disability. “A Fragile Son” was produced by Carma Jolly and Surjit Sachdev.

You can hear "A Fragile Son" again on Outfront on December 26th and "Middle C" will be broadcast again in two parts on December 27th and 28th.


Coming up on the program:

Friday, December 21, 2007

Of A Piece
by Michelle Orange

When Michelle Orange gave her dad an enormous jigsaw puzzle she had no inkling what would happen next. This is Michelle's lyrical tale of quirky pastime, reinventing family traditions, and connecting with her father.

Producer: Neil Sandell



Wednesday, December 26, 2007 Boxing Day

A Fragile Son
by Surjit Sachdev

Surjit Sachdev grew up in a conservative family in India. The son of an engineer, Surjit is an engineer too. But the family tradition ends when Surjit's son is born with a severe mental disability. Through the years, Surjit's frustrations increase. He becomes a strict, authoritarian father. Then one day a major confrontation with his son forces Surjit to examine his competence as a father.

Producer: Carma Jolly



Thursday, December 27, 2007

Middle C: Part One
by Tristan Whiston

Tristan Whiston performed for the first time as a solo soprano at the tender age of six. Years of hard work led to an accomplished singing career. But two years ago, Tristan decided to give up the most precious thing a singer has - the voice. Tristan is undergoing the transition from female to male.

Producer: Carma Jolly



Friday, December 28, 2007

Middle C: Part One
by Tristan Whiston

Tristan Whiston has been singing the high notes since the age of six. An extraordinary talent led to a career as an accomplished soprano. But now that voice is going to change. Tristan is about to begin receiving testosterone shots to make the transition from female to male.

Producer: Carma Jolly



Tuesday, January 1, 2008, New Year's Day

Walls Like Snakes: Part One
by Marina Nemat

At 16, Marina Nemat was arrested by the Islamic revolutionary government in Iran. She was tortured and nearly executed for speaking out against the regime at school. No one in Marina’s family has ever asked her about what happened during her two years in prison. After more than 20 years, Marina has decided to break the silence.

Producer: Carma Jolly



Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Walls Like Snakes: Part Two
by Marina Nemat

At 16, Marina Nemat was arrested by the Islamic revolutionary government in Iran. She was tortured and nearly executed for speaking out against the regime at school. After four months in prison, something happens that even Marina can’t believe. One of the men who tortured her asks for her hand in marriage.

Producer: Carma Jolly



Thursday, January 3, 2008

Not Your Average House Call

When Dr. Mike Dillon makes a house call he never knows what to expect. His patients may be refugees that speak no English and with no medical records. This documentary follows him on his rounds.

Producer: Suzanne Dufresne



Friday, January 4, 2008

According to Form
by Tracy Isaacs

It is a simple form, and not unusual these days. Tracy Isaacs teaches at a university. It sent its employees a survey to find out how diverse its workforce is. The questionnaire asks her to classify herself racially. For Tracy Isaacs, born under the neither white nor black classification of "coloured"in apartheid South Africa, this opens up a flood of questions about how she thinks of herself.

Producer: Neil Sandell




A CD of some of our best documentaries is now available from the CBC Shop. The CD is called Personally Speaking and it features five award-winning Outfront documentaries.

Get a 10% discount when you order online! When placing your order, enter the discount code Polly when you get to the field marked Coupon Redemption.

For more info or to order the CD

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