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2006 Archives – NCEs in the News

1. Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet)

  • November 22, 2006 – AFMNet researcher Dr. Robert Hancock was awarded the prestigious CIHR Michael Smith Prize for his research on finding ways of battling infectious diseases such as pseudomonas aeruginosa, a major cause of lung infections in hospitals and nursing homes. For the complete story, please see
  • CBC News Online – November 1, 2006 – AFMNet researcher Heather Boon is quoted in an article that discusses herbal cold remedies.
  • CTV/Canada AM – October 31, 2006 – AFMNet researcher and University of Guelph professor Dr. Bruce Holub discusses KFC's decision to reduce its use of trans fats. The video of the interview can be viewed at:
  • Dalhousie Press Release, CBC Radio – September 15, 2006 – AFMNet researcher Dr. Roger McLeod is part of a team that will be conducting clinical trials to study the effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on humans.
  • Nature Biotechnology, Volume 24, Number 9 – September 2006 – An article, co-written by AFMNet researcher Timothy Caulfield, discusses the controversies concerning human gene patenting.
  • CBS News August 15, 2006 – Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy, AFMNet Theme II leader, recently reported that people who have a genetic variation associated with slower caffeine metabolism are at an increased risk of a nonfatal heart attack when they consume coffee. His findings appeared in the March 8 issue of JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • At Guelph – Volume 50, No. 11, May 31, 2006 – A feature about AFMNet researcher John Dutcher’s studies of three-layer polymer films.
  • At Guelph – Volume 50, Number 11, May 31, 2006; Guelph Mercury – May 19, 2006; Nutra Ingredients USA – May 17, 2006; University of Guelph Website – May 16, 2006 – Coverage of a press release outlining AFMNet’s research projects over the next three years.
  • – April 28, 2006 – An article explaining functional foods and nutraceuticals, written by AFMNet researcher Rotimi Aluko, mentions the NCE program and AFMNet
  •, Globe and Mail – March 8, 2006 – AFMNet researcher Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy is the author of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that suggests that the way caffeine affects your body could depend on your genes.
  • Canadian Chemical News – March 2006 Issue – A feature about AFMNet researchers David Kitts, Tito Scaiano, Tim Durance and Feral Temelli, who are looking at the benefits of antioxidants to see how effective they are in triggering reactions and tolerance to oxidative stress.
  • Food and Beverage Asia – February/March 2006 Issue – A special report on the Advanced Foods and Materials Network, Scientific Director Dr. Rickey Yada and several of the network’s researchers.

2. Allergy, Genes and Environment Network (AllerGen)

  • Globe and Mail – November 15, 2006 – In a special section for the Asthma Society of Canada, AllerGen is mentioned. AllerGen Board of Directors' member Dr. Kazimierz Borkowski and AllerGen researcher Dr. Mark Fitzgerald are quoted.
  • Télé-Québec – September 14, 2006 – AllerGen researcher Dr. Bruce Mazer discusses the increase in allergies and asthma, both in general and, more specifically, in Quebec.
  • St. John's Telegram – August 1, 2006 – An article about the allergy epidemic mentions AllerGen.
  • CBC Radio One (Here's the Thing) – July 14, 2006 – AllerGen Theme 3 leader Dr. Dean Befus was interviewed about allergies.
  • Montreal Gazette – July 11, 2006 – Treating asthmatic children with adult medication can be a grave mistake because steroid therapy doesn’t work for them and can lead to more hospitalization. AllerGen researcher Dr. Malcolm Sears says finding the right asthma treatment for children is crucial because asthma goes on to alter lung function.
  • National Review of Medicine – May 30, 2006 – AllerGen researchers Drs. Peter Paré and Malcolm Sears are quoted in this feature on the allergy epidemic and researchers’ shift of focus to the gene-environment interaction as a possible explanation for the rise in allergies.
  • Maclean's – June 5, 2006 – A cover story on the allergy and asthma epidemic quotes AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg and mentions the NCE Program.
  • Toronto Star – May 30, 2006 – An op-ed piece co-authored by AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg and Dr. Michael Kramer discusses the asthma epidemic.
  • Toronto Star – May 4, 2006 – AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg hopes a new birth cohort study of 10,000 Canadian children from birth to childhood will help identify the factors that result in the emergence of allergic disease. AllerGen researcher Dr. Malcolm Sears is leading the study.
  • Le Devoir – May 2, 2006 – An op-ed piece co-authored by AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg and Dr. Michael Kramer of CIHR's Institute of Human Development and Child and Youth Health discusses the alarming increase in allergies and asthma over the last 30 years.
  • Nanaimo Daily News – April 10, 2006 – A summary of AllerGen’s areas of allergy research.
  • Allergic Living Magazine – Spring 2006 – Two articles feature the work of AllerGen researchers Drs. Malcolm Sears and Tom Hudson. Dr. Sears, of the Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health, is profiled for his work on planning the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study, which is expected to track 10,000 Canadian children from birth to childhood in hopes of identifying the genetic and environmental factors that result in the emergence of allergic disease. Dr. Hudson, founder of the Genome Quebec Innovation Centre at McGill University, is featured for his work on understanding the genetic roots of allergic diseases.
  • The Kitchener-Waterloo Record – March 1, 2006; Globe and Mail – February 28, 2006 – An international research team has found a possible way of identifying those most at risk of fatal allergic reactions to peanuts. A study has shown that the blood of people who died of peanut allergies had a significantly lower level of a particular enzyme which at normal levels breaks down the chemical that causes bronchial spasms and reductions in blood pressure. AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg and researcher Dr. Susan Waserman are quoted in this article.
  • Hamilton Spectator – February 3, 2006 – AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg is quoted in an article about the increasing prevalence and seriousness of severe food allergies.
  • Hamilton Spectator – February 3, 2006 – Drs. Susan Waserman and Manel Jordana are conducting AllerGen-funded research to try to find treatments and perhaps a cure for severe food allergies. AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg is quoted in the article.

3. AquaNet (Network in Aquaculture) – New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal – May 11, 2006 – AquaNet researcher Dr. Thierry Chopin is part of a project in the Bay of Fundy that is studying whether edible seaweed and mussels can be grown alongside salmon farms.

