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CMHC for Aboriginal November 2007

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2007 Canadian Housing Observer

Mold Matters: A Resource Guide for First Nations Housing Providers

This Resource Guide is intended for use primarily by First Nations people involved with housing, including: housing administrative staff working in the Band office, such as housing directors or managers; technical staff, such as construction supervisors; builders and renovators; and, inspectors.

Mold Matters is a compilation of information programs, products and services from within CMHC and externally through other departments; agencies and the private sector that covers a wide range of information on moisture and related mold problems.

This reader-friendly binder format includes two pull-out CMHC publications that can be used separately:

  1.  A handbook called Mold in Housing: An Information Kit for First Nations Communities; and
  2. First Nations Occupants' Guide to Mold, a brochure that housing providers can give to home occupants to help them prevent mold, and deal with small mold problems

These two insertions offer practical advice to housing staff and technical service providers to assist in recognizing problems and provide ready solutions to deal with them.

Other sections of the binder offer sources of information and advice on training sessions and workshops; publications; government programs; and training offered by industry.

If you are interested in ordering a free copy of Mold Matters: A Resource Guide for First Nations Housing Providers (order number 63432) please call CMHC at 1 800 668-2642.

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