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Institute for Biodiagnostics
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Inside Out Report
Institute for Biodiagnostics


Mike Jackson,
Group Leader

Biosystems is one of four research groups that make up the NRC-Institute for Biodiagnostics. The Biosystems Group is a multidisciplinary group of research staff with expertise in biochemistry, engineering, magnetic resonance physics, medicine, microbiology, physiology, and pharmacology.

The expertise of the Biosystems staff is complemented by the availability of a variety of established and novel instrumental methods including magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging, infrared spectroscopy and imaging, thermal imaging, and fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging.

The combined scientific and instrumental skills of Biosystems are used to develop novel methods to monitor physiology, diagnose disease, and evaluate the efficacy of novel therapeutic compounds. These activities are undertaken in three major program areas: cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders, and infectious diseases. These program areas are supported by a fourth program of technique development, testing and validation.

In each of these areas we have strong collaborations with industry, academia, and health care professionals, and with the other research groups at NRC-IBD: Magnetic Resonance Technology, Magnetic Resonance R & D, Biomedical Informatics, and Spectroscopy.

Date Published: 2006-01-16
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