4. ArcticNet

  • La Tribune (Sherbrooke) – December 29, 2006; Le Soleil, Progrès-Dimanche – December 24, 2006; La Presse, Le Nouvelliste (Trois-Rivières), Le Soleil – December 23, 2006 – Scientific Director Louis Fortier was quoted in a article that focused on the issue of climate change and its impacts on the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  • Winnipeg Sun – December 26, 2006 – An article written by ArcticNet Schools on Board participant Rachel Rathborne, in which she discusses her experiences and knowledge gained from participating in the program in fall 2006.
  • Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun – January 2, 2007; Nunatsiaq News – December 22, 2006 – Articles that discussed the International Polar Year and the Inuit Health Survey planned for Nunavut and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in 2007, quote ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and Network Investigator Dr. Grace Egeland, who leads the Inuit Health Survey.
  • The National – January 10, 2007; New York Times, Le Devoir – December 30, 2006; Reuters, Los Angeles Times, CNN News, Seattle Times, Washington Post, the Independent, Toronto Star – December 29, 2006; CanWest News, Ottawa Citizen, The Gazette, National Post, Times Colonist, Star Phoenix, Vancouver Sun, Windsor Sun, Edmonton Journal, The Province, Calgary Herald, CH News, Global BC and Global News – December 28, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and ArcticNet Investigator Warwick Vincent are quoted in articles about the mass of ice (the size of 11,000 football fields) that broke clear from the coast of Ellesmere Island.
  • Radio-Canada – December 17, 2006; Toronto Star – December 16, 2006; Calgary Herald, CanWest News Service, CBC News, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette – December 15, 2006; CBC News, CanWest News Service, Vancouver Sun, Ottawa Citizen, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Kamloops Daily News, Edmonton Journal, Windsor Star, National Post, Victoria Times Colonist – December 14, 2006; A-Channel News, CBC News – December 12, 2006 – ArcticNet held its Annual Scientific Meeting in Victoria, B.C. from December 12 to 15, 2006 and several researchers who presented their findings were featured in the media.
  • Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette, National Geographic, CBC News – December 12, 2006 – The results of a study by ArcticNet Investigator Bruno Tremblay and his colleagues, published in Geophysical Research Letters, found that global warming could melt almost all of the ice in the Arctic (during the summer months) by the year 2040.
  • Ottawa Citizen – December 14, 2006 – A study led by ArcticNet Investigator Dr. Éric Dewailly shows that the Inuit traditional diet offers natural protection against heart disease and cancer.
  • Victoria Times Colonist – December 13, 2006 – At the ArcticNet annual conference, Network Investigator Dr. David Barber discussed climate change and the melting of Arctic ice.
  • Radio-Canada – November 20, 2006; Le Soleil – November 11, 2006; RDI en direct, RDI/Dominique Poirier en direct, Radio-Canada, CBC-TV – November 8, 2006; Radio-Canada – November 7, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and Network Manager Martin Fortier, as well as other network members, are interviewed about the 2006 ArcticNet Expedition onboard the CCGS Amundsen, upon its return to Québec.
  • San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Times, The Washington Post – November 6, 2006 – An article written by Washington Post journalist Doug Struck quotes ArcticNet Network Investigator Michael Byers on Canada’s sovereignty of the Northwest Passage and the danger of foreign ships using the passage, possibly resulting in Canada loosing its claim.
  • The Washington Post, New York Sun, Houston Chronicle, Detroit News, Seattle Times, South Coast Today, Journal Gazette, The Washington Post – November 5, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigators Gary Stern and Michael Byers are quoted in an article in which Washington Post journalist Doug Struck recounts his time spent onboard the CCGS Amundsen during the 2006 ArcticNet Expedition. A short video shot onboard the Amundsen includes interviews with ArcticNet Network Investigators Michael Byers, Suzanne Lalonde, Gary Stern, ArcticNet ship-based coordinator and graduate student Keith Levesque, and research technician Jason Bartlett, among others.
  • Nunatsiaq News – November 3, 2006 – An article about upcoming plans to use the CCGS Amundsen for a health survey in Nunavut quotes ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier, Network Manager Martin Fortier, and Network Investigator Gary Stern.
  • CBC News – November 1, 2006 – Gary Stern, ArcticNet Network Investigator and chief scientist onboard the CCGS Amundsen for the 2006 ArcticNet Expedition, was quoted in an article on rising mercury levels in Arctic marine mammals and the role of climate change in this increase.
  • CBC-The National – November 1, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator David Barber discussed ArcticNet, reductions in sea ice, and climate change and its implications.
  • CBC News – October 31, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Gary Stern is quoted in an article that discusses the lack of ice observed by scientists onboard the CCGS Amundsen when they travelled from Eastern Arctic waters through to the Beaufort Sea in the west, on the way to Frobisher Bay.
  • CBC North/North Beat – October 30, 2006 – Coverage of the special meeting, hosted by ArcticNet, onboard the CCGS Amundsen to showcase the Network and the support of its Northern Partners.
  • CBC Radio Online – October 28, 2006 – The second instalment of the radio program “Quirks and Quarks” on the CCGS Amundsen and ArcticNet. This segment discussed the science in more detail and the strong evidence for climate change being observed now by scientists and northerners. ArcticNet Network Investigators Gary Stern and Donald Forbes were interviewed. The radio show can be heard online at:
  • Météo Média (Quebec Weather Network) – September 28 to October 19, 2006 – Radio clips from the CCGS Amundsen were aired hourly while the ship was in transit as part of the 2006 ArcticNet Expedition. The segments provided viewers with information on the ArcticNet research program and ongoing scientific activities onboard the ship. Longer video segments are being aired now that the journalists from Météo Média have returned from the ship.
  • Le Devoir – October 30, 2006; Edmonton Journal – October 27, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and ArcticNet Investigators Michael Byers, Gary Stern and David Barber are quoted in separate articles that discuss the inevitability of the melting of Arctic ice, the opening of the Northwest Passage and the Arctic sovereignty issue.
  • Le Soleil – October 28, 2006; Téléjournal Québec – October 27, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier is quoted in an article about the official visit of King Carl Gustaf XVI of Sweden to Québec, to discuss, among other things, a possible Arctic research partnership between his country and Canada.
  • Toronto Star – October 27, 2006 – An article, written by ArcticNet investigator Michael Byers, on the melting sea-ice and Canada’s claim to the Northwest Passage.
  • CBC-TV/Doc Zone – October 19, 2006 – A one-hour documentary, entitled “Arctic Rush,” addresses the challenges and opportunities brought by Arctic warming and a reduction of the sea-ice cover. Several ArcticNet researchers, Board members and collaborators such as David Barber, Robert Corell and Sheila Watt-Cloutier are featured, among others. A short video excerpt is available at
  • L'Actualité – November 1, 2006 – Scientific Director Louis Fortier and Network Manager Martin Fortier, along with ArcticNet Network Investigators Yves Bégin and Eric Dewailly, are quoted in an article that discusses ArcticNet, arctic climate change and the arctic funding situation in Canada.
  • above&beyond – Sept./Oct. 2006 issue – An article appears entitled "Living with climatic and environmental change in Nunavut," by James Ford, an ArcticNet Ph.D. student. ArcticNet is mentioned in the acknowledgements.
  • Winnipeg Sun, Winnipeg Free Press – October 28, 2006; Le Soleil – October 22, 2006; Oak Bay News – October 18, 2006; Quebec Express, Charlesbourg Express – October 17, 2006; TQS (Le Grand journal) – October 16, 2006; RDI, Radio-Énergie, CBC, CHRCO-Radio, CHOI-Radio, Journal de Québec, TVA – October 14, 2006; Radio-Canada, CBC Regional News – October 13, 2006 – Several students and teachers along with ArcticNet Network Manager Martin Fortier and Program Coordinator for Schools on Board Lucette Barber are featured and interviewed about the Schools on Board program. The ArcticNet-supported program begins October 30 in Iqualuit, onboard the CCGS Amundsen, and ends November 9 in Québec City.
  • CBC Radio Online – October 14, 2006 – Jeff Lebans, producer for the CBC Radio program “Quirks and Quarks,” spent several days onboard the CCGS Amundsen observing the science and interviewing scientists, technicians and students. A daily diary about his experience is available online, as well as an interview with “Quirks and Quarks” host Bob McDonald.
  • Ottawa Sun – September 29, 2006 – Seven students from across the country have been selected to participate in an Arctic journey organized by ArcticNet. The students will join scientists aboard the CCGS Amundsen to complete a science mission in Northern Labrador.
  • Le Nouvelliste, La Presse (3 articles) – September 28, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Dr. Louis Fortier is quoted in articles on the melting permafrost and the situation of the polar bear as a result.
  • CBC Morning Show – September 7, 2006 – An interview with ArcticNet Network Manager Dr. Martin Fortier focused on the ArcticNet research program, the 2006 ArcticNet Expedition onboard the CCGS Amundsen and related activities, including community visits and the Schools on Board program.
  • Aboriginal Peoples Television Network-National News Primetime – September 7, 2006 – An interview with ArcticNet Network Manager Dr. Martin Fortier discussed why ArcticNet uses a ship to study the Arctic, what the network has found regarding climate change in the Arctic and what it will do with the results.
  • CBC News – September 7, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Manager Dr. Martin Fortier is quoted in this article about ArcticNet’s 2006 expedition onboard the CCGS Amundsen and the work that over 40 ArcticNet scientists are conducting.
  • Globe and Mail – September 6, 2006 – ArcticNet Board of Director member Dr. Robert Correll is quoted on the issue of methane and carbon dioxide released from permafrost and the work of scientists developing research programs to better understand this effect of climate change.
  • Toronto Star – August 19, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Dr. Michael Byers is quoted on the response of the federal government to the sovereignty issue.
  • Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun – August 17, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator and Theme 3 Leader Dr. David Barber is quoted on the rapidly thinning and melting arctic sea ice, which he believes will result in an ice-free summer by 2050, give or take 30 years.
  • Canadian Press – August 17, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Dr. Michael Byers is quoted in this article that discusses a recent exploration permit granted to a B.C. mining company for Hans Island, a territory that is under dispute between Canada and Denmark.
  • Canwest News Service – August 16, 2006 – This article references the research of Steve Solomon, an ArcticNet collaborator on a project investigating the sensitivity of the Arctic coastal zone to a range of climate change effects.
  • Canadian Press – August 15, 2006 – An Article featuring ArcticNet Network Investigator Greg Henry who spoke at the Coastal Zone Canada 2006 Conference about his research to determine the effects of environmental variability and change on terrestrial ecosystems of the eastern coastal Canadian Arctic.
  • Canadian Press – August 14, 2006; Canadian Press, Canwest News Service, Vancouver Sun – August 12, 2006 – Duane Smith, President of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference and member of ArcticNet’s Board of Directors, and ArcticNet Network Investigators Drs. Greg Flato and Michael Byers are quoted in different articles that discuss the Arctic sovereignty issue.
  • L'Actualité – September 1, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier is quoted in a feature about the challenges Canada will face with the melting of arctic ice and the opening of the Northwest Passage.
  • National Post, Victoria Times Colonist – August 18, 2006 – ArcticNet investigator Gary Stern is leading a study in the Arctic that will monitor mercury and other metals in beluga whales.
  • Nunatsiaq News – August 4, 2006 – A research project, led by ArcticNet Network Investigators Drs. John Hanesiak and Ron Stewart, is studying weather and severe storms in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The project is funded by the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences but is a direct result of, and complementary to, ArcticNet-funded research on the vulnerabilities and adaptation to meteorological and related hazards in the Arctic.
  • Nunavut News – June 12, 2006 – An ArcticNet team, led by Network Investigator Dr. Warwick Vincent, visited the Nunavut community of Resolute to discuss the possibility of establishing a partnership with the local school to study global warming using technology that is already available at the school.
  • Globe and Mail – June 15, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator David Barber is quoted in an article that discusses the inevitability of the melting of Arctic ice and the opening of the Northwest Passage.
  • 2 articles - CBC News – June 14, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Michael Byers is quoted in two articles that discuss the decisions Ottawa needs to make now to prepare for future challenges to Canada's sovereignty.
  • Headway (McGill University magazine) – June 1, 2006 – ArcticNet is mentioned in this article featuring the research of ArcticNet Network Investigators Wayne Pollard, Murray Humphries, and Grace Egeland.
  • Toronto Star – May 29, 2006 – An article by ArcticNet-funded Ph.D. candidate James Ford discusses the serious challenge of climate change in Canada, including the Arctic, and the need for government to take a leadership role and treat global warming as a serious issue.
  • Le Monde – May 26, 2006; Ottawa Citizen – May 23, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Michael Byers is quoted in articles about Arctic sovereignty and on the military’s push for a less expensive means of guarding Canada’s Arctic.
  • CBC News – May 25, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Derek Muir is quoted in an article on the major drop in levels of perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) found in ring seals in the Arctic since the chemical was removed from Scotchgard stain repellent and other products in 2000.
  • CBC News – May 23, 2006 – ArcticNet Network Investigator Martin Sharp is quoted in an article on the need to understand how much water is coming from melting ice in the Canadian Arctic, a region which has the largest amount of ice on the planet besides Greenland and Antarctica, and how much it is contributing to sea-level change.
  • DFO Web site – May 18, 2006 – An article discusses research by ArcticNet Network Investigators Gary Stern and Robie MacDonald on the rising mercury levels in the beluga whales in the western Arctic’s Beaufort Sea. ArcticNet and the NCE Program are mentioned in the article.
  • Le Devoir – May 13, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier discusses climate change and its effects on the Arctic. The NCE program is mentioned in the article.
  • CBC News – May 12, 2006 – Jose Kusugak, an ArcticNet Board member and head of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, comments about the reaction of Canadian Inuit to the World Conservation Union's upgrading of the polar bear’s status to "vulnerable" on its red list of species in danger, a decision that Kusugak indicated was made without consulting Inuit and, in his opinion, was not based on facts.
  • Nunatsiaq News – May 12, 2006 – James Eetoolook, ArcticNet Board member and Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated's First Vice-President, is quoted in this article about a proposed Hydro-Québec diversion project.
  • Financial Post, National Post, La Presse, L'Acadie Nouvelle, Le Devoir, Le Soleil, La Tribune (Sherbrooke), Le Journal de Montréal – April 20, 2006; Reuters – April 19, 2006 – Ninety of Canada's leading climate researchers, including ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and Project Leader Gordon McBean, have sent a missive to Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling on him to show "national leadership" on climate change.
  • Press Release – April 19, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier attended a dinner held by Corporate Knights magazine to honour Brian Mulroney as the Greenest Prime Minister in Canadian History. Part of the proceeds of the event will go to ArcticNet.
  • Le Quotidien – April 11, 2006 – According to Bruno Tremblay, an oceanographer from Chicoutimi, the measures contained in the Kyoto Protocol are not enough to halt global warming and its effects. ArcticNet is mentioned in the article.
  • Globe and Mail – April 18, 2006; Vancouver Sun – April 10, 2006; Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen – April 9, 2006; USA Today – April 4, 2006 – ArcticNet investigator Michael Byers is quoted in several articles about Arctic sovereignty and Canada’s claim to the Northwest Passage.
  • Globe and Mail – May 15, 2006; Tierramérica – April 22, 2006; Edmonton Journal, CanWest News Service – April 13, 2006; Globe and Mail – April 6, 2006; Globe and Mail – March 24, 2006 – ArcticNet investigator Michael Byers writes or is quoted about the joint Canadian-Danish expedition to map an underwater mountain ridge in the Arctic Ocean in the hopes of proving legal rights to vast areas of seabed.
  • Time Magazine – April 3, 2006 – A feature on ArcticNet and the effects of global warming in the Arctic. ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and Network Manager Martin Fortier are quoted in the article.
  • L'Actualité – April 2006 Issue – ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier is quoted in this feature about how the port of Churchill, Manitoba could soon become a serious rival of the port of Montréal. Experts predict that Hudson Bay could be navigable year-round in 20 years.
  • London Free Press – February 27, 2006 – An editorial about the new government and the Kyoto Protocol quotes ArcticNet Theme Leader Gordon McBean.
  • Calgary Sun – February 26, 2006; CBS News/60 Minutes – February 19, 2006; UK Times Online – February 10, 2006 – ArcticNet Board member Robert Corel discusses the polar bear hunting controversy and the U.S. review under way to determine if the polar bear should be listed as an endangered species.
  • Toronto Star – February 19, 2006 – ArcticNet Theme Leader David Barber is quoted in an article on the Conservative government's apparent disinterest in the Kyoto Protocol.
  • Toronto Star – February 17, 2006 – ArcticNet Theme Leader Gordon McBean is quoted in an article about the melting of the Greenland glaciers due to global warming.
  • Le Soleil – February 18, 2006 – A major question in understanding Arctic warming was cleared up during a CASES conference in Winnipeg. According to Louis Fortier, Scientific Director of ArcticNet, the winds over the Arctic Ocean normally turn in a clockwise direction, but over the last 15 years they have turned counter-clockwise or not at all. The change in direction makes the ice less compacted and allows the surface water to warm up and the ice to melt.
  • The Manitoban, Volume 93, Issue 22 – February 27, 2006; Toronto Star – February 19, 2006; Le Devoir – February 17, 2006; – February 16, 2006;,, Whitehorse Star, St. John's Telegram, Le Droit, Le Devoir, La Presse, Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Charlottetown Guardian, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Calgary Herald, London Free Press, Edmonton Sun, Regina Leader-Post, Hamilton Spectator, Edmonton Journal, Winnipeg Free Press, National Post, Kingston Whig-Standard, The Brandon Sun – February 15, 2006; Globe and Mail – February 14, 2006 – Polar ice is melting at a rate of about 74,000 square kilometres each year – an area the size of Lake Superior. ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier and theme leader David Barber say it is too late to reverse the climate change damage done in the Arctic but measures need to be taken now to minimize it in the future.
  • Le Quotidien, La Presse – January 16, 2006 – ArcticNet Scientific Director, Louis Fortier, was honoured as the Personality of the Year in the "Applied Science, Humanities and Technology" category at the 22nd Gala Excellence "La Presse/Radio-Canada".
  • The Tyee – January 30, 2006; Le Devoir – January 24, 2006; Winnipeg Free Press – January 7, 2006; National Post – December 19, 2005 – According to ArcticNet investigator Michael Byers, the fact that Canada has spent nothing on Arctic sovereignty over the last 20 years and has no way of tracking what goes on in the North could threaten Canada’s claim to hundreds of thousands of square kilometres of the North, including the Northwest Passage.
  • Le Soleil – January 7, 2006 – An article about Arctic warming features ArcticNet Scientific Director Louis Fortier who says that polar bears, seals and Arctic cod could face extinction in the near future if the Arctic sea-ice continues to melt at its current rate.

