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About tobacco 
Offers facts concerning the use of tobacco. Presents information on the poisons released in tobacco smoke as well as the toxic components contained in cigarettes. Describes the negative effects of different forms of tobacco use on health. Notes the advantages to quitting tobacco use and ways to reduce related risks.
Source: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Achieving health and wellness: provincial wellness plan for Newfoundland and Labrador (Phase 1: 2006 – 2008)  PDF
Presents Phase I of the government's health promotion strategy for Newfoundland and Labrador. Focuses on increasing capacity for action on wellness, initially in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco control, and injury prevention. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Health and Community Services
Action on tobacco: a territorial strategy for tobacco control 
Identifies goals, actions and measures to be implemented in the Northwest Territories to prevent and reduce tobacco use.
Source: Northwest Territories Department of Health and Social Services
Alberta Healthy Living Network 
Works to strengthen existing partnerships that support healthy living in Alberta and address the issues of healthy eating, physical activity and tobacco reduction.
Source: Alberta Healthy Living Network
Baseline surveys: the health effects of tobacco and health warning messages on cigarette packages 
Presents baseline information which was gathered before the implementation of health warning messages on tobacco packaging in Canada. Discusses the awareness and knowledge of smokers and non-smokers of the health effects of tobacco and their recall of existing and new health warning messages.
Source: Health Canada
From: Tobacco - reports and publications
BC Healthy Living Alliance 
Forms a provincial advocacy coalition of organizations working together to improve the health of British Columbians by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and living smoke-free. Works with government to promote wellness and prevent chronic disease. Web site includes resources.
Source: BC Healthy Living Alliance (BCHLA)
Benefits of quitting 
Provides information on the health benefits of stopping smoking.
Source: Health Canada
British Columbia Ministry of Health, Tobacco Reduction and Control Branch 
Aims to reduce tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke for children and youth in B.C. Focuses on prevention, cessation, and protection. Lists initiatives aimed to prevent kids from starting to smoke, resources for those who want to stop or quit smoking, and tobacco sales enforcement programs.
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health
British Columbia's Tobacco Control Strategy: targeting our efforts 
Introduces the three key elements of the Strategy: discouraging youth and young adults from starting to use tobacco, helping tobacco users to quit or reduce their use of tobacco products, and protecting individuals, particularly infants and children, from exposure to second-hand smoke.
Source: British Columbia Ministry of Health
Canadian Council for Tobacco Control 
Plays a role in diminishing the adverse impact to the health of Canadians caused by tobacco industry products. Supports individuals and organizations involved in tobacco control initiatives and activities.
Source: Canadian Council for Tobacco Control (CCTC)
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