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American Heart Association

Year-End Donations

Year-End Donations
Give to yourself when you give to others by making your charitable contributions before December 31st.  If you’re 70 ½ or older, recent revisions to tax law give you even more options, by allowing you to make charitable gifts  through your IRA. 


Learn and Live Quiz

Manging Blood Pressure

Learn and Live Quiz
Take our quiz to learn your risk for heart disease. Register after the quiz and we’ll send you a free cookbook.
See Your Saved Results

Aprenda y Viva Más
Complete el Cuestionario Aprenda y Viva Más en español. 
Vea sus resultados guardados

Holiday Heart Health
To help you celebrate the season we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to a heart-healthy holiday, including recipes, activities and gift ideas.

Programs and Tools

Stories of Hope

Are you caring for a sick loved one? Visit our new Web site dedicated to you.
The American Heart Association has joined Discovery Health for its National Body Challenge 2007.
You’re the Cure advocates call on the U.S. Attorney General to hold big tobacco accountable for their misdeeds. Learn how you can help.
What's New
New Podcasts: Listen to the lastest news affecting your family's heart health.
International Stroke Conference
EMS protocol reflecting new resuscitation guidelines may improve survival from cardiac arrest

Rate of blood pressure control improving in the United States

Trudy McMarion

Trudy McMarion
A Story of Amazing Grace

Patients and Families

Take our high blood pressure risk assessment
High blood pressure affects nearly 1 in 3 American adults. Are you at risk?

Science and Research

Attention researchers Attention researchers
The deadline for grant applications is January 2007

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Learn to recognize a heart attack and act quickly when you notice the warning signs.
Call 9-1-1 immediately if you experience symptoms!

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Donate Today
Help us continue our lifesaving efforts against heart disease and stroke by giving today.
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American Heart Association

Heart Profilers
Get credible information on your heart condition in just 20 minutes. Discuss treatment options with your healthcare provider. It only takes 20 minutes. Log on today for yourself or a loved one.
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