5. AUTO21 Network of Centres of Excellence

  • CKLW-AM, Windsor Star – November 23, 2006 – AUTO21 researcher Dr. Anne Snowdon and AUTO21 Board of Directors' member Dr. John Mann received a Canadian Health Research Award for their research into child safety in automobiles that resulted in a program known as “Bobby Shooster Rides Safely in his Booster.”
  • Ottawa Sun – November 15, 2006; Toronto Sun – November 1, 2006 – AUTO21 Scientific Director Peter Frise is quoted in an article that discusses how AUTO21’s research projects look at ways to help Canada become more competitive in the auto industry.
  • Windsor Star – November 1, 2006 – An article focusing on Windsor's ranking as a research community includes comments from Dr. Peter Frise, AUTO21 Scientific Director and CEO.
  • Hamilton Spectator – September 30, 2006 – An article featuring the research of Dr. Charlotte Yates, leader of the AUTO21 Canadian Labour Market Regulation, Relations and Innovation project. AUTO21 Board member Gerry Fedchun is quoted in the article.
  • Calgary Sun – October 27, 2006; Toronto Sun – September 30, 2006; Windsor Star, Canwest News Service – September 23, 2006; Toronto Star – September 22, 2006;, Windsor Star, National Post – September 21, 2006 – Magna International Inc. is launching a foam car booster seat for children, which was developed in partnership with AUTO21.
  • Windsor Star – September 21, 2006; Victoria Times Colonist – September 16, 2006; Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Halifax Daily News, Nanaimo Daily News – September 14, 2006; National Post – September 8, 2006 – AUTO21 theme coordinator and project leader Dr. Anne Snowdon is quoted in this article on how the rising rates of child obesity can make car-safety standards obsolete.
  • Biotechnology Focus – July 2006 – AUTO21 Scientific Director Dr. Peter Frise and Theme D Coordinator Ms. Lisa Graham are quoted in this article featuring the network's research projects that focus on biotechnology.
  • Vancouver Sun, CBC-AM, Business in Vancouver, Globe and Mail, CBCV-FM (Victoria), ROB-TV – June 14, 2006; Vancouver 24 Hours, Metro Vancouver, CKLW-AM (Windsor) – June 13, 2006 – Media coverage of the AUTO21 2006 Scientific Conference, including interviews with several AUTO21 researchers about research areas such as child seat safety and the car of the future.
  • Globe and Mail – April 6, 2006 – An interview with AUTO21 Scientific Director Peter Frise discusses AUTO21’s research projects.
  • Windsor Star – March 24, 2006 – AUTO21 Scientific Director Peter Frise spoke about biotechnology in the auto industry at a seminar held in Windsor and organized by the Southwestern Ontario Bioproducts Innovation Network.
  • Kitchener-Waterloo Record – February 10, 2006 – An AUTO21 research team, led by Jennifer Durkin and Douglas Romilly, is studying ways to make automobile seats more comfortable while still being safe.
  • Financial Post – January 28, 2006 – An article about the recent loss of union jobs in the auto industry includes comments from Maureen Molot, an AUTO21 project leader.
  • Montreal Gazette – January 21, 2006; Ottawa Citizen, National Post – January 18, 2006; Vancouver Province, CanWest News Service – January 15, 2006; Edmonton Journal, Windsor Star, Victoria Times-Colonist – January 14, 2006 – AUTO21 Scientific Director Peter Frise is quoted in this article that highlights hybrid research taking place at the University of Windsor as part of the AUTO21 project "Regenerative Braking Systems."
  • Montreal Gazette – January 16, 2006;The Regina Leader-Post, Calgary Herald, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal, Victoria Times Colonist – December 29, 2005 – AUTO21 Scientific Director Peter Frise is quoted in this article about the discovery of a new kind of car paint that changes colour based on the weather.

