Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

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About Integrated Science Data Management

About Science

About Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat

Aquatic Animal Health


Aquaculture Collaborative Research and Development Program (ACRDP)

Aquatic Invasive Species

Aquatic Science 2020

Argo -  Integrated Science Data Management

Atlantic Zone Monitoring Programme (AZMP) -  Integrated Science Data Management


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Bedford Basin Plankton Monitoring

Bedford Institute Seminar Series

Biodiversity Science


Biological and Chemical (BioChem) -  Integrated Science Data Management

Brochure about the Science Sector of DFO -- Science that Matters to Canadians

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Centre for Ocean Model Development and Application (COMDA)

Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research (COOGER)

Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Canadian Hydrographic Service


Classification of Maritime Inlets

Climate and Oceanography

CLImate VARiablitiy (CLIVAR) -  Integrated Science Data Management

Code List - Integrated Science Data Management

New Policy on Collaborative Arrangements

Computer Atlas of the NW Atlantic

Contaminants -  Integrated Science Data Management

Coastal Hydrodynamics

Coastal Temperature Climate

CMOS - Private Sector Directory for Oceanographic and Meteorological Products and Services

Currents - Integrated Science Data Management

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Data and Products - Integrated Science Data Management

Deep Ocean Studies

Drifting Buoys - Integrated Science Data Management

Drift Prediction Model (WebDrogue)

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Ecosystem Modelling (Maritimes)

Ecosystem Research (Maritimes)

Environmental Science

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Fisheries Research

Freshwater Science

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Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Project (GTSPP)  - Integrated Science Data Management

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Habitat Science

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ICES - Integrated Science Data Management

Ice-Ocean Forecast

Integrated Scientific Data Management 

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Joint Commission on Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) - Integrated Science Data Management

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Science Links

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Minas Basin Sea Level

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National Code on Introductions and Transfers of Aquatic Organisms

Near Bottom Currents

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) - Integrated Science Data Management

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Oceanography and Climate

Ocean and Ecosystem Science (Maritimes)

Ocean and Ecosystem Science Seminars

Oceanographic Databases

Oceans Integrated Management

Ocean Mixing Research Group

Ocean Profiles - Marine Environmental Data Service

Ocean Science (Maritimes)

Offshore Oceanographic Climate

Offshore Oil and Gas - Integrated Science Data Management

Organic Chemistry (Maritimes)

Centre for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research (COOGER)

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The Timothy R. Parsons Medal

Particle Dynamics



Products Publications & Related Services - Canadian Hydrographic Service

Publications - Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat

Publications - Science

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Regional Ocean Climate Indices

Research Facilities

Research - Opportunities for Collaboration with the Science Sector

Request Form - Integrated Science Data Management

Remote Sensing - Integrated Science Data Management

Remote Sensing, Operational (Maritimes)

Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre (RNODC) - Integrated Science Data Management

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Science Annual Report

Science Feature Articles

Science Mission

A Scientific Review of the Potential Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in Aquatic Ecosystems

Science that Matters to Canadians - DFO Science Sector Brochure

Science Strategic Plan

SeaHorse Moored Profiler

Sea Ice Studies

Ship Of Opportunity Programme Implementation Panel (SOOPIP) - Integrated Science Data Management

Spain-Canada Marine Science Collaboration Initiative

Species at risk

Standards - Integrated Science Data Management

St. Lawrence Observatory (OSL)

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Thermosalinographs - Integrated Science Data Management

Tidal Prediction Model (WebTide)

Tide and Water Level (TWL) - Integrated Science Data Management

Tide and Water Level Applications (TWL Apps) - Integrated Science Data Management

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Virtual Centre for Ocean Satellite Salinity (VCOSS)

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Water Levels and Currents - Canadian Hydrographic Service

Whats New - Canadian Hydrographic Service

Waves - Integrated Science Data Management


World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) - Integrated Science Data Management

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Last updated : 2007-11-14

Important Notices