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CMHC for Aboriginal November 2007

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2007 Canadian Housing Observer

Native Inspection Services Initiative (NISI)

What is the Native Inspection Services Initiative (NISI)?

This initiative provides for the contracting out of CMHC inspections relating to on-reserve programs to First Nations technical/inspection service providers. Through this initiative, CMHC is participating in building the capacity of First Nations technical services.

Who is eligible?

Any First Nation technical service provider such as a Tribal Council, First Nation technical/professional firm or individual with adequate construction, inspection background and experience meeting the NISI minimum technical qualifying criteria may be eligible.

How does it work?

The NISI allows CMHC and others to hire, on a contract basis, qualified First Nation inspection services to undertake construction plans review, construction inspections and inspections of existing projects on its behalf. To further support the development of First Nations inspectors, CMHC may assist individuals to acquire training through provincial building officials associations and through community colleges.

CMHC has a fee schedule that allows payment for each plan examination, for each new construction unit and for each existing unit inspection along with basic mileage rates.

Where can I get more information?

Contact your local CMHC office.

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