6. Canadian Arthritis Network (CAN)

  • Science Daily,,, – December 16, 2006 – A new diabetes treatment strategy may be provided by the discovery of a critical role for sensory nerves in diabetes. CAN Investigator Dr. Michael Salter is part of a team that made the discovery.
  • The Medical Post – December 5, 2006 – CAN Scientific Director Dr. Jane Aubin has been appointed incoming Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA), effective January 1, 2007.
  • Arthritis and Rheumatism, Vol. 54 Issue 12 – December 2006 issue – An article about degenerative disc disease entitled “Nucleus pulposus notochord cells secrete connective tissue growth factor and Up-regulate proteoglycan expression by intervertebral disc chondrocytes” is co-written by CAN Investigator Dr. Robert Inman.
  • International Herald Tribune – November 22, 2006 – Dr. Joanne Jordan, a member of CAN's Scientific and Medical Advisory Council, was a lead author of a study examining whether varied leg lengths lead to arthritis.
  • The Medical Post – November 21, 2006 – CAN members Drs. Dianne Mosher and Vivian Bykerk are quoted in an article about the new COX-2-selective inhibitor lumiracoxib (Prexige).
  • – November 20, 2006 – CAN Investigators Drs. Elizabeth Badley and Gillian Hawker conducted a study that looked at factors underlying a patient's decision to undergo joint replacement surgery.
  • The Medical Post – November 14, 2006 – Gordon Whitehead, co-chair of the Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program (ACAP) – an umbrella coalition for arthritis stakeholder groups, of which CAN is a founding member – was quoted in this article.
  • Daily News – November 10-15, 2006 – CAN trainee Dr. Allen Lehman spoke about his study "Do spouses Know How Much Fatigue and Pain their Partners with Rheumatoid Arthritis Experience?" at the American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals' Annual Scientific Meeting held in Washington, D.C.
  • November 2006 – CAN Investigator Dr. James Henry received the inaugural Dr. Raymond W. Houde Memorial Award of the Eastern Pain Association of New York, for his long-term contributions to pain research and training.
  • Saskatoon StarPhoenix – November 2, 2006 – CAN investigator Dr. Alan Rosenberg will lead a five-year study of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). Also see the press release “Arthritis Partners Fund New Research in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis” on the CAN website.
  • The Journal of the Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRAJ), Volume 16, Number 3 – Fall 2006 issue – Canadian arthritis research and patient groups, including CAN and the Canadian Rheumatology Research Consortium (CRRC) are featured in articles that explain the purpose of the organizations, showcase their accomplishments and outline their strategic objectives.
  • The Journal of the Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRAJ), Volume 16, Number 3 – Fall 2006 issue – An article on arthritis consumer groups mentions CAN’s Consumer Advisory Council (CAC).
  • The Journal of the Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRAJ), Volume 16, Number 3 – Fall 2006 issue – CAN Managing Director, Johnathan Riley, and the CRRC’s Acting Director, Lyn Maguire, and several CAN Investigators and Clinical Associates are listed or mentioned in this issue, either in connection with their organization or mentioned in the Joint Communiqué from the Canada Rheumatology Association.
  • Vancouver Sun – September 28, 2006 – CAN members, Drs. John Esdaile and Jacek Kopec, were quoted in an article reporting on their study to determine whether moderate or intense physical activity can lead to osteoarthritis.
  • Medical Post – September 26, 2006 – An article discusses why diclofenac is a popular option as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). CAN Clinical Associate Dr. Vivian Bykerk, Chair of the Canadian Rheumatology Association’s therapeutics committee and a participant in the development of Canadian NSAID guidelines, is quoted in the article.
  • National Post – October 26, 2006 – CAN Investigator, Dr. Michael Dunbar, is quoted in an article on boomers wearing out artificial joints.
  • TV Ontario – November 28, 2006; Globe and Mail – October 24, 2006; Globe and Mail – October 21, 2006 – CAN Investigators, Drs. Michael Salter and James Henry are quoted in separate articles and an interview that look at living with chronic pain.
  • – October 14, 2006 – Dr. Virginia Kraus, professor of rheumatology and immunology and member of CAN’s Scientific and Medical Advisory Council (SMAC), is acknowledged for her work in focusing on interleukin-1(IL-1) as a major mediator of osteoarthritis in the joint.
  • Biotechnology Focus – September 2006 – The NCE and CAN are mentioned in this article that features CAN Board of Directors member and Network Investigator Dr. Tony Cruz. Dr. Cruz was a co-founder of CAN and acted as its first Scientific Director.
  • Canada News Wire – August 31, 2006 – Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are beginning to receive effective treatment with newly approved Orencia®. The clinical trial was coordinated through the Canadian Rheumatology Research Consortium (CRRC), a national clinical trials research and development program in arthritis launched with the support of CAN.
  • August 30, 2006 – Dr. Edward Keystone, Chairman of the Canadian Rheumatology Research Consortium and Associate Clinical Director of the Canadian Arthritis Network, has joined HealthSonix Inc.'s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board.
  • The Medical Post – July 18, 2006 – During a presentation at the Canadian Orthopedic Association meeting, CAN Network Investigator Dr. Cy Frank said he was surprised 26 per cent of audience members said they were not concerned about any downsides of private medicine. He said private health care presents challenges such as potential increases in costs, decreases in quality and fragmentation of the system, and difficulties with maintaining educational standards and research funding.
  • The Medical Post – June 2, 2006 – CAN Network Investigator, Dr. John Esdaile, was quoted in an article that states that a meta-analysis of randomized trials has confirmed that there is an increased risk for cancer in rheumatoid arthritis patients being treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) antibodies.
  • Research (University of Toronto Publication) – August 2006 – A feature about the Canadian Arthritis Network quotes its Scientific Director and CEO, Dr. Jane Aubin.
  • Fashion Magazine – October 2005 – Dr. Jane Aubin, Scientific Director and CEO of CAN, was brought in to provide important, but little known facts about bone and as an expert reviewer and fact checker for a recent article. The sidebar article is entitled “Things you don't know about bones – the hard facts under your soft tissue.”
  • Canadian Arthritis Network (CAN) – Honours and Awards –
    • Dr. Robin Poole, CAN's Scientific Director Emeritus, will receive the Osteoarthritis Research Society International's Lifetime Achievement Award for 2006 at a presentation during the opening ceremony of the World Congress on Osteoarthritis on December 7, 2006, in Prague, Czech Republic.
    • Dr. Robin Armstrong, chair of CAN's Board of Directors, has been appointed Executive Director of the College University Consortium Council (CUCC) Secretariat.

7. Canadian Design Research Network (CDRN) – Globe and Mail – November 15, 2006 – An article by CDRN Co-Network Director Douglas MacLeod looks at how design is a critical factor in addressing the environmental and economic effects of global warming.

8. Canadian Genetic Diseases Network (CGDN)

  • Globe and Mail – July 12, 2006 – CGDN researcher Dr. Thomas J. Hudson has been appointed President and Scientific Director of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.
  • Globe and Mail, Windsor Star, Hamilton Spectator, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen – June 17, 2006 – A team led by Dr. Michael Hayden, CGDN researcher and director of the University of British Columbia's Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, published the results of its 10-year project pinpointing one enzyme, called caspase six, that could be a possible trigger for Huntington's disease.
  • The Province, Victoria Times Colonist – March 17, 2006 – CGDN researcher Dr. Michael Hayden was part of a study published in the ' that shows that the liver and intestines combine to produce most of the body’s “good” cholesterol (HDL). The discovery could have significant implications for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

9. Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations (CIPI)

  • – July 21, 2006 – CIPI Researcher Maksim Skorobogatiy is part of a team that has developed a “smart” hypodermic needle made from biodegradable fiber with optical, microfluidic and drug release properties.
  • Photonics Spectra – March 2006 Edition – The Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations has launched the Innovative Photonic Applications Program to help the industrial sector benefit from photonics technology that is developed in university laboratories throughout Canada. The program will bring together university researchers, technology implementers and end users to work on projects in which photonics will be used to solve specific problems and to increase efficiency, productivity and profit.

10. Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network

  • London Free Press – July 1, 2006 – Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network Communications Manager Lisa Willemse is the recipient of an International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Virtuoso Award.
  • CBON-FM (Sudbury) – June 20, 2006 – Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network researcher Pierre Cormier is interviewed about the Network’s Annual Conference held in Charlottetown.
  • Charlottetown Guardian – February 11, 2006 – Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network researcher Vianne Timmons has received funding from the National Literacy Secretariat and the Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network to continue her research project that aims to increase children's literacy levels in Aboriginal and rural communities in Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. The project focuses on children in Grades 2 to 5 and has already shown great success.

11. Canadian Network for Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics (CANVAC)

  • Montreal Gazette, Winnipeg Free Press – August 23, 2006; Le Devoir – August 22, 2006 – CANVAC Scientific Director Dr. Rafick-Pierre Sékaly is the lead investigator of a Montréal immunology team that has announced a breakthrough discovery of a key component that has eluded scientists in the fight against the AIDS epidemic.
  • Windsor Star, Globe & Mail, Hamilton Spectator, Chronicle-Herald, Kingston Whig-Standard, La Presse canadienne, St. John's Telegram – August 17, 2006 – CANVAC Scientific Director Dr. Rafick-Pierre Sekaly is part of an international team of scientists that plans to study the genetic blueprints of HIV-positive people who, long after being infected with the virus that causes AIDS, do not progress to illness.
  • Whitehorse Star – August 3, 2006; Hamilton Spectator – July 26, 2006; Moncton Times and Transcript – July 24, 2006; Fredericton Daily Gleaner – July 21, 2006; Canadian Press – July 19, 2006 – Articles about the Gates Foundation's donation to create an international network of researchers dedicated to finding a vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS research mention CANVAC, Scientific Director Dr. Rafik-Pierre Sékaly and researcher Dr. Ken Rosenthal.

