Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada


Updated May 16th 2007

Charts meeting the requirements of the Charts & Nautical Publications Regulations, 1995 under the Canada Shipping Act, and the requirements of the Copyright Act



Canadian Hydrographic Service

CHS Digital Charts (Raster Navigational Charts in BSB v4 format)

CHS Digital Charts (Vector Electronic Navigational Charts in the S-57 v3.1 format)

Canadian Hydrographic Service/Nautical Data International (prior to March 30, 2007)

Digital Ocean Chart Products

As of March 31, 2007, CHS provides updates and chart-related support for the term of the original license agreement for those who purchased Digital Ocean charts.


Charts based on CHS Products and meeting the
requirements of the Copyright Act

The following manufacturers have licence agreements with CHS to produce products based on CHS charts.



Transas Dataco Ltd., UK
Transas Marine Ltd., Portsmouth, UK
Transas Software House, St. Petersburg, Russia
Transas Marine (USA) Inc., Lynnwood, USA

TX-97 products:
• TR-CH (chart name)
• Small Chart Folio TR-CH-(folio name)
• Large Chart Folio TR-CH-(folio name)
• Region 1 (Northern Europe) TR-CH-ZR01
• Region 2 (Scandinavia) TR-CH-ZR02
• Region 7 (NW&SW America) TR-CH-ZR07
• Region 8 (Caribbean & EC USA) TR-CH-ZR08
• World Chart Folio TR-CH-ZR00
• World Chart Folio TR-CH-ZR101

Garmin International, Inc., Olathe, Kansas, USA
Garmin Corporation, Taiwan

BlueChart Products:
• BlueChart (2,M,X,CD) CA001R-CA002R
• BlueChart (2,M,X,CD) CA004R-CA014R
• BlueChart (2,M,X,CD) US015R-US020R
• BlueChart (2,M,X,CD) US023R-US024R
• BlueChart (2,M,X,CD) EU044R
• BlueChart (2,M,X) CA500L-CA501L
• BlueChart (2,M,X) US500L
• BlueChart (M,X) US602X United

United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO), Taunton, UK

ARCS Navigator

Province of Nova Scotia
As represented by:
Nova Scotia Department of Housing and Municipal Affairs
Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre
Amherst, NS, Canada

• Nova Scotia Coastal Series
• Land Based Data Only
• Land Based with Bathymetry


Page last updated : 2007-5-16 12:59

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This site is maintained by the Canadian Hydrographic Service.