CBC.ca Windsor
Anger: On the Edge

Modern Times, Angry Times

Marty Bevan is the last guy in the world you'd expect to get angry. He's a family mediator in Windsor and it's his business to help people deal with conflicts in their households.

But even Marty Bevan can lose it.

Bevan tells the story of the client who came in for help and just kept talking, no matter what Bevan said or did.

"I just kept thinking he's never going to leave," Bevan recalls. "And I was getting more and more angry."

Then Marty Bevan took his anger one step further. "I actually grabbed him by the shoulder and gently moved him out... and then I yelled at him like I've never yelled before."

What happened to Marty Bevan is happening to many people in our high-pressure society. That's why CBC Radio and Television in Windsor took an in-depth look at anger.

It wasn't all that long ago that it was rare to see someone's anger. And for most of us, it's even more rare to express our own anger.

But, as Marty Bevan discovered, times change.

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