12. Canadian Obesity Network

  • Fredericton Daily Gleaner – December 9, 2006; Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo Record, Red Deer Advocate – December 6, 2006; Edmonton Journal – December 5, 2006; Canadian Press Wire – December 4, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in this article about a study that shows boys have an increased risk of developing elevated blood pressure as they go through adolescence compared to girls.
  • National Post – November 25, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma congratulates the National Post for its week-long series that gave a high profile to the obesity epidemic that is plaguing Canada.
  • Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Ottawa Citizen – November 7, 2006 – CON Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in an article about a Statistics Canada survey that shows Canadians are still gaining weight but at a slower rate than eight years ago.
  • Kingston Whig-Standard – January 5, 2007; Ottawa Citizen – October 2, 2006; Hamilton Spectator, Ottawa Citizen, CTV News – September 26, 2006 – According to an international survey released this week, roughly three out of four adult Canadians have a bulge of abdominal fat large enough to raise their risk of heart disease. Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted on the subject.
  • Winnipeg Free Press, Vancouver Sun, Calgary Herald, Regina Leader-Post, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Canwest News Service, Nanaimo Daily News – September 20, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network member Dr. Geoff D.C. Ball is quoted in an article about a new Laura Secord® chocolate product.
  • CBC News Online – September 5, 2006; Montreal Gazette – August 27, 2006; CBC News Online – July 6, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma and Canadian Obesity Network members Drs. Laurent Legault and Mark Tremblay are quoted in separate articles about the growing rate of child obesity and how to increase physical activity in children.
  • Edmonton Sun – August 24, 2006; La Presse, Ottawa Sun, Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Sun, Canadian Press, National Post – August 23, 2006;, CTV News – August 22, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in an article about a study that shows Canadians are gaining weight and that the heaviest people are living outside the major cities.
  • Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo Record – August 14, 2006; Red Deer Advocate, Calgary Sun, Moncton Times and Transcript – August 11, 2006;, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, Canadian Press, Hamilton Spectator – August 10, 2006 – Eric Porcellato has won the Canadian Obesity Network's inaugural student-thesis competition for his thesis that argues parents have to shoulder the moral responsibility for raising obese children.
  • – July 19, 2006 – Dr. Arya Sharma, Canadian Obesity Network Director, is mentioned in an article about the first boarding school for overweight adolescents, located in California.
  • Ottawa Sun – July 22, 2006; Chronicle Herald, Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo Record, Moncton TImes & Transcript – July 18, 2006; Hamilton Spectator – July 15, 2006; Hamilton Spectator, CPW – July 14, 2006; Toronto Sun – July 12, 2006 – CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in this article about the lack of publicly funded obesity centres in Ontario.
  • Ottawa Sun – July 22, 2006; Toronto Sun – July 12, 2006 – CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma says obesity is a chronic disease that requires ongoing treatment.
  • St. John's Telegram, Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Sun, Calgary Sun, Hamilton Spectator, Montreal Gazette, Chronicle-Herald, Yahoo News – June 14, 2006; Globe and Mail – June 13, 2006 – CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in an article about a new Statistics Canada survey that indicates the national obesity rate is actually higher than previously thought.
  • Cape Breton Post – June 11, 2006; Journal de Montréal – June 8, 2006; CH News-CKRD-TV (Red Deer), Global National, CHEK6-TV (Victoria), CKMI-TV (Montréal), Les Nouvelles-LCN-TV (Regional Quebec), Montreal Gazette, Le Droit, PasseportSanté.net – June 7, 2006; Presse canadienne française – June 6, 2006 – Coverage of the conferences held by the Canadian Obesity Network, in Montréal and Toronto, to look at the growing obesity problem in Canada and its possible causes. Conference Webcast.
  • Ottawa Citizen – May 31, 2006; Ottawa Citizen – May 26, 2006 – CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is mentioned in letters to the editor of the Ottawa Citizen in response to the proposed recommendation that more bariatric surgery clinics need to be funded by the Ontario government to help battle the obesity epidemic.
  • Ottawa Citizen – May 22, 2006 – CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is co-chair of a panel of obesity experts that will recommend the Ontario government fund about 4,000 bariatric surgeries a year to help battle the province’s obesity epidemic.
  • La Presse – May 16, 2006 – An editorial asking if the medical system should refuse treatment to people who abuse their health or engage in risky behaviour quotes CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma.
  • Calgary Herald, Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Edmonton Journal, National Post, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Vancouver Sun, Windsor Star, Winnipeg Free Press, CTV (Maritimes), Red Deer Advocate – May 10, 2006; CBC Radio; CFGP-FM (Grande Prairie), CFMG-FM (St. Albert), CBCT-FM (Charlottetown), CKUA-AM (Calgary), CBCS-FM (Sudbury), CBH-FM (Halifax), CFCN-CTV (Calgary), Calgary Sun – May 9, 2006; CHQR-AM (Calgary) – May 8, 2006 – CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma was one of more than 100 medical experts meeting at the Alberta Obesity Summit to share research and identify promising projects for collaborative study.
  • National Post – April 29, 2006 – With the level of obesity rising in this country, CON Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma says the economic argument alone should compel Canada's medical system to attend to the problem of long wait times for bariatric surgery.
  • Victoria Times Colonist – April 7, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network researcher Robert Gifford is looking at ways to encourage more physical activity both inside and outside the workplace.
  • Regina Leader-Post, Ottawa Citizen, Edmonton Journal, Victoria Times Colonist, National Post, Vancouver Sun, Montreal Gazette – March 15, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is the lead investigator of the Canadian arm of a study that found that waist size can predict cardiovascular disease better than high body mass index and age.
  • National Post – February 15, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in this article about a study that shows promising results for the new anti-obesity pill Rimonabant. The study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • Ottawa Citizen – January 23, 2006 – The Canadian Obesity Network is mentioned in an article about the rising number of morbidly obese individuals and the health and safety issues that this raises.
  • National Post – January 17, 2006 – Canadian Obesity Network Director Dr. Arya Sharma is quoted in an article about the growing Canadian obesity rate and wait times for bariatric surgery.

13. Canadian Stroke Network (CSN)

  • Pembroke Observer – December 14, 2006 – An article featuring the CSN-funded CHAP program mentions the Canadian Stroke Network
  • Medical Post, Radio-Canada, Canada NewsWire – December 7, 2006 – The Canadian Stroke Network and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada released the Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Stroke Care 2006 today.
  • Canada NewsWire – October 26, 2006 – CSN Investigator Dr. Vladimir Hachinski is leading international efforts to raise awareness of stroke as a major public health issue. He proclaimed “World Stroke Day” at the World Stroke Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.
  • London Free Press, Ottawa Sun, Toronto Sun, Calgary Sun – October 30, 2006; Globe and Mail – October 28, 2006 – CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim is quoted in articles about stroke research and rehabilitation.
  • Ottawa Sun – October 24, 2006 – CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim will be on the steering committee for the new national heart health strategy announced by the federal government.
  • Globe and Mail – October 18, 2006 – CSN hypertension expert and research leader Dr. Norm Campbell is quoted in this article about the dangers of salt.
  • Global National News – October 11, 2006 – CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim discussed the need for more rehabilitation services for people recovering from stroke and the progress already made through better organized stroke care.
  • Ottawa Citizen, Edmonton Journal, CanWest News Service, Calgary Herald, National Post, Vancouver Sun, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Regina Leader-Post, Montreal Gazette – October 4, 2006 – Canadians are eating processed foods that contain far more salt than identical brands sold in other countries. The Canadian Stroke Network and other groups want the new Canada Food Guide to recommend a reduced salt intake.
  • London Free Press – October 2, 2006 – Canadian Stroke Network Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim is quoted in an article about the importance of knowing the warning signs of stroke and getting early treatment after suffering a stroke.
  • Lindsay Daily Post – September 13, 2006 – The Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program, developed in part by the Canadian Stroke Network, is featured in an article.
  • A-Channel News (London) – August 30, 2006; Globe and Mail – August 29, 2006 – Canadian Stroke Network investigator Dr. Vladimir Hachinski is quoted and interviewed about the new standards of testing for stroke and dementia. CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim is mentioned in the article.
  • Charlottetown Guardian – August 30, 2006; Charlottetown Guardian – August 24, 2006; Charlottetown Guardian – August 23, 2006 – The Canadian Stroke Strategy for Prince Edward Island, comprised of three components (health promotion and disease prevention, stroke management and rehabilitation), is an initiative of the Canadian Stroke Network.
  • CBC radio, Ottawa Citizen – August 18, 2006 – The Canadian Stroke Network has made stroke rehabilitation one of its research priorities. CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim says rehabilitation has to be done early and it has to be done intensively. CSN researcher Dr. Mike Sharma is also quoted in the article.
  • Lindsay Daily Post – July 12, 2006 – The Canadian Stroke Network is part of a community-based project called the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) which raises awareness about hypertension and tries to help people get their blood pressure under control.
  • Radio-Canada/“Jamais trop de lève-tôt” (Regina) – July 5, 2006 – CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim was interviewed about the Canadian Stroke Network's efforts to promote an organized approach to stroke care through the Canadian Stroke Strategy.
  • Citydesk TV – June 19, 2006; Ottawa Sun – June 16, 2006 – The Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute has received a $1-million grant from the Canadian Stroke Network to support an Ontario-wide stroke prevention project.
  • Radio-Canada/"Jamais trop de lève-tôt" (Regina) – July 5, 2006; CBCT-FM (Charlottetown), Charlottetown Guardian – June 21, 2006; Summerside Journal-Pioneer – June 19, 2006; Brandon Sun – June 18, 2006; Deloraine Times & Star, Melita New Era, Reston Recorder, Souris Plaindealer – June 17, 2006; Sault Star, Charlottetown Guardian, Brockville Recorder & Times, Killarney Guide, CTV-Canada AM, Medicine Hat News, Health Edition (Volume 10, Number 24, Page 3), CFUN-1410 (Vancouver) – June 16, 2006; North Bay Nugget, Toronto 24 Hours, Montreal Gazette, Peterborough examiner, Orillia Packet & Times, Kelowna Daily Courier, Penticton Herald, Kamloops daily News, Sault Star, Niagara falls Review, Cornwall Standard Freeholder, Guelph Mercury, Niagara Falls Review, Lethbridge Herald, New RO (Ottawa), Chronicle-Journal, Metro Toronto, Amherst Daily News, Cape Breton Post, Canada-AM, Kingston Whig-Standard, Moncton Times Transcript, Le Journal de Montréal, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Regina Leader-Post, Halifax Chronicle-Herald, Victoria Times Colonist, Toronto Sun, Ottawa Sun, London Free Press, Calgary Sun, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, National Post, Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen, Hamilton Spectator, Windsor Star, CTV News, CBC News, Radio-Canada, CFRA 580 (Ottawa), CKCO (Kitchener-Waterloo), CFTO (Toronto), BCTV, CHEX (Peterborough), CFRN (Edmonton), ASN (Maritimes), New RO (Ottawa), CFCN (Calgary), CKWS (Kingston) – June 15, 2006; EZ-Rock (Edmonton), CFMG-FM (St. Albert), CKNW-AM (Vancouver), CBOF-FM (Ottawa), CJLR-FM (La Ronge), CJMX-FM (Sudbury), CBLT-FM (Toronto), CBC-R (National), CJOB-AM (Winnipeg), CIOK-FM (Saint John), Radio NL610 (Newfoundland), CFCY-AM (Charlottetown), CJVR-FM (Melfort), CKPR-AM (Thunder Bay), CJWW-AM (Saskatoon), CJNI-FM (Halifax), CKEC-AM (New Glasgow), CFTR-AM (Toronto), CBC-NW (National), CTV-N1 (National), CP24-TV (Toronto), CFRN-TV (Edmonton), CJOH-TV (Ottawa), CBKT-TV (Saskatchewan), CKCK-TV (Regina), CFRN-TV (Edmonton), 680 News (Halifax), MBS Radio (Halifax), News 95.7 (Halifax), CBHT-TV (Halifax), CBLT-TV (Toronto), CHRO-TV (Ottawa), CITY-VAN (Vancouver), CHAN-TV (Global BC), CITY-TV (Toronto), CKCO-TV (Kitchener-Waterloo), CBC-NW (National), 66CFR (Calgary), CBUT-TV (Vancouver), CTV-N1 (National), CBC-TV (National), CKMI-TV (Montreal), CTV-TV (National), (Global National), MBS (Missinipi),,,, CHMI-TV (Portage la Prairie) – June 14, 2006 – A study by the Canadian Stroke Network and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada suggests that better access to organized care for stroke patients could save thousands of lives and the health system billions of dollars. CSN Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim says proper treatments and prevention programs could prevent 160,000 strokes over the next 20 years, saving $8 billion in health costs.
  • Vancouver Sun – June 13, 2006; EurekAlert! – June 7, 2006 – Canadian Stroke Network investigator Brian MacVicar was part of a study, supported by the CSN and published in the journal Science, that discovered a new stroke “death channel” – the conduit through which chemicals leak out of the brain cells during a stroke, causing the cell death that disables stroke victims.
  • VOCM Radio (Newfoundland), CBC-TV – May 31, 2006; CBC-Radio – May 30, 2006; VOCM Radio (Newfoundland), St. John's Telegram – May 29, 2006; St. John's Telegram – May 27, 2006 – As part of the Canadian Stroke Network's annual meeting, held in St. John's, CSN investigator Dr. Dale Corbett presented the 2006 Ramon Hnatyshyn Lecture and spoke about the importance of quality rehabilitation as the key to recovery.
  • Winnipeg Free Press – April 22, 2006; CJOB Radio Winnipeg, Heart and Stroke Press Release – April 21, 2006 – Canadian Stroke Network Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim addressed medical practitioners from across the country regarding the Canadian Stroke Strategy at the 14th annual Rural and Remote Medicine Conference in Winnipeg. Dr. Hakim was also interviewed on the same subject.
  • Cranbrook Daily Townsman, Vancouver Sun – April 15, 2006; National Post, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Calgary Herald, Victoria Times Colonist, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Kimberley Daily Bulletin, Prince Rupert Daily News – April 13, 2006 – Canadian Stroke Network Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim is quoted in an article about high salt levels in food. The Canadian Stroke Network wants Health Canada to include a warning about salt in the new food guide. Sodium raises blood pressure and high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Press Release – April 6, 2006 – Canadian researcher Dr. Doug Gould has discovered a gene that leads to the weakening of blood vessels in the brain, increasing the risk of stroke. His research is funded through a unique Canadian partnership called Focus on Stroke, which brings together the Canadian Stroke Network, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)/Rx&D Collaborative Research Program, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and AstraZeneca Canada to provide an incentive for the country’s top young researchers to conduct research in the field of stroke. His findings are published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Lloydminster Meridian Booster – March 3, 2006 – The Canadian Stroke Network is mentioned in this article about a study, presented at the International Stroke Conference, that shows that using anti-clotting medication may reduce stroke risk in patients with irregular heart rhythm and, in the event of an ischemic stroke, reduce its severity.
  • Toronto Sun – February 18, 2006 – A study that used the Canadian Stroke Network's patient data registry shows that patients living in a low-income neighbourhood were less likely to receive the clot-busting drug tPA (which must be given within three hours of the onset of stroke symptoms), therefore putting them at higher risk of dying of a stroke than patients living in more affluent neighbourhoods.
  • Wellness Options, Issue 21 – An interview with Antoine Hakim, CEO and Scientific Director of the Canadian Stroke Network, and Frank Silver, Director of the University Health Network Stroke Program in Toronto, focuses on the Canadian Stroke Network's Registry and the importance of receiving the clot-busting drug tPA within three hours of the onset of stroke symptoms.
  • Charlottetown Guardian – January 31, 2006 – The Canadian Stroke Network is mentioned in this article about a team of researchers who recently completed CSN funded stroke research and are now conducting research on epilepsy.
  • Toronto Star – January 7, 2006; CTV Newsnet, Globe and Mail – January 6, 2006 – Canadian Stroke Network Scientific Director Dr. Antoine Hakim is quoted and interviewed on the medical treatment received by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon following a stroke.

