Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Help on Search

Choosing your search words

Be as specific as possible when entering your search terms.

For example, "marine carriers" will bring more relevant results than "carriers." The search engine will add the word "and" and go search for documents that contain both "marine" and "carriers."

Care must be used when using the word "and." In many cases the word "and" is part of a title or subject.

For example, "Free and Secure Trade." You can tell the search engine to search for the phrase by clicking on the "this phrase" radio button. This tells the search engine to search for documents that contain the phrase "Free and Secure Trade." You can also enclose your search words with double quotation marks, for example, "Free and Secure Trade" instead of Free and Secure Trade. Alternatively, you can type in your search term as "Free+Secure+Trade." The search engine treats the plus (+) symbol as an "AND."

Use terms commonly used by the CBSA

You will get more relevant search results when you use the search words "automobile" or "motor vehicle" than you will if you use the word "car."

Use synonyms

Try using synonyms to improve your search results. For example, you will get different results for the search words "freight," "cargo," or "shipment."

Common words

Common words such as "the," "a," and "an" are found on all of our pages. To improve your search results, remove the common word and resubmit your search.

Use lowercase text

When you use lowercase text the search engine finds both upper and lowercase results. When you use upper case text the search engine finds only upper case.

Multinational characters

If you do not type letters with the accents or the diacritic marks in the search box, the search engine will find all related words and not only the word you are seeking. For example, if you type "eleve," Web pages will be returned that contain the words "élevé," "élève," etc. If you type "élève," the search will return pages that contain only "élève."

Including or excluding words

To ensure that a specific word is always included in your search topic, place the plus (+) symbol before the key word in the search box. To ensure that a specific word is always excluded from your search topic, place a minus (-) symbol before the keyword in the search box. For example, to find Canadian rail and ship transportation excluding air, try "rails+ship+canadian-air."

Forms available only in paper format

Some remittance vouchers are not available on our Web site. The reason is technical requirements of the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) technology used on these forms. Because the ink or toner is magnetized, we can provide these forms only in pre-printed format. If these forms were printed from the Internet, they would not be acceptable for payments at financial institutions.

As a result, the forms listed below are only available in pre-printed format.

  • E619 Customs Duties and Taxes Remittance
  • RC133 Remittance Voucher (Customs Self-Assessment)