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Institute for Biodiagnostics
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Inside Out Report
Institute for Biodiagnostics

MR Technology

Boguslaw Tomanek,
Group Leader

New MRI Technologies for Diagnostic Applications

Researchers in NRC-IBD's Magnetic Resonance Technology Group are part of the international MR research community and have been making MRI medical innovations possible for the past ten years.

In addition to developing technologies and applications for the next generation of diagnostic MR scanners, MR researchers play a role in the medical research of today. NRC-IBD has a range of MR research programs, including many neuroscience areas such as brain function, autism, spinal function, stroke, and neurosurgery.

Other research programs cover areas such as cardiac function, skin micro-imaging, and some aspects of cancer research, such as breast cancer and bone metastasis. NRC-IBD's MR Technology Group is also very active and successful in the research, development and commercialization of a wide range of MR technologies. The Group provides magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy consulting services and designs customized MRI systems.

The MR Technology Group's core research is carried out at the main NRC-IBD research facility in downtown Winnipeg, while much of the work applying MR to medicine is carried out at hospitals and medical research facilities elsewhere.

IBD performs research at Winnipeg's two main hospitals, Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface General Hospital.

IBD (West) is closely linked with the Seaman Family MR Research Centre at Calgary Foothills Hospital.

IBD (Atlantic) works in conjunction with Halifax's Brain Repair Centre.

map of the work applying MR to medicine to medical research facilities

For further information, please contact:
Boguslaw Tomanek, Group Leader
Tel: (204) 984-6321
Fax: (204) 984-7036

Nancy Anderson, Administration
Tel: (204) 984-6321
Fax: (204) 984-7036

Date Published: 2006-01-16
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