Welcome to ADAA

Founded in 1979, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and co-occurring disorders through education, practice, and research. With more than 1,800 professional mental health members (many of whom contribute blog posts, host webinars, review website content and more) ADAA is a leader in education, training, and research. More than 11 million people from around the world visit the ADAA website annually (and click on more than 38,000,000 pages)  to find current treatment and evidence-based research information and to access free resources and support. Together we are changing lives.  Welcome!


ADAA News, Members in the Media and More...

ADAA member Joel Minden, PhD authors this PsychologyToday.com blog post about identifying anxiety when there's no clear cause..."But often, the cause of anxiety isn’t clear. The anxious feeling might stand out, but it’s hard to figure out where it came from, why it persists, or how to address it. When we’re unable to identify a specific problem to tackle, we might identify anxiety itself as the issue and turn to emotion-focused coping strategies like controlled breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, walking, or intense cardio to try to reduce, or even eliminate, the uncomfortable feeling. 
ADAA member Dr. Eric Goodman shares tips and strategies to manage COVID-19 anxiety in this 2nd blog post in his series for ADAA. "...Telling oneself not to be anxious during the COVID-19 pandemic is like trying to tell water not to be wet. These are anxious times. The question is not how can I be anxiety free right now, but how can I best manage the anxiety that shows up?.."
ADAA member Dr. Eric Goodman shares tips and strategies to manage COVID-19 anxiety in this blog post. "...The fact that we are feeling more anxious these days didn’t start with COVID-19. Our anxiety levels were rising well before this virus made itself known. The pandemic, however, has brought to the surface heightened anxiety that for many has been simmering underneath for quite some time..."
Read the April ssue of Triumph e-newsletter here.