14. Canadian Water Network (CWN)

  • New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal – June 15, 2006 – The Canadian Water Network 2006 Saint John River Watershed Workshop, taking place June 21 to 29, is a week-long road trip that focuses on integrated water resource management in the context of the Saint John River, while providing excellent networking opportunities for students and young professionals studying water issues in disciplines ranging from engineering to sociology.
  • Fredericton Daily Gleaner – March 1, 2006 – CWN researcher Allen Curry discusses the need to protect the St. John River since it is the principal watershed from Maine to the Saint John Harbour.
  • Fredericton Daily Gleaner – February 23, 2006 – An international crew of experts in watershed management attended the first ever Linking Watersheds Workshop, held at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton and jointly co-ordinated by the Canadian Water Network, the UNB-based Canadian Rivers Institute (CRI) and the United Nations University's International Network on Water, Environment and Health.
  • – February 20, 2006 – CWN project leader Steve Hrudey discusses water problems in First Nations communities.

15. Emerging Dynamic Global Economies Network (EDGE Network)

  • University of Ottawa Common Law Bulletin – 2006 Edition – An article featuring EDGE Network and Director Debra Steger.
  • Embassy Magazine – October 4, 2006 – Debra Steger provides insight into Canadian branding and diplomacy.
  • CKMS Radio (Waterloo) – August 22, 2006 – EDGE Network Director Debra Steger delivered a presentation entitled “Whither the WTO After the Doha Debacle,” at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).
  • Diplomat & International Canada – July-August 2006 – An article appears by Emerging Dynamic Global Economies Network Director Dr. Debra Steger.
  • Embassy Magazine – August 2, 2006 – EDGE Network Manager Peter Szyszlo is quoted in an article about Canada's trade relations with Belarus.
  • New York Times – July 5, 2006 – An article about the two companies vying for control of the Canadian nickel mining company Falconbridge, mentions Debra Steger, Network Director of the Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE) Network.
  • Embassy Magazine – July 5, 2006 – Debra Steger, Network Director of the Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE) Network suggests Canada establish a strategy and seek out trade agreements with countries that are emerging into strong economies and will provide benefits for Canada.
  • Diplomat & International Canada – May-June 2006 – Gurprit Kindra interviews Debra Steger, Network Director of the Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE) Network.
  • ROB-TV – April 18, 2006 – An interview with Debra Steger, Network Director of the EDGE Network, about Vietnam and its bid to enter the World Trade Organization.
  • Re$earch Money, Volume 20, Number 6 – April 14, 2006 – An article by Emerging Dynamic Global Economies Network Director Dr. Debra Steger.

16. Geomatics for Informed Decisions Network (GEOIDE)

  • Vancouver 24 – November 15, 2006 – GEOIDE researcher Dr. Stephen Sheppard is leading the Local Climate Change Visioning Project, which uses a series of digital maps and photographs to accurately predict what climate change will do to communities.
  • – October 16, 2006 – GEOIDE researcher Bernard Long is mentioned in an article about soil erosion.
  • September 2006 – A paper entitled "Wide Area Neutral Atmosphere Models for GNSS Applications," co-authored by GEOIDE researchers Professors Marcelo Santos and Richard Langley was selected as one of the best papers at the 2006 ION GNSS conference, held in Fort Worth, Texas.
  • October 26, 2006 – University of Calgary professor and GEOIDE researcher Dr. Yang Gao was selected as the winner of the 2006 INTERMAP Award, presented at the Canadian Institute of Geomatics, Montreal Branch Conference, for his paper "Airborne Kinematic Positioning Using Precise Point Positioning Methodology," published in Geomatica.
  • October 26, 2006 – GEOIDE researcher Yvan Bédard is this year’s recipient of the GAÏA Award, which is given out every two years by the Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) to recognize an outstanding contribution to geomatics in Québec.
  • News Release – October 3, 2006 – GEOIDE Project Leader Dr. Gérard Lachapelle and GEOIDE researchers Cécile Mongrédien and Dr. Elizabeth Cannon won a Best Presentation Award at the ION GNSS 2006 conference, held in Fort Worth, Texas, for their publication "Testing GPS L5 Acquisition and Tracking Algorithms Using a Hardware Simulator.”
  • News Release – October 13, 2006 – GEOIDE project leader and CRC/iCORE Chair in Wireless Location Dr. Gérard Lachapelle was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, in recognition of his fundamental work related to satellite-based navigation. The award was presented by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, Patron of the Institute.
  • Saumons illimités, Volume 29, Number 3 – June 2006 – An article by GEOIDE network researcher Julian Dodson about his project on the migration of young salmon to the sea. The project involves using geomatic tools to follow the young salmon.
  • GeoTango International Corp, a leading Canadian developer of 3D geospatial technologies and a spin-off company of the Geomatics for Informed Decisions Network, became a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation on December 23, 2005.
  • Le Soleil January 14, 2006; Radio Canada Atlantique, RDI January 5, 2006; NTV Evening News, CBC Radio (Maritime), Radio Canada (Québec, National and Atlantique), The Chronicle-Herald, News, Globe and Mail (on-line Edition) – January 4, 2006; St. John's Telegram – January 3, 2006; CBC Radio (Newfoundland-Fisheries Broadcast) – December 14, 2005 – GEOIDE researcher Rodolphe Devillers' project “GeoCod – Geomatics for the Sustainable Management of Fish Stocks,” which aims to use cutting-edge technology to provide those involved in the fishery with a comprehensive and accurate analysis of changing marine ecosystems, was featured in this article.

17. Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS Canada)

  • Discovery Channel-Daily Planet – October 13, 2006 – In a program that focuses on preventative measures for natural disasters, ISIS Canada Project Leader Professor Shamim Sheik and two students – Ciyan Cui, an engineering Ph.D. student and Sylvio Tam, an engineering Master's student – show us how concrete wrapped in glass or carbon fibres can withstand severe blasts like terrorist attacks or earth quakes, compared to the same impact on regular concrete.
  • Globe and Mail – October 9, 2006 – ISIS Canada is mentioned in an article that discusses the use of high-tech warning systems installed on bridges to monitor and analyze the strain faced by these structures.
  • Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo Record, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, Whitehorse Star – October 4, 2006; Canadian Press – October 3, 2006 – ISIS Canada is mentioned in articles covering the collapse of the overpass in Laval, Quebec.
  • Winnipeg Free Press – October 3, 2006 – Manitoba is using ISIS Canada’s fibre reinforced polymer technology on six different bridges across the province.
  • CSA Newsletter – August 2006 – The 2006 edition of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code is the first bridge design code in the world to allow for the rehabilitation of bridges using fibre reinforced polymers (FRP). Credit for the new FRP goes to ISIS Canada.
  • Business Edge – June 8, 2006 – The Nova Scotia Steel Truss Bridge Replacement Program is using a new technology to replace some 66 single-lane bridges in the province. The new concrete bridge system is the first of its kind in the world not to use steel in its construction and was invented 10 years ago by a team led by ISIS Canada Scientific Director Aftab Mufti, then a DalTech professor.
  • Chronicle-Herald – June 2, 2006 – ISIS Canada Scientific Director Aftab Mufti is featured in this article about a new technology called structural health monitoring (SHM) which uses sensors to keep tabs on the integrity of buildings or other large structures.
  • Heavy News (Manitoba Heavy Construction Magazine) – January 2006 – An article about ISIS Canada focusing on the acceptance of fibre-reinforced polymers and structural health monitoring across Canada and beyond.
  • Environmental Health Perspectives – January 2006 – In an article regarding levees, Dr. Aftab Mufti, ISIS Canada Scientific Director, is quoted and interviewed on the importance of developing “civionics,” similar to the way aerospace engineering has developed avionics, to be able to monitor the health of civil engineering structures.

18. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS)

  • Vancouver Board of Trade website – October 26, 2006 – At a Vancouver Board of Trade luncheon, MITACS Scientific Director Dr. Arvind Gupta spoke about the importance of training and retaining graduate students to increase competitiveness.
  • 100 Mile House Free Press – September 27, 2006; CBC Radio – September 25, 2006; Vancouver Sun, Victoria Times Colonist – September 21, 2006; C-FAX 1070AM (Victoria) – September 20, 2006; Vancouver Province – September 19, 2006 – Math graduate students will receive $100,000 from the B.C. Government through the MITACS Intern Program, in an effort to place student interns in B.C. businesses.
  • Ottawa Citizen – July 26, 2006 – An article about how the MITACS internship program provides graduate students with an opportunity to address high-level research issues at a company using advanced mathematics.
  • Canadian Press – June 18, 2006 – At the CAIMS-MITACS Joint Annual Conference, Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield spoke to students about the role math plays in space exploration. MITACS Scientific Director Dr. Arvind Gupta says having someone like Mr. Hadfield discuss the importance of mathematics in his career heightens the awareness of how math is a necessity in everyday life.
  • National Post – June 17, 2006 – At the CAIMS-MITACS Joint Annual Conference, a MITACS team announced recent findings from their research into infectious diseases – including West Nile virus, avian flu, pandemic influenza and SARS – and illustrated how mathematical modelling is providing a scientific framework to support the control and management of such diseases if and when they occur.
  • Saskatoon Star-Phoenix – June 10, 2006; Victoria Times Colonist – May 31, 2006; Vancouver Province – May 28, 2006; Prince George Citizen – May 26, 2006; Calgary Herald – May 23, 2006 – Alberta Ingenuity's increased funding for the MITACS Internship Program is enabling more of the province's mathematical sciences graduate students to undertake research within industry.
  • Edmonton Journal – April 18, 2006 – The MITACS Internship Program will receive funding from Alberta Ingenuity to place 30 of Alberta’s top math graduate students within Alberta businesses in the coming year.
  • New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal – April 11, 2006 – MITACS is mentioned in an article about the University of New Brunswick’s Third Annual Research Expo.
  • BC Business Magazine, March 2006 edition – MITACS Scientific Director Arvind Gupta and Network Manager Jim Brookes are mentioned in this article that features the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems Network.

19. National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) – Vancouver Sun, Kingston Whig-Standard, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, National Post – March 28, 2006 – NICE Network Director Lynn McDonald is mentioned in an article about a new Statistics Canada report entitled “New Frontiers of Research on Retirement” which describes, among other themes, gender differences in retirement patterns. The report indicates that the behaviour of baby boomer women – the first female cohort to have participated in the labour force for most of their adult lives – will greatly influence what retirement in Canada looks like in the future because women are much more likely than men to see retirement as involving more than just getting a pension or stopping paid work.

20. PrioNet Canada

  • Globe and Mail – December 6, 2006 – PrioNet Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman is quoted in an article about the discovery of a potential case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a London, Ontario hospital.
  • Globe and Mail – October 2, 2006 – A feature on commercializing research mentions PrioNet Canada Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman.
  • Globe and Mail – September 29, 2006 – PrioNet Canada Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman is quoted in an article on mad cow disease in Canada.
  • Vancouver Sun, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Ottawa Citizen, National Post – June 8, 2006 – PrioNet Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman says Canada should ban, as soon as possible, the use of cattle brains and other “high risk” material in animal feed, pet food, and fertilizers to prevent the spread of mad-cow disease.
  • National Post, La Presse – March 7, 2006; Regina Leader-Post, St. John's Telegram, Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal, Winnipeg Free-Press, Vancouver Sun, Kingston Whig-Standard, Windsor Star, Victoria Times Colonist, Ottawa Citizen – March 6, 2006 – PrioNet Canada Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman has developed the world's first blood test to detect brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and it should be available within two to five years. The news could mean the end of complex and invasive tests that can include spinal taps. Until now, diagnoses could only be made once patients died from the disease and their brains could be biopsied.
  • Calgary Herald – February 3, 2006 – PrioNet Canada’s Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman is quoted in this article about the launch of the Alberta Prion Research Institute.
  • Kingston Whig-Standard – January 28, 2006; Ottawa Citizen, Victoria Times Colonist, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal, Winnipeg Free Press, Fredericton Daily Gleaner – January 27, 2006 – PrioNet Canada Scientific Director Dr. Neil Cashman says Saskatchewan and Alberta hunters would be wise to send brain tissues from deer for testing before consuming the meat since the discovery, this month, of infectious prions in the meat of deer in Saskatchewan.

21. Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet)

  • Edmonton Journal – June 3, 2006 – Findings from a survey, conducted by PREVNet researcher Zopito Marini, suggests a link between the likelihood of being a victim of bullying and sexual history and attractiveness.
  • CBC-TV-The National – May 26, 2006 – PREVNet Network Director Dr. Wendy Craig discusses the Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network initiative.
  • Ottawa Citizen – May 27, 2006 – Debra Pepler, PREVNet Network Director, is quoted in an article about bullying and the creation of PREVNet to help find ways of preventing bullying.

22. Protein Engineering Network (PENCE Inc.) – Australian Biochemist – Volume 36, Number 3, December 3, 2005 – PENCE and its Scientific Director Steve Withers are mentioned in this article about biochemist Dedreia Tull’s journey into the world of science.

