Learning From the Past,
     Looking to the Future.

    Welcome to the website of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation!


     2006 Storytelling Gatherings
    The Legacy of Hope Foundation will be recording stories from Residential School Survivors. These audio/video recordings will be the basis for a national book project, entitled “ Our Stories…Our Strength”, a commemoration to Residential School Survivors. For more information contact Laura Milonas at 1-877-553-7177. The next gatherings will be held  December 1, 2 & 3, 2006 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. There is no cost to attend and all are welcome. Register for Halifax.

    Where Are The Children? Online Exhibit
    We are proud to present this online counterpart to the travelling exhibit.

    Visit the Website Exhibit!

    AHF's National Funded Projects
    Check out our funded projects database.

    More Information

     Day of Commemoration Video Gallery
    Edmonton, AB - July 8th, 2004 A day to reflect on the past, to celebrate our survival and to cast our thoughts to the future.

    View Gallery

    News & Press Releases

    January 30, 2006
    The Aboriginal Healing Foundation's Board of Directors, today, announced the publication of a three-volume Final Report which presents a detailed narrative of the AHF's activities over the past six years.

    Download PDF (87.9 KB)

    November 23, 2005
    The Aboriginal Healing Foundation's Board of Directors today acknowledged the Government of Canada's 5-year commitment of $125 million to sustaining the critical work of healing the legacy of abuse suffered in Canada's Indian Residential School System.

    Download PDF (75.8 KB)

    February 23, 2005
    The Aboriginal Healing Foundation today welcomed the Government of Canada's announcement of 40 million dollars for healing initiatives related to residential schools.
    Download PDF (177.5 KB)