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International resource  "Therapeutic footprint" of medical, complementary and alternative therapies and a doctor's duty of care  PDF
Discusses the "therapeutic footprint" model as a way of examining medical therapies and complementary and alternative therapies relative to one another. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: eMJA: The Medical Journal of Australia
From: International resource
A census of economic evaluations of primary prevention interventions in population health  PDF
Describes research to gather and assess available evidence on the economic efficiency of population health interventions, specifically primary preventive or health promoting interventions. Provides a foundation for future work to determine where research efforts might best be directed. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: University of Calgary, Centre for Health and Policy Studies (CHAPS)
A new tool for costing health care in Manitoba 
Describes a report listing the estimated costs of all publicly funded health care services in Manitoba.
Source: University of Manitoba, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP)
From: Report summaries directory: 1997 to 2000
A parent's guide to kids and complementary health—Part 2 
Introduces the complementary and alternative research and education (CARE) program in pediatric integrative medicine. Describes the program's goals and the methods used. Briefly discusses plans for clinical trials, current and projected research, and scheduled public information forums.
Source: Canadian Health Network (CHN)
From: Partner feature of the month: archives
A strategy for increasing physical activity in sedentary populations 
Describes a study of a group of women who were asked to form specific walking plans and to monitor their own progress, in contrast with a control group who were asked to keep track of their steps using a pedometer but did not have specific plans formulated. Reports greater success for those who had formulated walking plans in advance.
Source: Alberta Centre for Active Living
From: Research update
A systematic review of the academic literature related to the use and development of cultural competence in health promotion and community service professionals  PDF
Presents research completed by the University of Alberta Faculty of Extension to increase the knowledge and skills of staff to work with underserved populations. Includes a literature review and provides evidence-based recommendations for cultural competency training. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: Alberta Cancer Board
International resource  AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety  
Features information and educational materials produced by this non-profit, American organization devoted to conducting research into the causes of traffic crashes with the intent to prevent them and minimize injuries when they do occur. Provides focused, educational materials for drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists and other road users.
Source: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
From: International resource
Abdominal obesity as a factor increasing cardiometabolic risk 
Highlights abdominal obesity as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
About PRIME 
Describes a program that is dedicated to the early identification and treatment of people ages 14 to 30 who are at risk of developing psychosis. Conducts research studies and provides assessment, treatment, monitoring, and support for young people. Offers education for clients and their family members.
Source: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
ABI transitions study report  PDF
Presents the results of a study examining head injuries among children and teenagers. Link requires PDF reader.
Source: CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research
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