23. Stem Cell Network (SCN)

  • National Post, Vancouver Province, Edmonton Journal, Ottawa Citizen – January 3, 2007; Edmonton Journal, Winnipeg Free Press – December 24, 2006; Canadian Press Wire, Globe and Mail – December 23, 1006; Ottawa Citizen – December 22, 2006 – SCN Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki and SCN Investigator Timothy Caulfield are quoted in articles about the newly named 10-member board overseeing Assisted Human Reproduction Canada and the debate over using fresh versus frozen human embryos for stem cell research.
  • Toronto Star – December 13, 2006 – Stem Cell Network Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki congratulated SCN Investigators Drs. James Till and Ernest McCulloch for being named to the Order of Ontario in recognition of their groundbreaking stem-cell research.
  • Globe and Mail – December 12, 2006 – An article on SCN investigator Dr. Duncan Stewart's work in pulmonary hypertension.
  • – November 20, 2006 – SCN Investigator Dr. John Dick's work in hematopoietic stem cells is featured. The Stem Cell Network is mentioned.
  • – November 17, 2006 – The new Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research will not be using embryonic stem cells in research for the moment. SCN Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki, who is also the Sprott Centre's director, says the Centre's focus will be on curing diseases.
  • Canada-AM – November 21, 2006; Toronto Star, Globe and Mail – November 20, 2006 – SCN Scientific Director Dr. Rudnicki is interviewed and SCN researchers Drs. Peter Dirks and John Dick are quoted about the discovery of strong evidence that shows that only a small proportion of cells drive the formation of tumors associated with colon cancer.
  • Le Droit, Ottawa Citizen – November 16, 2006; Ottawa Citizen – November 15, 2006 – SCN Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki and former Scientific Director Dr. Ron Worton are quoted in an article on the opening of the new Sprott Stem Cell Research Centre in Ottawa.
  • Globe and Mail – August 24, 2006 – SCN researcher Dr. Mick Bhatia is quoted in an article about a new method of extracting stem cells from an embryo without destroying it.
  • Re$earch Money, Volume 20, Number 12 – July 28, 2006 – Aggregate Therapeutics Inc., a company created by the Stem Cell Network, is seeking private-sector funding to implement its strategy of bridging the gap between early-stage start-up and venture capital financing by pooling and adding value to stem cell intellectual property.
  • Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald – August 8, 2006 – SCN researcher Dr. Derrick Rancourt has received conditional approval from federal authorities to begin stem cell experiments on frozen embryos as part of a Canada-wide project that hopes to improve the technology for experimentation on human embryonic stem cells. SCN Deputy Scientific Director Dr. Janet Rossant is quoted in the article.
  • Ottawa Citizen – July 25, 2006 – SCN Scientific Director, Dr. Michael Rudnicki, and former Scientific Director, Dr. Ron Worton are quoted in an article on the opening of the new Sprott Stem Cell Research Centre in Ottawa.
  • CKNW (Vancouver) – July 21, 2006 – SCN Deputy Scientific Director Dr. Janet Rossant, and SCN Research Theme I Leader Dr. Tim Caulfield were interviewed on the impact that the Bush veto of the Federal Funding for embryonic stem cell research bill would have on Canadian research.
  • Edmonton Journal – July 21, 2006; Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo Record, Hamilton Spectator, Toronto Star – July 20, 2006 – SCN Scientific Director, Dr. Michael Rudnicki, and SCN researcher Dr. Mick Bhatia were quoted on the impact that the Bush veto of the Federal Funding for embryonic stem cell research bill would have on Canadian research.
  • National Post, Ottawa Citizen – June 30, 2006 – SCN Network Manager Drew Lyall is quoted in an article about the Catholic Church’s position on embryonic stem cell research.
  • National Post, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen – June 28, 2006; National Post, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen – June 27, 2006 – The governing council of CIHR has given conditional approval to a proposed three-year project led by Stem Cell Network investigators Drs. Andras Nagy, Jamie Piret and Mick Bhatia that would use surplus embryos donated by people who have undergone fertility treatments. SCN Network Manager Drew Lyall is quoted in the article.
  • Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Vancouver Sun, Regina Leader-Post, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Calgary Sun – May 17, 2006 – Stem Cell Network researcher Dr. Leo Behie is mentioned in an article about the development of a process to grow a potentially unlimited supply of breast cancer stem cells in the lab.
  • National Post, Ottawa Citizen, Edmonton Journal, Kingston Whig-Standard, Windsor Star, Vancouver Sun, Regina Leader-Post, CanWest News Service – May 4, 2006 – Geron Corporation was awarded the U.S. patent that covers production of insulin-secreting cells derived from human embryonic stem cells. The company credits Stem Cell Network investigator Greg Korbutt with helping to prove that the cells generate insulin and can extend the life of diabetic animals. The article quotes SCN Network Manager Drew Lyall and SCN Ethicist, Tim Caulfield.
  • Ottawa Business Journal – May 1, 2006 – An article on commercialization mentions the Stem Cell Network and Aggregate Therapeutics, a company created by the SCN.
  • Nanaimo Daily News, Windsor Star, Kingston Whig-Standard, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Winnipeg Free Press, National Post, Ottawa Citizen, CanWest News Service – April 24, 2006 – Further review is needed by a federal committee, run by CIHR, of a proposed three-year project led by Stem Cell Network investigators Drs. Andras Nagy, Jamie Piret and Mick Bhatia that would use surplus embryos donated by people who have undergone fertility treatments. SCN Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki is quoted in the article.
  • CBK-AM – March 18, 2006 – An interview with Stem Cell Network investigator Freda Miller discusses discoveries in stem cell technology that can reduce the necessity to harvest embryonic stem cells.
  • Hamilton Spectator, Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press, New Brunswick Telegraph Journal – March 17, 2006 – Stem Cell Network investigator Dr. Leo Behie and his team have developed a way of growing pancreatic cells in the laboratory. Their work could mean that freedom from insulin injections and the myriad of problems related to Type 1 diabetes is closer to becoming reality.
  • Ottawa Citizen – March 12, 2006 – Several Stem Cell Network investigators are featured in this article about research being conducted in the hopes of some day using stem cells to treat retinal diseases.
  • Ottawa Citizen – February 25, 2006 – Biotechnology startup company StemPath Inc., founded by Lynn Megeney and Stem Cell Network Scientific Director Michael Rudnicki, has landed $1 million in venture capital financing from Genesys Capital Partners.
  • Genetic Engineering News, Volume 26, Number 4 – February 15, 2006 – The Stem Cell Network is mentioned in an article that discusses advancements in biotechnology and features SCN investigator James Piret of UBC.
  • Reader’s Digest – January 2006 – Stem Cell Network investigator Freda Miller is featured in the article entitled “Medical Breakthroughs 2005” for her work on skin stem cells and their potential in treating spinal cord injury.
  • Moncton Times & Transcript – January 11, 2006;Vancouver Sun, Red Deer Advocate, Taipei Times – January 6, 2006; Vancouver Province, Victoria Times-Colonist, London Free Press, Regina Leader-Post, Montreal Gazette, Fredericton Daily Gleaner,, CTV News, Fort Francis Times – January 5, 2006; CPW – January 4, 2006 – Stem Cell investigator Dr. Connie Eaves and her team have isolated stem cells from the breast tissue of mice that can regenerate an entire milk-producing mammary gland. The findings, published in this week’s issue of the journal Nature, could change the way breast cancer is treated. SCN Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki is quoted in the article.
  • Globe and Mail, The Brandon News, CBC World News, The Hamilton Spectator, St.John’s Telegram, Moncton Times & Transcript, Chronicle Herald, Victoria Times Colonist, Kingston Whig-Standard – January 11, 2006; Le Devoir – December 19, 2005; Globe and Mail – November 25, 2005 – Stem Cell Network Scientific Director Dr. Michael Rudnicki and SCN researcher Dr. Mick Bathia are quoted in these articles about the cloning controversy involving Dr. Hwang Woo-Suk in South Korea.

24. Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFM)

  • Victoria Times Colonist, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal – August 10, 2006 – SFM Network research leader Vic Adamowicz co-authored a study that shows smoke from forest fires poses a significant health risk.
  • ROB-TV, CHEZ-TV (Peterborough), CITY-TV (Edmonton), Edmonton Journal – June 20, 2006; CFRK-FM (Fredericton), CHNI-FM (Saint John), CBQ-FM/CBC Radio (Thunder Bay), Globe and Mail, National Post, Fredericton Daily Gleaner, Edmonton Journal, Nanaimo Daily News, Peterborough Examiner – June 19, 2006 – Media coverage of the Sustainable Forest Management Network’s 2006 Conference, including interviews with SFM Scientific Director Dr. Jim Fyles and the announcements of funding awards to eight SFM researchers: Drs. Paul Arp, Jim Buttle, Han Chen, Fangliang He, Jeremy Rayner, Shashi Kant, Thomas Maness and John Innes.
  • Whitehorse Star, Edmonton Journal – June 22, 2006; Canadian Press – June 21, 2006 – Speaking at the SFM Network’s fourth international conference in Edmonton, Gordon Stenhouse says forestry and industrial development of oil and gas in Alberta's wilderness have fragmented the landscape and driven out grizzly bears. He says interest groups must work together and not count on government action to combat declining grizzly habitat.

25. Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE)

  • The Ring (UofVictoria) Volume 33, Number 1 - January 2007; Edmonton Journal December 26, 2006; Le Monde Forestier December 18, 2006; CH-TV December 8, 2006; Vancouver Sun – December 7, 2006; A-Channel (Ottawa), Global News (Regina), CBC News, CFPL-AM (London), CIVI-TV (Victoria), Victoria Times Colonist, Nanaimo Daily News, Vancouver Sun, London Free Press, Vancouver Province, Montreal Gazette, CBC News – December 5, 2006 – Media coverage of the announcement of the winners of the 2006 NCE Chairs' Award and the Young Innovator Awards. Also see the press releases on our Web site at
  • Re$earch Money, Volume 20, Number 14 – September 19, 2006 – The Networks of Centres of Excellence program is mentioned in an article that discusses the first report by the Council of Canadian Academics entitled “The State of Science and Technology in Canada”.
  • L'Actualité – September 1, 2006 – An article on the history of the NCE program was published following an interview with Dr. Suzanne Fortier, Chair of the NCE Steering Committee, and Jean-Claude Gavrel, NCE Director.
  • Canadian Press – June 21, 2006 – One of the 40 recommendations in the Senate report on the media is the establishment of a network of centres of excellence for research on journalism and the state of the Canadian news media.
  • University Affairs – June-July 2006 – The Networks of Centres of Excellence Program and its Director, Jean-Claude Gavrel, are mentioned in an article featuring the five NCE New Initiatives - the Canadian Design Research Network (CDRN), the Canadian Obesity Network (CON), Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE Network), the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE), and Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet). PREVNet co-directors Drs. Wendy Craig and Debra Pepler are quoted in the article.
  • Re$earch Money, Volume 20, Number 6 – April 14, 2006 – Interview with Networks of Centres of Excellence Program Director Jean-Claude Gavrel explains the NCE New Initiatives program.
  • March 27, 2006 Please see the press release “$25.9 million federal investment will support seven Canada-wide research networks” on our Web site, about the renewal of two NCEs – Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS Canada) and the creation of five new NCE initiatives – the Canadian Design Research Network (CDRN), the Canadian Obesity Network (CON), Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE Network), the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE), and Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet).
    Media coverage:
    – Canadian Obesity Network (CON): Hamilton Spectator – March 30, 2006; Winnipeg Free Press, Infos regionales (CBOF-FM Ottawa), CH Morning Live (CHCH-TV Hamilton) – March 29, 2006; Qr77 News (CHQR-AM Calgary), Regional Report (CFRA-AM Ottawa), Les Nouvelles (CIMF-FM Hull), CH News (CHCH-TV Hamilton) – March 28, 2006.
    – Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE Network): Ottawa Citizen Business (ROG-22 Ottawa) – March 29, 2006; National Post, Ottawa Citizen – March 28, 2006.
    – Intelligent Sensing for Innovative Structures (ISIS Canada): CBC Radio One, CJOB (Winnipeg) – March 28, 2006.
    – Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet): Trail’s End (CFYK-AM Yellowknife), Mainstreet HR.1 (CBI-AM Sydney), Here and Now HR.1 (CBL-FM Toronton), On the Coast (CBU-AM Vancouver) – April 3, 2006; Kingston Whig-Standard – April 1, 2006; Ontario Today HR2 (CBC-R National), Ontario Morning HR2 (CBCK-FM Kingston) – March 29, 2006; A Channel News at 6 (CKVR-TV Barrie), Evening Newsflow (CP24-TV Toronto), Newswatch (CKWS-TV Kingston) – March 28, 2006.
    – Sustainable Forest Management (SFM): Montreal Gazette – March 28, 2006.

NCEs in the News – Archives:


Last Updated: 2007-02-08 [ Important Notices ]