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Photo: Commercial Vessels

The following links will connect the Commercial Operator to navigational charts and nautical publications which can assist in planning or improving the safety in the marine workplace.

Navigational Charts & Nautical Publications
Navigational Charts & Nautical Publications are available from The Canadian Hydrographic Service. This site offers clients up-to-date, timely, and accurate Hydrographic publications necessary for safe and efficient navigation of the navigable waters of Canada.

  • Canadian Tide Tables
    The Canadian Tide & Current Tables are maintained by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. As of April 30th 2003, the Tidal Predictions Web Site has been revamped to include an increased variety of information on tides, currents and water levels in Canada. Tidal predictions (predicted times and heights) for approximately 700 Canadian locations are available. High and low tides, as well as hourly height values are presented in graphical, tabular and text format for 7 day periods up to a year in advance or within the past year. It is also possible to access water level height information based on data from the CHS permanent network of gauging stations, located throughout the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River, Hudson Bay as well as the Arctic. These gauges are operated by the Tides, Currents and Water Levels section in CHS Central and Arctic Region.

Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR)
Notices to Mariners confirms changes that have occurred and allow mariners to maintain their respective charts and related nautical publications up-to-date. In addition to informing mariners of navigational hazards, Notices to Mariners also provides information and updates on regulations and procedures governing vessel entry and transit of Canadian waters. This site also offers a web-based registration service which permits users to register nautical charts in their possession.

Navigation Systems
Canadian Coast Guard Navigation Systems establishes and maintains aids to navigation that assist vessels to navigate safely through our waterways. This program ensures the public's right to navigate and keeps waters accessible by providing navigational aids, protecting navigable waters, and ensuring Canadian shipping channels are safe, efficient and compliant with Canada’s sustainable development principles and guidelines.

Canadian Coast Guard Icebreaking Program
The Icebreaking Program supports economic activities by assisting commercial vessels to voyage efficiently and safely through or around ice covered waters. With the support of the Canadian Coast Guard Icebreaking Program, most Canadian ports are open for business year-round.

Information System on Marine Navigation (INNAV)
The INNAV Internet site is operated by the Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications & Traffic Services. It provides access to information on commercial marine traffic of Eastern and Northern Canada. Vessel movement information appearing on this site is continuously updated from data processed within the area covered by the INNAV system.

Marine Communications & Traffic Services (MCTS)
Marine Communications & Traffic Services (MCTS) serves the marine community and the public at large to ensure the safety of life at sea in response to international agreements, protection of the environment through traffic management, efficient movement of shipping and information for business & the national interest.

Navigation Safety and Radiocommunications
The Navigation Safety and Radiocommunications division is responsible for promoting and enhancing safety of navigation and radiocommunications for the protection of life, property and the marine environment through the development, implementation and maintenance of policies, regulations, standards, procedures and other safety initiatives. The division's activities cover the complete spectrum of vessels, including fishing vessels, recreational craft, cargo ships and passenger ships.


Last updated: Top of Page Important Notices